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Winter 2013 Edition- January 2013 Volume 40

The Importance of Professional Accreditations
Professional development is at an all time high. Most educational institutions and professional associations are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of individuals seeking to augment their educational qualifications. In today’s challenging economy, you can never have enough training as you don’t know what tomorrow will bring. more...

Reducing Workplace Stress
A recent survey by asked more than 5,000 workers about their stress levels and if they would seek a less stressful job or career in the future. Almost 40 percent of the employees answered that they would be looking for a less stressful job. This may prove difficult. more...

What Foods are Truly Good for Us?
Q: In today’s world, healthy foods information inundates the marketplace. There is more confusion than clarity with ever contradictory findings and claims. Foods we thought were good for us may not be that healthy after all. How does one make discerning decisions in the midst of all this contradictory chaos? more...

Better Business Writing: The Ongoing Challenge
Q: In our office, we spend a lot of time writing anything from simple emails to complex reports. We are well-educated but often criticized for being over-complicated and spending too much time writing. How can we improve the quality of our writing and save time doing it? more...

Classification of Employees VS. Independent or Dependent Contractors
The classification of agents as employees, independent or dependent contractors has always been a thorny issue in employment law. The distinction between the classifications is often unclear because it is case specific. Recognizing that a true independent contractor relationship can be beneficial for both parties, this article will analyze recent cases where the enforceability of independent contractor agreements is at issue and will also highlight key strategies for successfully structuring relationships. more...

Ageism in Today’s Workplace
Many older workers and their advocates have welcomed the growing trend in Canada to remove restrictions on older workers remaining in the workforce after age 65 if they have the health, capacity and stamina to do so. A series of successful challenges to mandatory retirement policies in both government and the private sector have also removed some of the barriers to extending one’s working life. But there are some troublesome signs on the horizon that not all employers are welcoming these changes and some are actively opposing this practice. more...

Put Me in Coach!
Many lessons can be learned from major league baseball on how some of the best coaches in the world get the most out of their teams. John Fogarty had it right: “there’s new grass on the field”. The world is changing at a phenomenal pace and so too are workplaces. Organizations are evolving to meet increasing expectations. We need agility in our corporate cultures as we navigate changing demographics, employee and customer expectations and technology. more...

Get the Right People on Board
“Getting the right people on the bus”, to borrow from Jim Collins of Good to Great fame, is arguably one of the most critical challenges facing organizations. The complexities are further complicated by the diversification of our workforces and the globalization of the organizational landscapes in which we conduct business. more...

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