Vacations and Time Off: Everyone Needs to Recharge Times have certainly changed over the past few decades. Some of us remember the era when we had a thriving economy with large work teams in place to handle all aspects of the tasks and projects assigned with enough hours in the day to get our jobs done. Most managers could handle all their responsibilities with little or no overtime, paid or unpaid. We welcomed vacations and time away from the office knowing that we would be able to catch up on the first day back and continue our work week with little or no stress. more...
 Social Networking: Boon or Bane to Business Social networking is a great tool to stay connected with family and friends and to find long lost classmates and former acquaintances. It can also be an excellent resource to organizations in a number of ways. First, it's a great way to keep your customers informed of all your latest products and services and to introduce yourself to potential clients or customers. more...
 Trust and Occupational Fraud Our senior executives are getting more concerned about fraud and the level of trust. What should we consider while reviewing procedures and how to build a culture of trust among our employees? more...
Get a Handle on Bullying With all this talk about bullying and violence in the workplace, how do you stand up for yourself? more...
The Right to Personal Cell Phone Records Do we as employers have the right to request an employee’s personal cell phone records following a serious workplace accident? more...
 The Hard Side of HR Although Canada has seemingly emerged from the latest recession with its economy and financial system intact, many organizations have used the period of economic uncertainty to review all of their operations with a view towards streamlining and reducing unnecessary costs. When this dynamic is in play, one of the first places that executive heads turn is to HR operations. Some senior managers, especially those on the technical side, see HR as being soft side expenditures that could be trimmed if necessary. more...
Facebook: The Latest Recruiting Tool How can Facebook help employers attract a larger candidate pool for your postings? Review the statistics on the number of people currently on Facebook which recently broke the 500 million user mark. Note that these 500 million people cumulatively spend 700 billion minutes a month on the site. For recruiters, here is a captive audience that returns to the site more frequently than any other job posting board. To capitalize on this, look at the different ways that Facebook is currently being used by many organizations to help find the perfect external candidate to fill their positions. more...
Invest in Your HR Department Could there be a direct correlation between work-induced stress related problems and the amount of investment not made by an organization into their HR department? Over twenty-four years ago, I was part of a group of police officers in Ottawa who developed a peer support group for members who were suffering post-traumatic stress. more...
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