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Spring 2012 Edition- April 2012 Volume 37

It’s Finally Spring – Get Out and Network!
The long days of winter have ended. Spring is finally here! The vast majority of us are already thinking of all the things we have to do around the house or cottage and that workload at the office keeps growing in leaps and bounds. Our bosses keep telling us that we should take advantage of additional learning opportunities, but who has the time? more...

Managing a Multi-Generational Workplace
It was easier being a manager in the "good old days". Managers had a greater amount of authority and life seemed a bit less complicated, at least at work. For starters, there were fewer generations in the workplace. There were the old-timers who knew everything and mostly wanted to be left alone to do their jobs. There was the middle group who wanted to move up. more...

Sitting Can Be Dangerous to Your Health
Question: We have a mandate to create a healthier workplace and have recently heard that too much sitting increases health risks. Over 70% of our employees have "desk jobs". What can we do? more...

Dining Out on Business: Maximize the Benefits
Question: As VP, HR, I have been asked to draft guidelines for our employees when taking clients or associates out for a business meal and meeting. We’ve all had some bad experiences over the years. Can you give us some useful tips which we can pass along to our staff? more...

Court Expands Health & Safety Reporting Obligations
The obligation to report serious workplace injuries to the Ministry of Labour (“MOL”) is an important requirement of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”). Section 51 of the OHSA requires that where a “person” is killed or critically injured from any cause at a workplace, the employer must report the incident immediately to an MOL Inspector and to other workplace parties, file a written report of the circumstances of the incident with the MOL within 48 hours and preserve the scene of the incident. more...

HR and Risk Management
When thinking about risk, your first consideration should be people. Many of the risks that your organization may face will be caused by or more importantly, can be prevented by people. This includes financial risks, damages to your company's reputation and loss of profit or productivity. more...

The Art of Behavioural-based Interviews
A well-answered behavioural-based interview question is music to an interviewer’s ears. It’s a rarely played tune. The behavioural-based interview is offered as the preferred style of selection interview in many organizations. Candidates are asked questions designed to solicit an example of past practice in a desired skill or competency area. The belief is that past practice is the best predictor of future success. more...

Building Effective Relationships in the Workplace
In the global financial crisis which peaked in 2008, many businesses learned (often too late) the devastating effects of underestimating the value of “trust” in relationships with their clients and stakeholders. Following the crisis, we noticed a marked increase in corporate advertising designed to demonstrate that organizations were treating client relationships very seriously. more...

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