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Feedback from IPM Associations Volunteers

Jackie Appelt, RPR, Edmonton:

"Volunteering with the Edmonton Regional Executive was a wonderful experience from the early days with Mary Ann to the final conference before COVID impacted all aspects of our lives/professional activities. I am forever grateful for your leadership, support and confidence in those of us who represented IPM regionally. Although the team members changed over the years, their professionalism and commitment were constant."

Kristin Krause Reed, RPR, Calgary:

I became an RPR member in 2006 and was excited to be recommended to join the Calgary Regional Executive. I enjoy being part of the decision making for conference speakers and other member related issues. The Calgary team is great to work with. Joining this group has really helped me expand my network and keep up to date on current industry trends. I look forward to our next conference!

Dmetri Berko, RPR, CMP, Calgary

Working as a volunteer for IPM's Calgary Chapter is a rewarding use of my time and a great way to give back to an organization that has helped me achieve in my profession. The commitment for time is reasonable and the other regional members are great resources!

Brianne Carlson, RPR, RAS, Ottawa:

After relocating to Ottawa in 2007, I attended my first IPM Conference. The IPM team was so welcoming and friendly and the conference presenters were truly excellent, that I haven't missed one event since!

I volunteered as a member of the Ottawa Regional Executive in 2015. Two years later, I became Regional Co-Chair. Being able to volunteer my time to help organize IPM's events, to find speakers and to encourage participation within my professional network allows me the opportunity to give back.

Connie Olson, RPR, CMP, Edmonton:

I've been with the Edmonton Regional Chapter for over 5 years now and it has been an honour. As an IPM ambassador, it's a great opportunity to promote the HR profession, organize high quality, participant focused events and work with a dedicated and fun team. This is definitely the organization you want to volunteer with!

Cindy Ziobrowski, RPR, RPT, Calgary:

I've been with IPM Associations for over 15 years. I started out as a committee member in Calgary and had the opportunity to help plan and organize the annual conference. The team was so friendly and we worked together to brainstorm ideas and hold a first class event. The committee members became friends I still keep in touch with.

When I moved to BC, I immediately joined the Vancouver team and then became Regional Director in BC. The skills I learned in Calgary helped me lead the team and plan some great conferences in Vancouver. I also had the opportunity to host the event which helped me strengthen my own public speaking skills.

When I returned to Calgary, I happily rejoined the team and am now Regional Director for the Calgary Chapter. We have a wonderful team right now, but we need more members with fresh ideas. Volunteering in the community has always been a priority for me and being able work on conferences that help further knowledge in HR Management makes me proud.

Linda Kellett, Toronto:

I have been associated with IPM for nearly 20 years. Initially I started attending conferences in Toronto as part of on-going professional development and soon realized the benefits of IPM, both professionally and personally.

My role within IPM gradually developed, with mentorship from IPM senior management, into my past role as Regional Director, Toronto Chapter. Volunteering provided an opportunity to network professionally and broaden my scope of contacts by sharing information, both during conferences and throughout the year with other colleagues and members.

Even after retiring eight years ago, I still continue to volunteer here as it provides me the opportunity to continue developing skills and expertise (which now transfer to other elements in my life) along with maintaining the great relationships and friendships developed over the years.

Jaime Moore, RPT, Ottawa:

In my last 12 years of volunteering with IPM Associations, I've had the opportunity to meet many interesting presenters who I have been able to introduce to my organization. My employer has seen the benefits of my volunteering here and supports me on this initiative. Being the Regional Director, I've had the chance to develop my personal leadership skills, increase my confidence in public speaking and develop my network. I have also made some great friends over the years.

Laura Tait, RPR, Halifax:

I've been with IPM Associations Maritimes Chapter for the last 5 years having been a member of IPM Associations for 15 years. I've had fantastic opportunities to network with other Management and HR Professionals and participate in the planning of outstanding regional conferences with a strong and loyal following. Collaborating with IPM and other local volunteers to select speakers and design a conference that attracts not only HR professionals, but also operations, finance, administrative, technical, trade-specific specialists, etc., is especially rewarding. Making sure that the information we present meets all of their expectations is a welcome challenge and ensures that we satisfy everyone's needs. This effort by the various Regional Chapters also translates to the publications and courses offered by IPM nationally. As an HR Professional myself, I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the diverse networking and professional development events offered by IPM. CPHR recertification points for professional development and volunteering are valuable too!

Lynia Vincent, RPR, Ottawa:

Since I joined the Ottawa Chapter as a volunteer, I've greatly enjoyed meeting members of the board, presenters and IPM Association members. An added benefit is how it has helped my business grow! As a result of attending the events, I've partnered with a number other professionals which has led to new business and financial success for all of us. This is a win-win situation. It is a great way to develop your network and help like minds develop theirs. It opens your business to new opportunities and gives you the satisfaction of making a difference!

Miria Visentin, RPR, Ottawa:

I began volunteering on the Ottawa Regional Chapter shortly after obtaining my RPR designation. The regional committee meetings to discuss relevant HR topics have kept me current with HR issues, legal updates and best practices. Attending the events has provided me with the opportunity to network with HR/management professionals, as well as allocate the conference sessions for CHRP recertification. I am very thankful for participating as a volunteer and definitely recommend aspiring and dedicated professionals to join your regional chapter.


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