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Fall 2010 Edition- October 2010 Volume 31

Enhancing the Supervisory Toolkit
The other day I was asked to advise in a situation where an employee had a history of absenteeism going back a year. Could the supervisor issue a letter of expectation with regard to attendance? My first question was “have you compared this person’s rate of absence to others in the group?” more...

Are Performance Ratings Necessary?
The question about whether performance ratings are critical to enhanced performance has been a troubling one for me, in particular, because of feedback from employee focus groups when designing performance management systems for a variety of industries, and from participants in management training classes conducted over the last few years. more...

The Post Mandatory Retirement Era
After decades of having a mandatory retirement age in every jurisdiction in Canada the tables are now turned with every province and territory having moved to abolish mandatory retirement. The only exception is in the federal sector where federal law still recognizes a "normal age of retirement" for certain positions. more...

Profiling Performance
Q: Our company has experienced steady growth over the last few years. Due to this growth we’ve had to promote people very quickly, often before we thought they were ready. I’m now seeing managers who are too hands on and doing other peoples work for them; they have trouble communicating with staff and aren’t responsive enough to our ever changing environment. The company has enrolled these individuals in management training and provided coaching, but we’re still not seeing the changes we need. What are we missing? more...

Bill 168: Amendments to Ontario’s OHSA
Q: I know that there are statutory regulations governing violence and harassment in the workplace in the federal jurisdiction, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec and Nova Scotia. My operation is in Ontario and I wanted to know if there are any obligations with respect to violence and harassment in the workplace in this province? more...

Managing the Multigenerational Workforce
Q: The mix of younger generations and older generations in the workplace is really challenging. I hear a lot about the differences between generations and I worry that I am not able to provide the management needed for a mixed team. What advice do you have for today’s multigenerational manager? more...

Social Media for Recruiting
Q: I've noticed that more and more big companies are using social media tools to attract candidates, and it seems to be delivering great results. We're a smaller company without a dedicated HR/Recruiting department - how can we leverage social media without having to hire a Gen Y internet wunderkind? more...

No Turning Back: The Future of Human Resources
Now that the economy looks like it has turned the corner, many Human Resource professionals are settling back into their role as sideline supporters of the executive team. That could be a big mistake according to Phillip Gennis, Vice-President, Recovery and Reorganization, Grant Thornton Limited who presented to the IPM session in Toronto last October. more...

The Behaviour and Process of Knowledge
As the Boomer generation prepares to retire, businesses that fail to successfully execute a knowledge transfer strategy are compounding a significant risk. At the same time, many businesses have struggled with successfully delivering Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence solutions. more...

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