Cultural Interviewing When we think of interviewing we usually think of a series of related questions designed specifically for an optimal response from the candidate. Based on those responses and the "personality" of the candidate, we then make our decision on the appropriateness of the candidate for the position in question.
Have Work. Will Hire For the past 6 months I have been attempting to get some guidance or assistance from the Canadian Immigration Department on how to recruit international candidates. What I have run into has been a maze of names, numbers and emails of people within the department, and even some from other agencies, who apparently don’t have a clue how to help Canadian businesses address the skills shortage in the trades industry.
 Speaking the Truth Have you noticed how difficult it is to speak the truth in the workplace today? That’s because Political Correctness (PC) has limited what we can say and to whom. Even if it is as plain as that vaguely shaped protuberance on your face. Pretty soon we won’t be able to say anything at all. Even in our own home.
 Jacqueline Zagotsis, RPR Apple One Employment Services, Oakville, ON more...
Carol-Anne Axford, RPR Nova Scotia Community College, Dartmouth, NS
Cindy Ziobrowski, RPR Meyers Norris Penny, Calgary, AB more...
 Managing for Success: The Value of Values A group of over 25 attendees gathered in Edmonton on May 27th, for a very interactive Spring Workshop. The session included a talk on "Managing for Success: The Value of Values" by Joy Humphrey, Managing Partner with Excel Group Development Edmonton.
 Do You Want Employee Engagement? Most organizations provide some form of employee recognition. The problem is that many senior leaders think of these recognition awards – and especially service awards – as an expense; an employee benefit; part of the “soft side” of business. “We compensate people well for their work, don’t we?” a CEO will say, “why give them an award for their years of service (or job performance)?” more...
Conquer Your Chaos - Keep Stress at Bay Stress is quickly becoming an epidemic in North America. Today, 75 - 90 per cent of all doctor visits are stress related. Conditions like high blood pressure, allergies, migraines, ulcers, bowel and skin problems and more have all been related to stress. That's not to mention the fact that stress has been linked to all the leading causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, lung ailments, accidents, cirrhosis and suicide.
Employee Productivity I challenge you to say you would rather have someone who is unqualified, unmotivated but will stay versus someone who is fired up and ready to take on a position even though they might leave. Time and time again I hear upset employers frustrated because they can not find great people. more...
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles,
questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other
material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute,
please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at
kate@workplace.ca or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at shalini@workplace.ca