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Acquire the skills you need to recruit, manage and supervise in today's changing workplace. Attain credits and certificates towards professional accreditation and recognition that will help you grow and thrive in your career. Discover the latest legal tools and best practices that will equip you to manage effectively. Maximize your training dollars and learn at your own pace through our cost-effective Mixed Media USB, Text Based USB and online options.

Accreditation Programs
Professional Recruiter
Professional Manager
Professional Trainer

Professional Associations
For Recruiters
For Managers
For Trainers
For Assessors

Join IPM's Associations Online!

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Important Program Information FAQ's

Client Feedback

Yes, I would like to join the Association of Professional Recruiters of Canada for only $175 per year plus GST/HST.

Yes, I would like to join the Canadian Management Professionals Association for only $175 per year plus GST/HST.

Yes, I would like to join the Canadian Professional Trainers Association for only $175 per year plus GST/HST.

Yes, I would like to join the Canadian Association of Assessment Specialists for only $175 per year plus GST/HST.

Two types of memberships are available to all Associations:
Full members have completed their respective accreditation programs, successfully completed the entrance exam and are eligible for their professional designation by joining the association.

Associate members are consultants, service providers or suppliers to the HR and management sectors or those who have not yet completed the full accreditation program.

Click here for printable PDF Membership Application

Member Benefits

Complimentary online subscription to IPM Associations Members Quarterly Newsletters featuring a wealth of fresh information from Canada's leading experts on a wide range of workplace issues.

Complimentary online subscription to Workplace Today® Online, Canada's premiere workplace journal. With a retail value of $119.00, you get well-researched legal information, detailed case studies on timely issues and concise reporting on today's labour trends from the best in the business.

Complimentary access to the Workplace Library, a comprehensive collection of online articles and features for today's managers and supervisors.

Quick access to timely information with an excellent search engine all in one place at

Members' special discounts on IPM programs and services.

Membership fees are $175.00 per year plus GST/HST.

© IPM Management Training and Development Corporation 1984-2025 All Rights Reserved
IPM Management Training and Development Corporation dba IPM- Institute of Professional Management