The Etiquette of Technology Ah…technology…ever changing, ever improving just to make our lives simper and the ability to communicate that much easier. There’s only one problem. It seems with the advent of every new gadget not only does accessibility increase but so does the extent of rudeness and lack of courtesy. more...
Those who laugh…LAST Rather than “don’t get mad, get even,” try don’t get mad… get funny and laugh! We all face challenges and obstacles every day, no matter what is going on; but it’s all the little stressors that will add up over time and play havoc on our emotional and physical health.
 No New Trends in Human Resources Every year I keep looking around for new trends in Human Resources and I see a lot of new terms and much bigger words, but there is seldom anything new in human resources. What we have instead is a Human Resource industry that must constantly create a need for its new and trendy services. I’ll even admit that I am guilty of that myself, from time to time. Just don’t try and teach this old dog any new HR tricks. more...
 International or Expatriate Management Policy Q: Are there any instances in which it would be preferable to choose a local hire over an expatriate? The simple answer is, of course, yes. more...
 Bob Van Slyck, RPR, RAS CCT Inc, Kitchener ON more...
Jean Smith, RPR Aliant Telecom Inc, Saint John NB more...
Lynda Murray, RPR L. Murray & Associates Inc, Regina SK
 Succession Planning – What Works and What You Need To Know This past November participants were very engaged and interested in the success and model of succession planning used by the Halifax Regional Police Department (HRPD). On November 16th, 2005, Superintendent Michael Bell, Halifax Regional Police Department presented information regarding Succession Planning to approximately 50 Human Resources Professionals from the Metro area.
 The key to finding new employment Use of the internet by Canadians is growing at one of the fastest rates in the world according to research by eMarketer, a leading source of data about internet, e-business and emerging technologies. But when it comes to finding a new job, Canadians continue to rely on good old-fashioned networking.
Dealing with Difficult Issues Proactively dealing with difficult issues in the workplace can be energizing. Moving through and solving problems is good for us as individuals, and benefits our teams and organizations. Often leaders delay this type of activity because of their inexperience in effectively handling difficult situations. more...
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles,
questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other
material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute,
please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at
kate@workplace.ca or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at shalini@workplace.ca