Sign me up for the European Plan It’s the last day of your vacation. You’re sitting on the dock, the beach or wherever…sipping a cold beverage and thinking, “I sure could use just one more week off...” It sounds tempting, but you know that if you did take that week, you would have nothing left to take at Christmas. It’s a dilemma that most of us have probably encountered at one time or other. more...
 Assumptions and Expectations Two things that I try and avoid are making assumptions and having or creating expectations. Both involve a scenario for the future in which I do not have all of the information and both can lead to disappointment, for me, and for you. First let’s talk about assumptions.
 Key Components of an International Policy Q: What are the key components to consider when developing an International or Expatriate Management policy? more...
 Shirley Lealess, RPR, CMP, RAS, RPT Crossroads Christian Communications, Burlington ON more...
Connie M. Thornton, CMP Elk Island Public Schools, Sherwood Park AB more...
Pam Matheson, RPR, CMP Public Service Commission, Halifax NS more...
 What’s Happening in Alberta? Alberta is a hot property on a lot of fronts these days, and IPM is no different. Edmonton and Calgary are home to IPM’s fastest growing chapters with record attendance for this spring’s half-day workshops. Topics such as “Sustaining Key Employees in the War for Talent”, “Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law” and “Hot Updates in Employment Standards” brought out professionals representing just about every sector of business in the province. more...
 E-commerce or E-fraud? Imagine one of your larger corporate clients is sitting at his desk. His administrative assistant walks into the office and appears to be concerned. She informs you that the police have called. Unbeknownst to your client, the police have found his corporation has taken out significant loans that appear to be financing terrorist activities halfway around the globe.
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles,
questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other
material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute,
please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at
kate@workplace.ca or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at shalini@workplace.ca