PD Events – Not Dangerous to Your Health Have you noticed that there aren’t as many live conferences as there were a few years ago? Do you wonder why? Everyone still needs professional development, but with greater workloads and reduced PD budgets, management needs to think harder about what type of events and how many employees they can afford to send out for a day or two.
 Individual Employment Relationships At one time, there was a standard set of rules that governed the workplace where you were employed. Sometimes these rules were codified in an employment contract or in the terms of a collective agreement. Other times, it was as simple as a letter of offer that stipulated the address where you were supposed to show up and how much you would get paid. When you arrived, they told you what time to come to work and when to take your lunch and coffee breaks. more...
 Get Your Message Across Q: I have meetings and discussions with people. We agree on what they’re going to do and then they do something completely different. What’s happening here? more...
Battle the New Workplace Epidemic Q: Most of us today suffer from lack of sleep. Can you provide some practical tips on ways to improve sleep patterns and get some much needed rest? more...
How to Lower the Risks in Hiring Q: Hiring decisions are among the most challenging that we as managers face. We are constantly reminded that hiring the wrong person can have damaging consequences such as losses in revenue and profits, work disruptions, litigation and more. What are the really key issues in making effective hiring decisions? more...
 Human Rights Damages in Employment Human rights damages are general damages for injury to dignity, feelings and self-respect resulting from a breach of the Human Rights Code (the “Code”). In November 2008, significant legislative changes came into force that changed the law on human rights damages in Ontario. The legislative changes eliminated a longstanding monetary cap on the human rights damages that could be awarded in each case and opened the door for civil courts to award human rights damages in wrongful dismissal actions. more...
HR’s Role in Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and acquisitions continue to be a major activity for Canadian and international businesses with billions of dollars of share holders’ equity being transferred from one company to another every year. These activities present a series of challenges and opportunities for HR professionals who not only have a major stake in their outcome, but a number of valuable roles to play throughout the process. more...
Energy on the Front Line Is there any role in the workplace that is tougher than a frontline manager? It is the role that is caught between the desires of executives focused on the strategic horizon and frontline employees charged with getting the work done. The delicate balance of trying to keep two important, yet diverse, sets of competing priorities in play can be exhausting. There are some days when managers are just simply caught in the crossfire. more...
Redirecting Behaviour with Words How often do you feel frustrated and misunderstood or feel like you are on the losing end of an argument? There will be times in our lives when we are confronted with circumstances or situations where the success of our conversations or the ability to use our words will determine our greatest results. more...
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