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Spring 2010 Edition- Volume 29

Building our Networks
We all know about the importance of networking, but do we really take the time? This may not seem like a high priority at this point in time, especially with unprecedented workloads and personal commitments. Yet it is a key activity that should be undertaken well before the time that we may urgently need a network. more...

Customers First
Improving customer service is probably near the top of every good manager’s to-do list. Whether your customers are in-house or off the street the happier they are with the goods and services you provide, the easier your life is going to be. Companies and organizations that already have good customer service records have learned a few basic principles, primary amongst them is some concept of putting the customers first. more...

From Union to Management
Q: How can you make the transition from the union ranks to the management team a smooth one? How do you avoid the major pitfalls? more...

Making the Case for Pre-Employment Screening
Q: What are the benefits of conducting background checks for job candidates? Is it worth it to hire a third party organization? more...

Marketing and Recruiting
Q: Recruiting and marketing functions seem to have a lot in common. How can I leverage the assets of both? more...

Shut Out of Strategic Decision Making
Q. I keep feeling that my immediate supervisor is shutting me out on major decisions. He always apologizes afterwards and claims there were scheduling conflicts, but I'm starting to feel like more of a grunt worker and less of a part of the strategic decision-making process. How do I make sure I'm not just being paranoid, and if I'm not, how do I try to make sure I'm consulted earlier on when decisions are getting made? more...

The Power of Credit Reporting
If you have ever applied for a credit card or even rented an apartment, you have a credit file. Unless you have been refused credit, you probably don’t even know that behind the scenes, credit reporting agencies have their computers humming building up information about whether you are a good credit risk. more...

Surviving the Boom, the Bust…and What’s in Between
If I knew then what I know now! How many times has this been said in the workplace, in business, as a manager, a leader, a parent, as a spouse? If we knew then what we know now- would our results be different? Hindsight is said to be 20/20 vision, it is also an incredible tool for learning. more...

Transformation Management
The importance of a good communications strategy is frequently underestimated when organisations are undergoing a major transformation. In the upheavals involved in a restructuring, downsizing, merger or business expansion, executives may overlook the need to keep employees informed about what is going on and the likely impact on their jobs, or may just impose the changes on staff without giving them the opportunity to raise concerns or questions. more...

Work-Life Balance & Today’s Workforce
No one can argue that the employee of today is different from the baby boomers in their approach to balancing work and life outside of work. Baby boomers lived to work and they created a work environment that supported this approach. But younger employees work to live and expect – some even say demand – that organizations recognize and enhance employee work-life balance. more...

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As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editor: Kate Moore, RPR at info@workplace.ca


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