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Current Issue - Spring 2024

Click here for a printable PDF of the entire quarterly issue.

Plan for Success by Brian Faller

President's Message
Practice Doesn't Have to Make Perfect by Nathaly Pascal

Reasonable Notice Period by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Work Smarter, Not Harder by Carla Hurley
Mergers and Acquisitions by Kyle Allen
Focus on Mental Health by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
A New Tort of Harassment in Alberta by Lorelle Binnion

Ask the Expert
Handling Self-Awareness Issues in the Workplace by Gail Boone
Performance Appraisals by Howard Levitt

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Winter 2024 Issue

Perspective - Virtual Mentoring by Brian Faller
Message - Platitudes- Spare Me by Nathaly Pascal
Features - The Season(al) Employee Predicament by Kyle Allen & Megan Van Huizen
Features - The Cost of COVID Propaganda by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Discipline and Safety are a Dangerous Mix by Tommy Leung
Features - Deliberate & Intentional Misconduct by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Dealing with Addiction in the Workplace by Charmaine Hammond
Features - Hiring a Remote Worker Living Outside Ontario by Jennifer Philpott & Patrick Watson
Ask the Expert - Problem-Solving Skills in the Workplace by Monika Jensen
Ask the Expert - Worst Mistakes Made in Non-Competition Clauses by Howard Levitt

Fall 2023 Issue

Perspective - Let's Make a Deal! by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - R.E.S.P.E.C.T. by Brian Pascal
Features - Defamation & Workplace Harassment by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Creating a Speak-Up Culture by Shannon Walker
Features - Enhanced Protections for Remote Workers and Increased Fines under Bill 79 by Jennifer Philpott & Patrick Watson
Features - Managing the Evolving Employment Relationship by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - "Reasonable Alternative Work" and Termination Notice by Tommy Leung & Emma Morgan
Features - Quiet Quitting by Colin Fetter & Bonnie Hu
Features - Time to Revisit Your Team Vision? by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - Worst Mistakes Made with Probation by Howard Levitt

Summer 2023 Issue

Perspective - AI: Can You Trust a Machine with Your Human Resources? by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Is it Time to Go Yet? by Brian Pascal
Features - Discretionary Bonuses by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - What's Up? Insolvencies by Philip Gennis
Features - New Tort of Harassment by Tom Ross
Features - Facilitation Tips for Managers by Gail Boone
Features - 2023: Time to Update Labour Law? by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Becoming Flu-ent in Human Rights by Tommy Leung & Patricia McGauley
Features - What You Need to Become an Influencer by Monika Jensen
Features - Building Trust in Stressful Times by Michelle Phaneuf
Ask the Expert - Worst Mistakes Made with a Letter of Offer by Howard Levitt
Ask the Expert - Innovative Recruiting: Finding What Works by Members Quarterly Staff Writer

Spring 2023 Issue

Perspective - Ergonomics for Everyone by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Learning from Young People by Brian Pascal
Features - Golden Vacation or Faded Opportunity? by Tommy Leung & Emma Morgan
Features - Invest in Retention, not Resignation by Colin Fetter & Bonnie Hu
Features - Conflict of Interest & Confidentiality Clauses can Threaten Termination Provisions by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Seasons Change but Workplace Harassment Remains by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Plan to Succeed by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Resilience is a Leadership Superpower by Michelle Lane
Features - The Connection Between Feedback, Trust and Conflict by Michelle Phaneuf
Ask the Expert - You are the New Boss of your Former Teammates: Now What? by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - 10 Biggest Mistakes in Employment Contracts by Howard Levitt

Winter 2023 Issue

Perspective - Is It Time for a Change at Work? by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Personal Goals at Work or Home by Brian Pascal
Features - Ontario Court of Appeal: Rahman Overturned by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Assessing Religious Beliefs: Employers Beware by Tom Ross
Features - Just Cause vs Wilful Misconduct: Overcoming the Statutory Entitlement Hurdle by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Union Organizing on the Post-COVID Rise by Ruben Goulart & Jennifer Philpott
Features - Decoding Termination Provisions by Tommy Leung & Emma Morgan
Features - How to Manage Disrespectful Employees by Monika Jensen
Features - Generation Z: The Workers Who Want It All by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - The Toxic Boss Has Left the Organization: The Aftermath by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - Most Avoidable Mistakes Employers Make by Howard Levitt

Fall 2022 Issue

Perspective - Staying Connected in Strange Times by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - The Need to Take a Break by Brian Pascal
Features - Inspect the Closet for Skeletons Before Termination by Tommy Leung & Emma Morgan
Features - The Transition from Remote to the In Person Workplace by Colin Fetter & Kyle Allen
Features - Legislation Updates in Ontario by Ruben Goulart & Rachel Goldenberg
Features - The Modern Performance Management System by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Ontario Employers Face More Changes with Bill 88 by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - The Six Types of Working Relationships by Michelle Phaneuf
Features - Legal Updates from Atlantic Canada by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - When Workplace Collaboration Goes Sideways by Charmaine Hammond
Ask the Expert - What's Missing in High Performance? by Tim Kessler

Summer 2022 Issue

Perspective - Looking Out for Number One Boosts Productivity and Performance by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Remote Work: How's It Working for You? by Brian Pascal
Features - Are You Remotely Qualified? by Colin Fetter & Megan Van Huizen
Features - The Working for Workers Act 2021 by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Ready, Set, Release: Interpretation of Releases by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Navigating Social Media Platforms by Brian Sartorelli & Sarah Bunder
Features - Clarity on the Test for Discrimination in Relation to Family Status by Tom Ross & Jessica Kruhlak
Features - To lead others well, do it with heart by Michelle Lane
Features - Beware of Allegations Made Without Substance by Howard Levitt
Features - Employees with History: Consider Past Service Upon Termination by Tommy Leung & Patricia McGauley
Ask the Expert - Overcoming Resistance and Thriving in a Workplace with AI by Janneke Ritchie

Spring 2022 Issue

Perspective - The Workplace of Tomorrow by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Weed at Work by Brian Pascal
Features - Keep it Clear to Keep it Confidential by Tommy Leung & Patricia McGauley
Features - Workplace Investigations: The Final Report by David Ray
Features - Counsel or No Counsel? Right to Counsel and OHS Investigations by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Vaccinating Workplaces by Ruben Goulart
Features - Ontario Superior Court of Justice: Right to Terminate Without Notice by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Motivational Leaders: Mastering the "C Sweet" by Gail Boone
Features - Staying Tough in Tough Times by Murray Janewski
Features - Welcome to the New Neighbourhood by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Mandatory Vaccinations: Employers' Pressing Questions by Tom Ross

Winter 2022 Issue

Perspective - It's Never Too Late to Go Back to School by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - The Power of Being Positive by Brian Pascal
Features - Infectious Disease Emergency Leave (IDEL) and Constructive Dismissal by Ruben Goulart
Features - Ontario Court of Appeal Clarifies Common Employer Doctrine by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - COVID-19 Impacts Respectful Workplace Dynamics by Michelle Phaneuf
Features - Release of Liability: Go Beyond the Regular Entitlements by Colin Fetter & Kyle Allen
Features - Brains are Not Wired to Multi-task: Don't Compromise Performance by Michelle Lane
Features - COVID-19 Rapid Testing Upheld by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Make Room for Focussed Leadership by Paula Morand
Ask the Expert - How do we get people to be accountable? by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - The Great Resignation Era Begins by Howard Levitt

Fall 2021 Issue

Perspective - Honing Your Interview Skills by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Motivating a Split Workforce by Brian Pascal
Features - COVID-19: 18 Months On by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Employers' Mandatory COVID Testing and Vaccinations by Tom Ross & Vicki Giles
Features - Reference Checks: The Smarter Approach Part 2 by Sandra Barker & Marty Britton
Features - Foreign Workers Hired in Canada on the Increase by Gabriel Dumitrascu
Features - Double Dipping During COVID-19? by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Working Remotely by Colin Fetter & Andrew McDaniel
Features - Building Rapport in the Workplace by Monika Jensen
Ask the Expert - Human Rights Accommodations During Recruitment by Howard Levitt

Summer 2021 Issue

Perspective - What's Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Score? by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - It's Okay to Ask for Help by Brian Pascal
Features - Accepting the New Reality with Termination Clauses by Ruben Goulart
Features - Recruiting 101: The Job Interview by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - I Spy: Dismissal for Surreptitious Video Recording Upheld by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Reference Checks: A Smarter Approach by Sandra Barker & Marty Britton
Features - The Employer's Obligation to Retain Records by Tommy Leung & Patricia McGauley
Features - Curiosity: A Vital Component in Your Leadership Toolkit by Michelle Lane
Features - Winning and Losing with Restrictive Covenants by Colin Fetter & Kyle Allen
Ask the Expert - Managing the Successful Return to Office by Michelle Phaneuf

Spring 2021 Issue

Perspective - Video Conferencing: It's Here to Stay by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Shut Up Alexa: Artificial Intelligence I don't need by Brian Pascal
Features - Does Everything the Candidate Says Check Out? by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Workplace Response to Substance Abuse by Colin Fetter
Features - Focus on Mental Health: Psychologically Safe Workplaces by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Restrictive Covenants in the Commercial Context by Tom Ross & Dan Weber
Features - Personal Preference or Legitimate Need? Childcare and Family Status Accommodation by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Quitting Ain't Easy: The Fine Line Between Resignation and Termination by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Communicate & Listen Nonjudgmentally by Monika Jensen
Ask the Expert - Leading Through Crisis by Carmen Theobald

Winter 2021 Issue

Perspective - Personal Training Plans: Plot Your Own Future by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Procrastination: There's Always a Price to Pay by Brian Pascal
Features - COVID Lessons for Employers by Ruben Goulart
Features - Alberta Introduces New Labour and Employment Legislation by Tom Ross
Features - Reducing Wage Rate: Don't Recycle the Notice by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Ontario Court of Appeal Finds Illegal Termination Clause Not Saved by Enforceable Termination Clause by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Presenteeism May Be Costing Your Organization More Than Absenteeism by Charmaine Hammond
Features - Use the CAR Strategy to drive your leadership by Paula Morand
Features - Genetic Discrimination- A New Frontier by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Ask the Expert - What will Organizational Leadership Post COVID need to look like? by Michelle Phaneuf

Fall 2020 Issue

Perspective - Career Shift: Don't Jump Ship Too Quickly by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - You Don't Need to be Friends with Your Employees by Brian Pascal
Features - Ignorance is Not Bliss in the Duty to Accommodate by Colin Fetter & Megan Van Huizen
Features - Overcoming Unconscious Bias in the Workplace by Monika Jensen
Features - Release or No Release? Federal Court of Appeal Upholds Employee's Rights by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Tort of Harassment Continues to be Quashed in Ontario by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Restrictions Cut Both Ways: Be Precise and Reasonable by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Harmonious Relationships at Work by Judy Suke
Ask the Expert - Today's Best Managers: What Makes Them Great? by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - 'Being Present' in Every Conversation: A Prerequisite for Effective Leaders by Michelle Lane

Summer 2020 Issue

Perspective - Two Traits for Top Performers: Optimism and Adaptability by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Perseverance: Better than Intelligence? by Brian Pascal
Features - How to Manage a Remote Workforce by Tom Ross
Features - Voluntary Retirement Precludes Claim of Ongoing Loss of Earnings by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Moving beyond the "Dear Sirs"-It's Your Obligation by Alison Renton
Features - Thriving in the Post COVID World: Start with Shared Purpose by Ron Pizzo
Features - Diamonds are Forever- Termination Provisions Fade by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Workplace Investigations: Avoid Costly Mistakes by Brian Sartorelli & Joan van Hilten Backhurst
Features - Managing the Unknown Back-to-Work Climate by Monika Jensen
Features - Termination Clauses Take Another Hit by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Become a More Mindful Leader by Michelle Lane

Spring 2020 Issue

Perspective - Continuous Learning: Stay Open and Keep Growing by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Sweat the Small Stuff by Brian Pascal
Features - Discrimination in the Hiring Process- Employers Beware! by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - When Fixed Terms are Forever: Unexpected Liability for Employers by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Heads Up Island Employers: Additional Workplace Harassment Obligations Coming Soon! by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Confidentiality Agreements in Harassment Cases: New Global Trends by Ruben Goulart & Alison Renton
Features - Those Employment Standards: They are Changing by Colin Fetter & Jenelle Butler
Features - Power: The Key to Understanding Workplace Harassment by George Raine
Ask the Expert - Where is the Truth in Conflict? by Michelle Phaneuf

Winter 2020 Issue

Perspective - On the Road Again: Save Your Sanity by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Learn to Shut Down Email by Brian Pascal
Features - Ontario Court of Appeal Affirms "Cap" of 24 Months' Notice by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Social Media Investigations in the Workplace by Brian Sartorelli
Features - Made to Measure: 90 Days of Probation Suitability by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Keeping Quiet: Enforceability of Confidentiality Clauses by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Wired for Change: Don't Settle for Status Quo by Paula Morand
Features - To Record or Not to Record by Ruben Goulart & Christine Krueger
Features - Work-Life Balance is an Oxymoron by Carleen Hicks
Ask the Expert - The Five Roles of a Master Herder (Part 2) by Gail Boone & Carmen Theobald

Fall 2019 Issue

Perspective - Managing an Agile Workplace by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Your Personal Integrity Meter by Brian Pascal
Features - Minding Your Manners: Ontario Court Weighs in on Employer Termination Conduct by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - A Sober Reminder: Duty to Accommodate Substance Use Disorders by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Dealing with Marijuana Use and Safety Concerns by Tom Ross, Dave Foster & Maurice Dransfeld
Features - Team Dysfunction: Where Do We Go from Here? by Brian Gottheil
Ask the Expert - The Five Roles of a Master Herder by Gail Boone & Carmen Theobald
Ask the Expert - Boomerang Employees: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly by Paula Morand
Ask the Expert - Time Management by Marcel Bellefeuille

Summer 2019 Issue

Perspective - Thawing the 'Frozen Middle' by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Innovation: The Answer to All Our Problems by Brian Pascal
Features - The House is Greener on the Other Side by Duncan Marsden & Tommy Leung
Features - Review Your Termination Clauses to Avoid Further Payouts by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Investigating an Employee's Digital Activity by Brian Sartorelli & Ryan Duquette
Features - Not So Fast: Legislative Developments to Ontario's Employment Landscape by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Compensation: Align the Program with Your Philosophy by Helen Robert
Features - The Duty to Investigate by Maryanne Valerio
Ask the Expert - Become Better Leaders by Michelle Lane
Ask the Expert - Support Employees Grieving the Loss of a Pet by Gail Boone

Spring 2019 Issue

Perspective - HR and IT: Harmony works! by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Engaging the Older Worker by Brian Pascal
Features - Nova Scotia Aligns with Federal Changes to EI Benefits by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - Prohibitions on Social Media: Not Your Best Solution by Colin Fetter
Features - Conversation: The Ultimate of Operating Systems by Brady Wilson
Features - No Short Notice for Short Service Employees in Ontario by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Embracing Civility by Monika Jensen
Features - Calculating Damages in Wrongful Dismissal Claims: Don't Forget Income Tax by Duncan Marsden & Lorelle Binion
Features - Understanding the Intergenerational Workforce by Judy Suke
Features - It's Time to Change the Way We Talk About Conflict by Murray Janewski
Features - Five Steps to Lead Your Troops Out of the Trenches by Carol Ring

Winter 2019 Issue

Perspective - Recruiting the Managers: Getting Hiring Managers to Participate by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Reimagining Management by Brian Pascal
Features - Update-Footing the Bill: Employee Benefit Plans and Medical Marijuana by Kyle MacIsaac & Caroline Spindler
Features - The Highlight Reel: Year End Review of Employment Law in Ontario by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Managing the Patterned Absent Employee by Gail Boone
Features - New OHS Legislation in Alberta: More Obligations for Employers by Tom Ross & James Lingwood
Features - Recruiting Winners in 2019 by David Perry
Features - Cannabis at Work: Your New Drug and Alcohol Policy by Sreya Roy
Features - Compassion Fatigue: Another Epidemic in Today's Workplace by Charmaine Hammond
Ask the Expert - Enabling Success: Bring Out the Best in Those You Lead by Michelle Lane
Ask the Expert - Can Feedback Apps Replace Annual Performance Reviews? by Paula Morand

Fall 2018 Issue

Perspective - Slow Down Before It's Too Late by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Becoming an Employer of Choice? by Brian Pascal
Features - Employers' Obligation to Provide Safe Work Environments by Colin Fetter
Features - Leading the Strategic Planning Process: Back to the Basics by Michelle Lane
Features - Walking the Tight Rope: Workplace Harassment Investigations by Dan Palayew & Odessa O'Dell
Features - Relationship Capital: The Key to Success in Today's Workplace by Charmaine Hammond & Rebecca Kirstein
Features - The Top 5 Immigration Law Facts Every HR Professional Should Know by Sarah McInnes
Features - Reorientate Managers to Feedback by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson
Features - Overcoming the New Challenges in Recruiting by Members Quarterly Staff Writer

Summer 2018 Issue

Perspective - Volunteering: Give Back and Get More by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Marijuana at Work: Safety First by Brian Pascal
Features - Terminating Employees: Don't Forget Bonus Payments by Ruben Goulart
Features - Workplace Investigations in the #MeToo Era by Dan Palayew
Features - Court Awards $170K in Unpaid Bonuses- The Perils of Poorly Drafted Agreements by Duncan Marsden & Lorelle Binnion
Features - Compensation Policies: Stay Competitive! by Judy Suke
Features - Independent Medical Examinations & the Duty to Accommodate by Michael Murphy
Features - The Power of Networking- Go Beyond Social Media by Kathy Follett-Lloyd
Features - Managing the People by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Workplace Flexibility: Today's Most Coveted Value by Paula Morand

Spring 2018 Issue

Perspective - Why Diversity is Good for Business by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Will a Robot Take Your Job? by Brian Pascal
Features - New OHS Requirements in Alberta by Tom Ross & Dan Bokenfohr
Features - Delete or Shred? by Dan Palayew & Erin Durant
Features - Recruiting a Leader by Murray Janewski
Features - Accommodation of Mental Disability by Michael Murphy
Features - Peg Your Progress by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson
Features - Improve Your Performance Management System (Part 2) by Julianna Cantwell
Features - Making Meeting Minutes Count by Judy Suke

Winter 2018 Issue

Perspective - Professional Designations and Memberships by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Confidence or Cockiness: It Makes a Difference by Brian Pascal
Features - References: Employee Sued for Telling the Truth by Dan Palayew & Erin Durant
Features - Alberta Considers WCB Changes by Tom Ross & Maurice Dransfeld
Features - Engaging the Millennials by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson
Features - Replicants Wanted: Six Implications of AI @ Work by Michael Murphy
Features - Professional Development: No Standing Still by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Working Outside the Office: Privacy Concerns for Employers by Michelle Henry
Features - High Performance Jewels by Judith Richardson
Features - Improve Your Performance Management System by Julianna Cantwell
Features - Minimum Wage Increases by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - The Conscious Leader- Where do you fit in? by Carol Ring
Ask the Expert - Workplace Fraud: The Continuing Epidemic by Brian Sartorelli

Fall 2017 Issue

Perspective - Self-Care for the Busy by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Your Office of the Future by Brian Pascal
Features - Drug & Alcohol Testing in the Workplace: A Balancing Act by Ruben Goulart
Features - Update on the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Terminating Employees with Drug Addictions by Duncan Marsden & Lorelle Binnion
Features - Ten Strategies on How to Work a Room by Catherine Graham Bell
Features - Communicating for Results by Charmaine Hammond & Rebecca Kirstein
Features - Body Language: The Window to a Wealth of Information by Dave Hagel
Ask the Expert - Influencing Without Power by Gail Matheson
Ask the Expert - Planning Food Menus at Work by Teri Gentes

Summer 2017 Issue

Perspective - Saluting the Stars of IPM Associations by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Skills Every Modern Manager Must Have by Brian Pascal
Features - The 2017 Federal Budget: What Employers Need to Know by Michelle Henry
Features - Footing the Bill: Employee Benefits Plans and Medical Marijuana by Kyle MacIsaac and Caroline Spindler
Features - Social Media Recruiting: Here to Stay by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Is Every Good Manager a Good Problem Solver? by Judith Richardson
Features - Leaders Help Others Aspire to Something by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson
Features - An Employer's Guide to Looking Good Out There: Respect the Candidate by Anita Sampson Binder
Features - Cracking the Code to Behavioural Change by Murray Janewski
Features - Managing Gossip in the Workplace by Monika Jensen

Spring 2017 Issue

Perspective - What's New in Recruiting? by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Trust Your Instincts by Brian Pascal
Features - Making Changes to an Employment Policy by Dan Palayew and Erin Durant
Features - Beyond Buy-in: Changing Workplace Culture Quickly by George Raine
Features - Support Transgender Employees by Kyle MacIsaac and Caroline Spindler
Features - Termination and Disability Benefits: Protect Yourself by Ruben Goulart and Pamela Connolly
Features - Living in a Post-Atomic World by Jenelle Butler
Features - The Science Behind Passion at Work by Jacqueline Throop Robinson
Features - Keeping the Peace by Charmaine Hammond

Winter 2017 Issue

Message - Time for Another Look at Flexible Working Hours by Brian Pascal
Features - Good Talent is Hard to Find by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - Random Drug and Alcohol Testing: Navigating the Legal Maze by Duncan Marsden and Lorelle Binnion
Features - New Technology Fueling Changes in Talent Acquisition by Jeff Aplin
Features - Contracting Out of Common Law Reasonable Notice by Kyle MacIsaac and Caroline Spindler
Features - Accommodating Employees with Childcare Needs by Ruben Goulart and Brian Gottheil
Features - Your Written Communication by Murray Janewski
Features - Attracting and Retaining Star Employees by Judy Suke
Features - Is There Sludge in Your Corporate Culture Fuel? by Carol Ring
Ask the Expert - Avoiding Discrimination in the Hiring Process by Dan Palayew and Erin Durant

Fall 2016 Issue

Perspective - Vacation Days: Protect Your Health by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - What makes a great manager these days? by Brian Pascal
Features - Fixed Term Contracts: How Two Months' Pay Became Over 27 Months by Dan Palayew
Features - Ontario's Bill 132: Make Sure You're Prepared! by Ruben Goulart
Features - Demystifying Constructive Dismissal: Minimize Your Risk by Colin Fetter
Features - Ignore the Golden Rule by Murray Janewski
Features - Intercultural Sensitivity: What This Means for Workplace Culture by Annemarie Shrouder
Features - Mindfulness Increases Profit and Boosts Productivity: Get On Board! by Marla Ericksen
Ask the Expert - Back to Work after Cancer: Make the Transition Easier by Anne Pittman

Summer 2016 Issue

Perspective - Banning Cellphones at Work: The Big Dilemma by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Watch Out for the Z Generation by Brian Pascal
Features - The Duty to Accommodate Religious Attire in the Workplace by Tom Ross
Features - Court Awards 26 Months' Notice to Dependent Contractors by Michelle Henry
Features - Serving up Diversity and Inclusion in the Recruitment Process by Anita Sampson Binder
Features - Virtual Punches: Cyberbullying in the Workplace by Kyle MacIsaac
Ask the Expert - Somatic Movement: Improve Your Performance and Balance at Work by Richard Hudspith
Ask the Expert - The Fine Art of Getting to the Point by Dave Newby

Spring 2016 Issue

Message - Farewell to Traditional Performance Evaluations by Brian Pascal
Features - Family Status Protection: Employers Beware! by Kyle MacIsaac
Features - Rethinking Attendance Management: Doctor's Notes & Sick Pay by George Raine
Features - Honesty is the Best Policy by Colin Fetter
Features - Caught in the Engagement Paradox by Brady Wilson
Features - Courts Rule Termination Clauses Unenforceable by Hendrik Nieuwland
Features - Sow a Thought- Change Your Destiny by Eddie Lemoine
Ask the Expert - Overtime: Does Your Policy Comply? by Dan Palayew
Ask the Expert - The Team Charter: Keep Your Team on Track by Charmaine Hammond

Winter 2016 Issue

Message - Communicating to Succeed by Brian Pascal
Features - Sexual Harassment in the Workplace by Dan Palayew
Features - Environmental Sensitivities in the Workplace by Kyle MacIsaac
Features - Harassment: The Biological Wiring Clampdown by Lauren Evans
Features - Employee Aggression in the Workplace by Tom Ross
Features - Calculating Reasonable Notice Periods: No More "Rule of Thumb" by Hendrik Nieuwland
Features - Rethinking Attendance Management by George Raine
Features - What Makes a Team Work? by Murray Janewski
Features - Aspire to Something by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson

Fall 2015 Issue

Perspective - Good Old Voicemail by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Dealing with Change: Star Trek's Borg were Right by Brian Pascal
Features - Family Ties that Bind: Family Status Discrimination by Colin Fetter
Features - Mastering the Art of Performance Reviews by Judy Suke
Features - Build Links with Finance: Win-Win for HR by Philip Gennis
Features - Bring on the Passion- It's Easier than You Think by Kathy Follett-Lloyd
Ask the Expert - Leverage Skills to the Max! by Kelly McGahey
Ask the Expert - Your Net Worth is Your Network by Wayne Rawcliffe

Summer 2015 Issue

Perspective - If the Boss Won't, Pay Your Own Way by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Is Your Glass Half Full? by Brian Pascal
Features - Navigating Constructive Dismissal in Tough Economic Times by Tom Ross
Features - Insubordination: Can You Terminate with Just Cause? by Hendrik Nieuwland & Todd Weisberg
Features - Employers Who Discriminate Pay the Price by Sarah Manning
Features - Don't Become the Next Victim of Identity Theft by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Features - The Engaged Workforce: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly by Akeela Davis
Ask the Expert - Improve the Third-Party Experience by Dmetri Berko

Spring 2015 Issue

Perspective - The Amazing Power of the Energy Microburst by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Are You Afraid of Success? by Brian Pascal
Features - Dismissing Employees with Disabilities for Poor Performance by Hendrik Nieuwland & Stephanie Brown
Features - Is Your Organization Truly Protected? by Colin Fetter
Features - Cuttng Through the Culture of Measuring Metrics by Eddie Lemoine
Features - Managing Key Accounts: The Path to Success by Paul Kidston
Features - Employee Privacy Breach: A Quick Glance Can Lead to Just Cause by Sarah Manning
Ask the Expert - Bonus and Incentive Programs: Are They Right for You? by Helen Robert

Winter 2015 Issue

Perspective - Making Meetings More Productive: It's Easier than You Think by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Mistakes: I've Made a Few by Brian Pascal
Features - Restructuring Brings Constructive Dismissal Charges by Malcolm MacKillop and Todd Weisberg
Features - The Rising Tide of Remedial Awards: Human Rights in Nova Scotia by Sarah Manning
Features - Prerequisite for Strong Leadership: Noticing Without Judging by Luc Beaudry
Features - Designing Your Bonus Programs by Tom Ross
Features - Organizations Charged Heavy Fines for Bribery and Corruption by David Ray
Features - HR in the C-Suite in Downsizing by Philip Gennis
Ask the Expert - Virtual Resources: Leveraging Your Compensation Investment by Helen Robert

Fall 2014 Issue

Perspective - E-Commerce: Does It Get Any Better than This? by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Monitoring Social Media: To Do or Not to Do? by Brian Pascal
Features - New Leaves of Absence for Employees Coming Soon by Hendrik Nieuwland and Todd Weisberg
Features - HR Professionals & Finance: Improving Your Financial IQ by Philip Gennis
Features - Motivating Employees Won't Break Your Budget by Members Quarterly Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Influence with Emotion by Luc Beaudry
Ask the Expert - High Stress, Low Energy and Bad Eating Habits: A Deadly Combo by Teri Gentes
Ask the Expert - Fundraising in the Workplace: How Much Can You Give? by Suzanne Nourse

Summer 2014 Issue

Perspective - Roll Out the Red Carpet: IPM's Honour Roll for 2014 by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Accountability: It Starts With You by Brian Pascal
Features - Frustration of the Employment Contract: Proceed with Caution by Hendrik Nieuwland and Brandin O'Connor
Features - Facing Increasing Ethical Challenges by Judy Suke
Features - Dare to "Be" Different by Gail Boone and Carla Hurley
Features - The Art of Project Management by Vera Gavizon
Ask the Expert - The Global Talent Crisis: Are You Prepared? by Chris Jones and Lisa Scott
Ask the Expert - Think Like a Champion by Marcel Bellefeuille

Spring 2014 Issue

Perspective - The Art of Teleworking by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Baby Boomer Blues by Brian Pascal
Features - Don't Fan the Flames with Workplace Investigations by Hendrik Nieuwland and Brandin O'Connor
Features - Pension and Retirement Funds Impact Mergers and Acquisitions by Philip Gennis
Features - Recruiting on a Deadline by Dmetri Berko
Features - The Art of Powerful Questioning by Carla Hurley & Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - Joint Planning: The Path to Success by Marcel Bellefeuille
Ask the Expert - Bereavement: Suggested Protocol by Suzanne Nourse

Winter 2014 Issue

Perspective - IPM Celebrates 30 Years by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Happy Anniversary to You by Brian Pascal
Features - Legal Privilege: What Management and HR Professionals Should Know by Malcolm MacKillop and Todd Weisberg
Features - Nothing Wrong With a Touch of Gray by Philip Gennis
Features - Searching for Superstars in Your Organization by Brady Wilson
Features - Maximize Benefits of 360-degree Feedback by Craig Dowden
Features - Women in the C-Suite by Reeshma Jassani
Ask the Expert - Coaching: The Move from Head Coach in the CFL to Corporate Recruiters by Marcel Bellefeuille
Ask the Expert - Catering to Everyone by Teri Gentes

Fall 2013 Issue

Perspective - Leap Into Fall but Don't Lose Your Balance by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Don't Curb Your Enthusiasm by Brian Pascal
Features - Hold Them Big: How Your Thinking Influences Others' Growth and Productivity by Gail Boone and Carla Hurley
Features - Creating a Culture of Innovation by Rick Boersma
Features - Team Charters Build Collaboration, Communications and Clarity by Charmaine Hammond
Features - Human Resources: Key Players in Mergers & Acquisitions by Philip Gennis
Features - Angry Letters to Your Boss Can Get You Fired by Malcolm MacKillop and Hendrik Nieuwland
Ask the Expert - Poor Health Habits are Productivity Thieves by Marla Ericksen

Summer 2013 Issue

Perspective - Spread the News by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Recertification: Raising the Bar to Help You by Brian Pascal
Features - The Duty to Mitigate: What’s It All About? by Malcolm MacKillop
Features - Mergers and Acquisitions: The Due Diligence Process by Philip Gennis
Features - Recruiting in the Mining Industry: New Challenges for Employers by Doug Ivey
Features - All Aboard Now – Get Everyone on the Same Track by Trevor Hubert
Features - Inside Out Leadershift by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - Sleepless Nights by Teri Gentes
Ask the Expert - Wardrobe Communication – Your Competitive Edge by Catherine Graham Bell

Spring 2013 Issue

Perspective - PD Events – Not Dangerous to Your Health by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Individual Employment Relationships by Brian Pascal
Features - Human Rights Damages in Employment by Malcolm MacKillop
Features - HR’s Role in Mergers and Acquisitions by Philip Gennis
Features - Energy on the Front Line by Gail Boone
Features - Redirecting Behaviour with Words by Wendy Godmere
Ask the Expert - Get Your Message Across by Luc Beaudry
Ask the Expert - Battle the New Workplace Epidemic by Marla Ericksen
Ask the Expert - How to Lower the Risks in Hiring by Daniel Bentley

Winter 2013 Issue

Perspective - The Importance of Professional Accreditations by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Reducing Workplace Stress by Brian Pascal
Features - Classification of Employees VS. Independent or Dependent Contractors by Malcolm Mackillop
Features - Ageism in Today’s Workplace by Philip Gennis
Features - Put Me in Coach! by Carla Hurley
Features - Get the Right People on Board by Craig Dowden
Ask the Expert - What Foods are Truly Good for Us? by Teri Gentes
Ask the Expert - Better Business Writing: The Ongoing Challenge by David Newby

Fall 2012 Issue

Perspective - Bring Civility Back to the Workplace by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Progressive Discipline Doesn’t Work by Brian Pascal
Features - Firing for Absenteeism and Lateness by Malcolm MacKillop
Features - Social Networking Changes Confidentiality & Privacy Landscape by Brian Sartorelli
Features - Measuring Human Capital Risks by Philip Gennis
Features - Run Better Meetings by Catherine Graham Bell
Ask the Expert - Getting Active is Not Inconsequential by Marla Ericksen
Ask the Expert - Dealing with a Bad Boss by Alan Kearns

Summer 2012 Issue

Perspective - Call for New Volunteers to IPM Associations by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Dealing with a Personal Crisis at Work by Brian Pascal
Features - Firing for Dishonesty by Malcolm MacKillop
Features - Abrasive Leaders: Mistakes You Make in Managing Them by Sharone Bar-David
Features - The Value of Professional Certification by Thomas Gussman
Ask the Expert - Mastering the Behavioural Based Interview by Gail Boone
Ask the Expert - Performance & the Foods You Eat: Make the Right Choice by Teri Gentes
Ask the Expert - Organizational Culture and People by Bill Scott

Spring 2012 Issue

Perspective - It’s Finally Spring – Get Out and Network! by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Managing a Multi-Generational Workplace by Brian Pascal
Features - Court Expands Health & Safety Reporting Obligations by Malcolm MacKillop
Features - HR and Risk Management by Philip Gennis
Features - The Art of Behavioural-based Interviews by Gail Boone
Features - Building Effective Relationships in the Workplace by David Newby
Ask the Expert - Sitting Can Be Dangerous to Your Health by Marla Ericksen
Ask the Expert - Dining Out on Business: Maximize the Benefits by Catherine Graham Bell

Winter 2012 Issue

Perspective - Here’s to 2012: Meet the Needs of Your Customers by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - The New Case for Flexible Working Arrangements by Brian Pascal
Features - Wage Earner Protection Plan (WEPP) Update by Philip Gennis
Features - Leadership Requires Humility by Craig Dowden
Features - A Resolution is Not the Solution! by Teri Gentes
Features - HRIS & Payroll by Diana Matwichuk
Ask the Expert - Employers Liable for LTD over Full Common Law Notice Period by Malcolm MacKillop
Ask the Expert - Conduct Performance Reviews without Fear by Wendy Godmere
Ask the Expert - The Secret to Powerful Presentations by Wayne Rawcliffe

Fall 2011 Issue

Perspective - Vacations and Time Off: Everyone Needs to Recharge by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Social Networking: Boon or Bane to Business by Brian Pascal
Features - The Hard Side of HR by Philip Gennis
Features - Facebook: The Latest Recruiting Tool by Ryan Moore
Features - Invest in Your HR Department BY Sylvio Gravel
Ask the Expert - Trust and Occupational Fraud by David Elzinga
Ask the Expert - Get a Handle on Bullying by Monika Jensen
Ask the Expert - The Right to Personal Cell Phone Records by Malcolm MacKillop

Summer 2011 Issue

Perspective - Email Etiquette - Time for a Wakeup Call? by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Employee Relations in a Wage Freeze World by Brian Pascal
Features - Due Diligence – Look Before You Leap by Sandy Boucher
Features - The Art of Downsizing by Mark Wentzell
Features - Today’s Evolving Workforce - Globetrotting with The Right Job by Lori Danco
Features - Reward and Recognition in a Transient Era by Kathy Follett-Lloyd
Ask the Expert - The Only Good Idea is the Boss’ Idea by Monika Jensen
Ask the Expert - Terminating Employees on Extended Medical Leave by Simon Heath
Ask the Expert - Medical Notes for Time Off: Are You Getting a Clear Picture? by Craig Karpilow

Spring 2011 Issue

Perspective - The Art of Networking by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Don’t Jeopardize Your Future by Brian Pascal
Features - To Use Social Media or Not? by Ryan Moore
Features - Leading the Way: HR’s Role in Downsizing and Restructuring by Philip Gennis
Features - Blowing the Whistle: No Longer Limited to Reporting Fraud by Al Bleau
Events - Successful Labour Relations in Uncertain Times by Jaime Moore
Ask the Expert - Social Media and Background Checks: A Legal Perspective by Malcolm MacKillop
Ask the Expert - At Will Terminations by Simon Heath

Winter 2011 Issue

Perspective - Recognizing Those Who Make the Difference... by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Can You and Your Employees Keep a Secret? by Brian Pascal
Features - Gain the Trust of Your Senior Executives by Philip H. Gennis
Features - Bullying in the Workplace by Joyce McGeehan
Features - Volunteering with a Professional Association - What’s In It for Me? by Jaime Moore
Features - Ready, Set, Implement Your HRIS by Diana Matwichuk
Ask the Expert - Social Media 101 by Gail Matheson and Marty Stanowich
Ask the Expert - Keys to Successful Surveys by Joe Folkman
Ask the Expert - Harassment with Employee Who Suffers From a Disability by Simon Heath

Fall 2010 Issue

Perspective - Enhancing the Supervisory Toolkit by Kate Moore
Perspective - Are Performance Ratings Necessary? by Barbara Adams
Message - The Post Mandatory Retirement Era by Brian Pascal
Features - No Turning Back: The Future of Human Resources by Philip Gennis
Features - The Behaviour and Process of Knowledge by Carmien Owen
Ask the Expert - Profiling Performance by Mike Moreau
Ask the Expert - Bill 168: Amendments to Ontario’s OHSA by Simon Heath
Ask the Expert - Managing the Multigenerational Workforce by Gail Matheson
Ask the Expert - Social Media for Recruiting by Paul Dodd

Summer 2010 Issue

Perspective - Ongoing Learning- Time to Grab the Bull by the Horns by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Don’t Settle for Silver by Brian Pascal
Features - Canada’s Changing Demographics in the Workplace by Stephen Hammond
Features - New Cohort Calls for New Leadership Development by Teresa McGill
Ask the Expert - Body Language and Workplace Interviews by David Ray
Ask the Expert - Friday and Monday Sickness by Simon Heath
Ask the Expert - Emerging Trends in Candidate Screening by David Dinesen
Ask the Expert - Passing the Baton by Charmaine Hammond
Ask the Expert - Emerging from the Downturn by Paul Dodd

Spring 2010 Issue

Perspective - Building our Networks by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Customers First by Brian Pascal
Features - The Power of Credit Reporting by Philip Gennis
Features - Surviving the Boom, the Bust…and What’s in Between by Charmaine Hammond
Features - Transformation Management by Harold Schroeder
Features - Work-Life Balance & Today’s Workforce by Barbara Adams
Ask the Expert - From Union to Management by Daryl Bean
Ask the Expert - Making the Case for Pre-Employment Screening by Dave Dinesen
Ask the Expert - Marketing and Recruiting by Paul Dodd
Ask the Expert - Shut Out of Strategic Decision Making by Monika Jensen

Winter 2010 Issue

Perspective - A Bitter Pill to Swallow by Kate Moore
Message - Change Your Attitude by Brian Pascal
Features - Downsizing and Restructuring: Navigating the Storm by Philip Gennis
Features - Fraud – the ultimate illusion by Derek Malcolm
Features - Engaging and Retaining Boomers by Maureen Catania
Ask the Expert - Email Etiquette by Jane Watson
Ask the Expert - Avoiding Burnout by Brian Duggan
Ask the Expert - A Reasonable Alternative to Lunch Meetings by Diane Craig
Ask the Expert - How Enforceable is a Zero Tolerance Policy? by Simon Heath
Ask the Expert - When the Boss Isn’t Contributing by Monika Jensen

Fall 2009 Issue

Perspective - Recognizing Members Who Make the Difference by Nathaly Pinchuk
Message - Do or Delegate by Brian W Pascal
Features - Changing Technology: Monitoring Employee Computer Usage by David Ray
Features - Implementing Progressive Discipline by Simon Heath
Ask the Expert - Downsizing the Workforce While Restructuring by Mark Wentzell
Ask the Expert - The Evolution of Grammar by Jane Watson
Ask the Expert - Mentoring Programs by Glain Roberts-McCabe
Ask the Expert - Avoiding Employee Burnout by Gordon Pfeffer

Summer 2009 Issue

Perspective - Recognizing Ourselves by Kate Moore
Message - Don’t Bother Me I’m Busy by Brian Pascal
Features - “Do I Stay or Do I go?” by Heidi Cowie
Features - Financial Stress Takes Heavy Toll in the Workplace by Philip Gennis
Features - Finding the Wolf within your Flock by Jean (JJ) Brun
Ask the Expert - Restrictive Covenants: A Cautionary Tale by Simon Heath
Ask the Expert - When Outside Recruiters Are Outside the Budget by Paul Dodd
Ask the Expert - Reacting to Fraud in the Workplace by Sue MacMillan
Ask the Expert - Academic vs. Business Writing Styles by Jane Watson

Spring 2009 Issue

Member Spotlight - Bob Chapman, CMP
Member Spotlight - Michelle Dulmadge, RPR
Member Spotlight - Shannon Feeney, CMP
Perspective - Reaching Out by Kate Moore
Message - The Challenges of Tomorrow by Brian Pascal
Features - Expense Padding: The Padding That Hurts by David Elzinga
Features - IPM – 25 Years and Still Going Strong by Nathaly Pinchuk
Features - To Bond or Not to Bond by Philip Gennis
Features - Next Generation of HR by Steve Ashton
Ask the Expert - Beefing Up New and Pre-Existing Employment Contracts by Ruben Goulart

Winter 2009 Issue

Member Spotlight - Deborah Moore, RPR
Member Spotlight - Karen Hawes, RPR
Member Spotlight - Jaime Moore
Perspective - Candidate Care by Kate Moore
Perspective - Identity Theft by David Malamed
Message - Recertification by Brian Pascal
Features - Building the Next Generation of Human Resources by Steve Ashton
Features - Restructuring a Firm in Financial Difficulty by Mark Wentzell
Ask the Expert - Business Under the Weather by Philip Gennis
Ask the Expert - Vacation Pay and Time Entitlements by Cindy Ziobrowsky

Fall 2008 Issue

Member Spotlight - Terry Young, CMP
Member Spotlight - Christina Brown, RPR
Member Spotlight - Lore Bowers
Perspective - Grief in the Workplace by Kate Moore
Perspective - Volunteerism by Mary Ann McCann
Message - Responding to Feedback by Brian Pascal
Features - Identity Theft by David Malamed
Ask the Expert - Collection Agency Calls at Work by Philip Gennis
Ask the Expert - Preparing for Baby Boomer Retirements by Paul Dodd
Ask the Expert - The Cost of Terminating Employees by Robert Katz

Summer 2008 Issue

Member Spotlight - Doug Gairns, RPR, RAS
Member Spotlight - Maria Hines, RPR
Member Spotlight - Brenda Rowe, RPR
Perspective - Blackberry Picking by Kate Moore
Perspective - Making the Turn by Robert Katz
Message - Stay Sharp and Fit! by Brian Pascal
Features - Emergency Preparedness by David Ray
Events - Toronto’s One-Day Conference by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Working as a Consultant by Karen McNeil Murdoch
Ask the Expert - Low Cost Recruiting by Paul Dodd

Spring 2008 Issue

Member Spotlight - Linda Shay, RPT
Member Spotlight - Jane McDonald, RPR, CMP
Member Spotlight - Lynn Besse, RPR
Perspective - Ergonomically Correct Work Areas by Kate Moore
Message - Three Keys to Success at Work by Brian Pascal
Features - The Hard Side of Human Resources by Philip Gennis
Features - Making Diversity Work by Jennifer Smith
Ask the Expert - Pandemic Influenza by Cindy Ziobrowsky
Ask the Expert - Dealing with a Difficult Co-Worker by Karen McNeil

Winter 2008 Issue

Member Spotlight - Kurtis Grenkow, RPR
Member Spotlight - Doug Mosher, RPR, RPT
Perspective - Work/Life Balance by Kate Moore
Perspective - Online Consultation by Joseph Peters
Message - Motivation: An Inside Job by Brian Pascal
Features - Serving Liquor, Not Liability by David Ray
Features - Sleep and the Workplace by Sara Aharon
Features - Wage Earner Protection Plan Act by Philip Gennis
Ask the Expert - Emotions in the Workplace by Monika Jensen

Fall 2007 Issue

Member Spotlight - Jean Harper, RPR
Member Spotlight - Marian Reid, RPR
Member Spotlight - Shawn Nesseth, RPT
Perspective - Good Behaviour by Kate Moore
Message - Learn to Stay Young by Brian Pascal
Features - Ticking Bombs: Defuse Violence in the Workplace by David Ray
Events - Toronto’s One Day Conference by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Shades of Grey by Philip Blackford
Ask the Expert - Employee Blogs by Paul Dodd

Summer 2007 Issue

Member Spotlight - Helen Mix, RPR
Member Spotlight - Colleen Calvert, CMP, RPR
Member Spotlight - Eileen Bond, CMP
Perspective - HR’s Broad Shoulders by Kate Moore
Message - A Human Touch by MQ Staff Writer
Features - Workforce Management in Times of Transition by Richard Nixon, Monika Morrow and Philip Gennis
Features - Codependency in the Workplace by Rhona Charney,
Ask the Expert - High Risk Terminations by David Ray
Ask the Expert - Promoting from Within by Philip Blackford
Ask the Expert - Implementation of Global Policies by Terri Oliver

Spring 2007 Issue

Member Spotlight - Jodi Wilson RPR
Member Spotlight - Brandi Babando, RPR
Member Spotlight - Andrew Hiorth, RPR
Perspective - Its been Real…Its been Nice by Shalini Richards
Message - Accountability, You Have It by Brian Pascal
Features - Workforce Management in Difficult Times by Richard Nixon, Philip Gennis and Mary Marcus
Features - Identity Theft by Jennifer Fiddian-Green
Events - Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Values and Ethics: Involving Employees by Rob Mariani
Ask the Expert - Repatriation Planning: When to Begin by Terri Oliver

Winter 2007 Issue

Member Spotlight - Mary-Ann McCann, RPR, CMP
Member Spotlight - Margaret Easton, CMP
Perspective - Helicopter Parents in the Workplace? by Kate Moore
Perspective - Does Your Organization Need a Check-up? by Ann Max
Message - Why Not Take the Initiative? by Brian Pascal
Features - Post-Christmas Credit Card Blues by Philip H. Gennis
Features - Involving Employees in Corporate Ethics by Jennifer Smith
Ask the Expert - Management Response to Employee Bankruptcy by Lorenzo Lisi and Philip Gennis
Ask the Expert - Evaluating Employee Engagement by Carol Taggart
Ask the Expert - Overcome Resistance to International Assignments by Terri Oliver

Fall 2006 Issue

Member Spotlight - Mary Stewart, CMP
Member Spotlight - Donna Hains, RPR
Member Spotlight - Linda E. Kellett
Perspective - Sunday Shopping by Shalini Richards
Message - A Retirement Dream by Brian Pascal
Features - Personal Financial Recovery by Philip Gennis
Features - Everything You Wanted to Know About WHMIS by Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Features - The End of Mandatory Retirement in Ontario by Mickey Mechal
Events - Employment Standards and Overtime Pay by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Providing Superior Service by David Croft

Summer 2006 Issue

Member Spotlight - Shirley Lealess, RPR, CMP, RAS, RPT
Member Spotlight - Connie M. Thornton, CMP
Member Spotlight - Pam Matheson, RPR, CMP
Perspective - Sign me up for the European Plan by Kate Moore
Message - Assumptions and Expectations by Brian Pascal
Features - E-commerce or E-fraud? by Peter Fatijewski
Events - What’s Happening in Alberta? by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Key Components of an International Policy by Terri Oliver

Spring 2006 Issue

Member Spotlight - Bob Van Slyck, RPR, RAS
Member Spotlight - Jean Smith, RPR
Member Spotlight - Lynda Murray, RPR
Perspective - The Etiquette of Technology by Shalini Richards
Perspective - Those who laugh…LAST by Cindy Larocque
Message - No New Trends in Human Resources by Brian Pascal
Features - The key to finding new employment by John Withenshaw
Features - Dealing with Difficult Issues by Mary-Ann Owens
Events - Succession Planning – What Works and What You Need To Know by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - International or Expatriate Management Policy by David Croft

Winter 2006 Issue

Member Spotlight - Marlene Naraine, RPR
Member Spotlight - Doug Ivey, RPR
Member Spotlight - LYNN MOORE, RPR, CMP
Perspective - Ethics: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t by Kate Moore
Perspective - Sustaining Key Employees in the War for Talent by Joy Humphrey
Message - Ten Ways to Build Trust in the Workplace by Brian Pascal
Features - The Management of Temporary International Assignments by Terri Oliver
Features - More Space? More Time? More Life? by Ann Max
Events - Ending Mandatory Retirement: How Will It Affect You? by MQ Staff Writer
Events - Today’s Hottest Issues in Employment Law by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - The Nose Knows by Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety

Fall 2005 Issue

Member Spotlight - Jacqueline Zagotsis, RPR
Member Spotlight - Carol-Anne Axford, RPR
Member Spotlight - Cindy Ziobrowski, RPR
Perspective - Cultural Interviewing by Shalini Richards
Perspective - Have Work. Will Hire by MQ Staff Writer
Message - Speaking the Truth by Brian Pascal
Features - Conquer Your Chaos - Keep Stress at Bay by Sherry Borsheim
Features - Employee Productivity by Darel Baker
Features - Do You Want Employee Engagement? by John McVeigh
Events - Managing for Success: The Value of Values by MQ Staff Writer

Summer 2005 Issue

Member Spotlight - Gail McClelland, CHRP, RPR, RAS
Member Spotlight - Brenda Bulger, RPR
Member Spotlight - Stephen Anderson, RPR
Perspective - Hiring Summer Students by Kate Moore
Message - I Am A Whiner by Brian Pascal
Features - Ten Tips on being a Successful Employee by Bathyah Charikar
Features - The Seven Secrets to a Successful Search by Rob Notman
Features - The Recruiting Factory by Alan Davis
Events - Emergency Preparedness in the Workplace by MQ Staff Writer

Spring 2005 Issue

Member Spotlight - Judy English, RPR
Member Spotlight - Paul MacDonald, RPR
Member Spotlight - Ivan E. Bakken, RPR
Perspective - Privacy and the (Not So) Human Race by Shalini Richards
Message - Employee Theft by Brian Pascal
Features - Workshop Training: Biting the Hand that Feeds Me? by Jack Duffy
Features - The State of Canada’s Job Market by John Withenshaw
Features - Ending Mandatory Retirement by Brian Pascal
Features - Assessment in Career Planning by Tania Corbett
Features - Why Hire an External Keynote Trainer? by Creative Bound International
Ask the Expert - Casual Dressing by Mari McLaughlin
Ask the Expert - Intuiting Patterns by Mary-Ann

Winter 2005 Issue

Member Spotlight - Karen Consigli, RPR, CMP
Member Spotlight - Barb Andrews-Hryniw, RPR
Member Spotlight - Sheri Dolomont, RPR, CMP
Perspective - Taking Training Back to Basics by Kate Moore
Message - Monkey in the middle by Brian Pascal
Features - How to Go From Traditional to High Performance by Darel Baker
Features - Ten Tips for the Mindful Consumer by Joan Kulmala
Features - Avoid Common Training Pitfalls by Jim Clemmer
Features - It’s Your Move, by Marge Watters by Diane Robichaud
Events - “Hottest Issues in Employment Law” by MQ Staff Writer
Ask the Expert - Employee Termination: The Human Side by Rob Notman
Ask the Expert - Creating Gold Medal Moments by John McVeigh

Fall 2004 Issue

Member Spotlight - Diana Robichaud, RPR
Member Spotlight - Robyn Hartley, RPR
Member Spotlight - Jeff Pike, RPR
Perspective - It’s a Generation Thing by Shalini Richards
Message - Drug Free Workplaces by Brian Pascal
Features - I had my interview...Now what?
Features - Sharing Your Wisdom Through Written Words
Features - Journal keeping “The Write Way”
Features - Shrek and Modern Leadership Management
Features - Bidding Wars: Are Counteroffers the Right Move?
Events - The Future of Human Resources: Strategic HR
Ask the Expert - Developing a dress code

Summer 2004 Issue

Member Spotlight - Member of the Year/Chapter of the Year
Member Spotlight - Brian R. Taylor, RPR
Member Spotlight - Robert L. Turner RPR, CMP, RAS, RPT
Member Spotlight - Anita Sampson Binder, M.A., B.A., RPR
Perspective - Enjoying Our Brief Summer by Shalini Richards
Message - Work-Life Balance
Features - Cleaning Your Work Space
Features - The Ultimate Interview – Golf! by Alan Davis
Features - The Art of Shaking Hands: A New Cultural Norm
Features - Dress for Success: Tailor-Made Volunteering by Gwen MacPherson
Ask the Expert - Keeping Overseas Staff Connected by David Croft

Spring 2004 Issue

Member Spotlight - Heather Coughlan, RPR, CMP- Miramichi, NB
Member Spotlight - Wendy Miyagawa, RPR, RAS, CMP
Member Spotlight - Jane Mason, HR Consultant, Fraser Health Authority
Perspective - What Happened to the Paperless Workplace? by Shalini Richards
Message - Networking is Knowledge Management
Features - A Purpose Driven Life & the Meaning of Work by Ross Gilker
Features - Training Managers in Pay and Performance Systems
Events - New Privacy Legislation for Alberta
Ask the Expert - Seek Out Most Qualified Relocation Partners by David Croft
Ask the Expert - Contract Workers and the Law

Full Winter 2004 Issue

Full Fall 2003 Issue

Full Summer 2003 Issue

Full Spring 2003 Issue

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