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Fall 2009 Edition- October 2009 Volume 27

Recognizing Members Who Make the Difference
Most professional associations today are experiencing some level of difficulty recruiting volunteers. National associations such as IPM have a core staff in their head office and regional or local chapters across the country run by groups of volunteers. more...

Do or Delegate
One of the basics of Modern Management 101 is to learn how to delegate and then do it as often as you can. At least that’s the theory. In the real world managers are trying desperately to put this theory into practice but we can’t seem to find anyone who will actually do what we want. People don’t really want to follow our directions but want to set out on their own. more...

Downsizing the Workforce While Restructuring
Q: In the January 2009 issue of this newsletter you mention the need to develop the right strategy when reducing the workforce and review the organization’s processes. What are your suggestions in these two areas so that we do not terminate our best employees? more...

Mentoring Programs
Q: ”I've been asked by our president to set up a mentoring program. We've all heard and read about the great benefits of mentoring and the basics of developing a program. What are some of the problem areas to watch for and why do some programs fail?” more...

Dealing with Anger in the Workplace
Q: "As president of an organization of 100 people, I am experiencing new challenges managing people during a depressed economy. At weekly meetings with my team, I notice one of my senior managers displaying outbursts of anger. How do I begin to deal with his anger?" more...

The Evolution of Grammar
Q. My kids seem to be learning different grammar rules than I learned. Does grammar really change? If so, why? Are there any changes I should be aware of when I write business documents? more...

Avoiding Employee Burnout
Q. What can our organization do to avoid burning out our employees and help them maintain high performance levels? more...

Changing Technology: Monitoring Employee Computer Usage
The employee of a Calgary oilfield service company wanted to spend the day with friends so he called in sick. During the course of the day photos were taken of their “excursion” and posted on Facebook. A co-worker, who had to pick up the extra work because his colleague was off sick, saw the photos on Facebook and reported it to the boss. more...

Implementing Progressive Discipline
I am the sole human resource professional of a small non-union manufacturing company and I have an employee who is giving me a headache. The employee started off by coming into work late without advance warning or a telephone call. Now he is refusing to take orders from his supervisor and his carelessness has caused a small mishap on the production line resulting in two hours of downtime during a peak production period as well as a minor health and safety issue. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editor: Kate Moore, RPR at


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