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Winter 2011 Edition- January 2011 Volume 32

Recognizing Those Who Make the Difference...
As IPM begins its 27th year in management training and development, membership in our four professional associations is at a record high. With over 2,400 members of the Association of Professional Recruiters of Canada, the Canadian Management Professionals Association, the Canadian Association of Assessment Specialists and the Canadian Professional Trainers Association, we are most grateful to our volunteer National Board, a group of eighteen dedicated professionals who have helped contribute to the success of their local and regional chapters. more...

Can You and Your Employees Keep a Secret?
Public and private organizations in Canada have rights to protect insider information and trade secrets from not only spies from the outside, but also from current and former employees who wish to take this expertise with them when they leave. These rights are enshrined in legislation, but given the level of competitiveness both in Canada and globally, there are many other steps that an organization can take to protect its internal and unique information. more...

Keys to Successful Surveys
Q: I have just been asked by our CEO to do another employee survey. We do surveys every two years and have not had great success in the past. What tips can you share for conducting a proper survey? A: Too many of today’s surveys are less than adequate. Some actually do more harm than good. But conducting a survey properly can create significant value for a company. more...

Harassment with Employee Who Suffers From a Disability
Q: We received a complaint from an employee about alleged harassment from a co-worker. During our investigation, the alleged harasser disclosed to us that he suffers from a mental disability as defined under the Ontario Human Rights Code (“Code”) which caused him to harass his co-worker. What, if any, right do we have to discipline this employee? more...

Social Media 101
Q: Social media is more for people’s personal lives.  Why would a business need to know about social media? more...

Volunteering with a Professional Association - What’s In It for Me?
In 2006, I attended my first IPM professional development event while assisting a colleague who was the featured presenter. At the conclusion of the event, there was a call for volunteers. At the time, I thought that volunteering with IPM Associations might be a great networking opportunity, so I expressed my interest, became a member of the Canadian Professional Trainers Association and joined the Ottawa Regional Chapter of IPM Associations on their Speakers Committee. more...

Ready, Set, Implement Your HRIS
Implementation of an HRIS can be an emotional journey, but the rewards are worth the effort, and a solid methodology provides an element of control which tempers the emotional aspect. It is a natural reaction to feel overwhelmed by the upcoming challenge of the Implementation. But take a deep breath, you may be more ready than you think! more...

Gain the Trust of Your Senior Executives
We’ve seen extensive material on HR in the C-Suite lately, particularly in this volatile economic climate. We all know that the classic HR role has dramatically changed in the past two decades. If we want to survive, we must have the necessary tools and knowledge to gain and maintain the trust of our senior executives and directors. more...

Bullying in the Workplace
There may not be definitive research linking workplace bullying and fraud, but consider the possibility. No matter how well organizations articulate their ethics and values, if workplace bullying exists, employees may feel threatened, changing their behavior. Some employees may be motivated to commit fraud. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editor: Nat at


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