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Summer 2011 Edition- July 2011 Volume 34

Email Etiquette - Time for a Wakeup Call?
We’re all flooded with emails and forced to squeeze so much into our workday. Who can afford the time to worry about how you compose email messages? We have heard all about the importance of effective verbal and written communication skills, but are we making the best use of the skills we have learned? more...

Employee Relations in a Wage Freeze World
While Canada appears to have weathered the worst of the economic downturn, many organizations and industries continue to suffer as they wait for markets and the economy to improve, not just in Canada but around the world. One of the legacies of the recent recession is that many employers will continue to practice restraint. more...

The Only Good Idea is the Boss’ Idea
Q: Every time we have to present a proposal to a senior executive, he sends us back to the drawing board until we come up with something that was basically his idea in the first place. Some staff went as far as pitching one or two bad ideas they know he will reject, but I don't feel I should have to play reverse psychology. What should I do? more...

Terminating Employees on Extended Medical Leave
Q: I have an employee who has been on a medical leave of absence for years. When can an employer terminate a sick or disabled employee on the basis of frustration of contract? more...

Medical Notes for Time Off: Are You Getting a Clear Picture?
Q: We seem to be getting more medical notes from doctors on behalf of our employees simply stating that they must be off for medical reasons. What can we as the employer do to get more information? more...

Due Diligence – Look Before You Leap
What is due diligence? It’s defined as the process of ensuring that an individual or entity is an appropriate and suitable employee or partner for any business. We will focus on background due diligence, the process to use before entering into any senior level employment contract or significant business relationship, and examine how this exercise can be simply and cost effectively completed. more...

The Art of Downsizing
The economic challenges faced by many industries over the past few years have often left organizations with little choice but to downsize. The hotel industry has been no exception. Downsizing is never easy and a number of considerations factor into the decisions on where to cut. Generally, employment standards legislation usually requires certain notice periods be provided to employees prior to the termination. more...

Today’s Evolving Workforce - Globetrotting with The Right Job
According to the New Kelly Global Workforce Index (March 2011), almost 75% of Canadians are willing to move for the right job, with many willing to relocate to another country. The report found that the desire to move to a different continent is driven by the experience rather than setting up permanent residence, with 58% prepared to stay for up to three years or less. more...

Reward and Recognition in a Transient Era
As employers looking for top talent in a highly competitive era, we are faced with a transient labour force difficult to retain. Exit interviews supply us with a plethora of statements that often contain the word “better”, most commonly, “better job”. But what makes for a better job? more...

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As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editor: Nat at info@workplace.ca


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