Good Behaviour Brian Pascal's President's Message this month focuses on the value of continuous learning in keeping one's skills current and mind sharp. Too often, however, I think that companies and individuals focus on technical skills to the detriment of the all-important behavioural competencies. more...
 Learn to Stay Young When I think of the concept of continuous learning, what comes to mind is a perpetual motion machine. You know, those mechanical contraptions that once you start them up, they run forever. But even with perpetual motion machines there has to be one action to start them up and sometimes taking that first action is the hardest part. more...
 Employee Blogs Q: Our management team has noticed that several of our employees have their own blogs – it’s not just for teenagers any more. As an employer, what do I need to know about blogs and blogging? more...
Shades of Grey Q: I have a talented and dedicated employee who just can’t seem to find the grey area in his job. He follows the rules almost slavishly and always appears to be concerned with not making a mistake. Can you suggest a way that I could help him be less rigid? more...
 Jean Harper, RPR Alberta Envirofuels Inc, Edmonton AB more...
Marian Reid, RPR Acadia University, Wolfville NS more...
Shawn Nesseth, RPT 407 ETR Concession Company, Woodbridge ON more...
 Toronto’s One Day Conference The conference began with an update in Employment and Labour Law presented by Richard Nixon and Lorenzo Lisi from McCarthy Tetrault LLP. The key topic was Bill 107, an Act to amend the Human Rights Code in Ontario. The amendments to the Code under Bill 107 fall into three main areas: allowing complaints to be made directly to the Human Rights Tribunal, revising the administration and function of the Human Rights Commission and revising the Tribunal’s procedures. more...
 Ticking Bombs: Defuse Violence in the Workplace Workplace violence appears to be on the rise, as indicated by the increasing reports in the media. In some cases, the events involve workers who have been reprimanded for their job performance, denied promotion or been let go. Other instances arise from conflicts among co-workers. A prominent example is the OC Transpo Case in Ottawa where a worker was teased for stuttering, returned to the work site with a gun and killed four co-workers. more...
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles,
questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other
material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute,
please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at
info@workplace.ca or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at shalini@workplace.ca