Recognizing Ourselves There is no shortage of studies that show that employee recognition programs, when done right, play a significant role in retention of staff. In HR teams across the country, HR professionals toil away in collaboration with management to come up with ways to recognize performance and service that are appropriate and meaningful, and won't become the butt of company jokes.
 Don’t Bother Me I’m Busy Finding work life balance is the ultimate quest for the modern workplace warrior. I like my time off and spending quality time with family and friends too but my problem is that I also like to work. If it’s not my day job which can take me off on Internet wild goose chases long into the night, my other projects keep me happy, busy, and contented. more...
 Restrictive Covenants: A Cautionary Tale Q: My Organization is involved in selling products in a specialized market and there are only a handful of competitors. Our customer lists are very sensitive information and the lifeblood of the organization. It has come to my attention that two of my key sales employees plan to resign to work for a competitor. Is there anything I can do to prevent these former employees from exploiting and misusing my organization's sensitive customer information once they resign? more...
When Outside Recruiters Are Outside the Budget Q:Our organization needs to make some hires in the next few months, but in this economy, I'm not looking forward to paying 20% (or more, for senior positions) in recruiting fees. And when we've posted ads on job boards, we get bombarded with applications from unsuitable people. Is there a better way? more...
Reacting to Fraud in the Workplace Q: We are considering the termination of an employee who we suspect has been stealing customers’ payments and then manipulating the accounting records to cover up the theft. What should we do to handle this situation the right way? more...
Academic vs. Business Writing Styles Q. I have always received top marks for my writing assignments throughout my academic life. Now that I am in the workforce, my manager claims my writing style needs improvement. I cannot comprehend his remarks. Is the problem really with me or with my manager? more...
 “Do I Stay or Do I go?” You have just laid off three employees and the remaining staff are stressed and fearful that they may be next or they are stressing over how they will manage the increased workload. How are you going to maintain or create an environment that keeps morale up? According to the research conducted by Dr. Thomas lee from the University of Washington, 63% of voluntary turnovers are precipitated by some kind of shocking event. more...
Financial Stress Takes Heavy Toll in the Workplace We are all painfully aware of the slumping economy and its effects on our own personal financial circumstances. This has not only affected corporate budgets and spending, but employees are overwhelmed with stress about their own financial security. Financial stress can lead to problems with health and wellness, work-life balance and significantly reduced productivity, as a result of an increasing number of hours spent on personal business during increased work hours. more...
Finding the Wolf within your Flock Have you ever been a-clue-istic, one without a clue, with regard to reading other people? I have, and as a Behavioural Symptoms Analysis expert here is what I’ve learned. In April 1994, as a member of the Canadian Forces, I took part in a Prisoner Handling and Tactical Questioning course held at the Defence Intelligence and Security School in Ashford Kent, England. more...
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