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Fall 2004 Edition- October 2004 Volume 7

It’s a Generation Thing
Veterans, Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers and Nexters…there we have it the listing of the varying generations that make up this world. Plenty of studies have been done from different perspectives such as sociological, psychological and economical, of their wants, needs and the way they think. more...

Drug Free Workplaces
I believe that you have the right to do whatever you want on your own time and within the confines of your own personal space. Once you come into my workplace, however, then I get to make some suggested restrictions on these freedoms that you can either agree to, or choose not to, work for me. more...

Developing a dress code
How do you go about implementing or changing a dress code in the workplace? more...

Diana Robichaud, RPR
York Regional Police, Toronto more...

Robyn Hartley, RPR
Robert Half International, Manitoba more...

Jeff Pike, RPR
CIBC Halifax Contact Centre, Halifax more...

The Future of Human Resources: Strategic HR
A group of over 50 attendees gathered in Halifax on May 5th, 2004 for a very well received Spring Workshop. The session included a talk on "The Future of Human Resources-A Look at Strategic HR" by Jack Duffy, Partner of Duffy Consulting and instructor with Dalhousie University. more...

I had my interview...Now what?
One of the worst things that can happen when interviewing a candidate is never staying in touch with the candidate once the first contact has been made. I am certainly not suggesting that it is the recruiter's responsibility to call a candidate on a daily basis once you have met with them. However, there is a certain amount of onus on the recruiter to ensure the experience the candidate has had was a positive one. Positive enough for the candidate to come back when the need arises again, either for them or for the company they are working for. more...

Sharing Your Wisdom Through Written Words
Many individuals store within their brains a wealth of knowledge. The art of writing is an opportunity to share your expertise with a broader audience. By now you must realize that this wisdom is of no use till it is given away. more...

Journal keeping “The Write Way”
Did you keep a “secret diary” as a child? Have you maintained that habit as an adult? Or was it thrown out with your favorite album or Barbie doll? If not, let me remind you how instrumental it can be in your professional and personal life. more...

Shrek and Modern Leadership Management
As adults there are certain things we don’t voluntarily talk about to others. One of them is about watching children’s movies. The one which blew my mind – Shrek – I was introduced to by my grandchildren. Amazingly, the movie demonstrates all the elements of modern leadership management in the guise of a fairy-tale. more...

Bidding Wars: Are Counteroffers the Right Move?
Counteroffers are happening more often, partly due to some firms’ “no replacement hire” edicts. For everyone’s benefit, employers and employees alike should try to avoid the complications caused by the counteroffer. But, before automatically reacting with the thought of throwing money at an employee who has said they’re ready to leave, there are several questions for the HR professional to consider: more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact Kate Moore, RPR, Members Quarterly Editor at


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