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Summer 2004 Edition- July 2004 Volume 6

Enjoying Our Brief Summer
Ah, the good old summertime. It seems to me that in years past, most people could take time from their jobs to enjoy something of summer. Most industries slowed down, schedules were flexible and people, on the whole, could get out and have some fun. Families took vacations, kids played outside and the cottage got its year’s worth of use in three months. more...

Work-Life Balance
Balancing our work and personal lives has never been more difficult. There may have been generations and ages where more time was spent hunting and gathering food, but before electricity it was hard to work overtime. People worked harder at different times of the year but there were also slow periods that gave bodies and minds a chance to rejuvenate. more...

Keeping Overseas Staff Connected
Q: What are some of the most effective means of keeping an employee "plugged in" to the company during a global assignment? more...

Member of the Year/Chapter of the Year
Enterprise Charlotte, St. Andrews more...

Brian R. Taylor, RPR
Director of Transit Services, Halifax more...

Robert L. Turner RPR, CMP, RAS, RPT
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador more...

Anita Sampson Binder, M.A., B.A., RPR
Redknee Inc, more...

Cleaning Your Work Space
Spring has sprung! Summer is just around the corner. Warmer temperatures and longer day light certainly has an effect on us. We tend to experience more energy and a need to get physical. After a long winter, most yards need to be raked and annual house-cleaning task are tackled. What about adding your work space to that list? more...

The Ultimate Interview – Golf!
If I had my druthers (and in an ideal world), I wish that I could play a round of golf with every long-listed candidate before deciding whether or not they would make the short list. Of course it will never happen for many reasons - not the least of which is that it might be hard to prove its relevance to the job…or would it? What is it about a round of golf that would make it such an alluring screening tool? Let’s do some analysis. A round of golf would allow the interviewer to observe the candidate’s behaviour in the following ways: more...

Dress for Success: Tailor-Made Volunteering
As long as I can remember, I have always been a strong proponent of volunteerism. There is so much need in the world for people to give a little of themselves in whatever way possible to make the lives of others and ultimately our own more fulfilling. Volunteering is also an invaluable tool to gain hands-on work experience. Over the years, I have been involved with a number of volunteer organizations, but when I heard of the organization Dress for Success, there was absolutely no hesitation in my mind that I needed to get involved. more...

The Art of Shaking Hands: A New Cultural Norm
What's in a handshake? As a near-universal gesture of "accommodation" handshaking is a relatively new cultural behaviour. Its original purpose was to prove to others that you were coming "open-handed" and unarmed. It took off only a few hundred years ago. As far as I know, it was the English we have to give credit for it. The English of that time were world travelers, and the convention spread like wildfire. Right from the start some rules accompanied it. They weren't chiseled in stone, but they were general guides on how to conduct a handshake. There are three main conventions. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editors, Kate Moore, RPR at or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at


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