What Happened to the Paperless Workplace? Here we are well into the 21st century and as I look around me piles of paper and mountains of files surround me. Why? When this was supposed to be the time of our lives when computers would be doing all of the work for us. Don't get me wrong, I am very thankful for technology streamlining my life and assisting me in being more organized...I am also well aware of the downside of technology and the sheer mass of "Human Resources" it has eliminated.
 Networking is Knowledge Management There is still quite a lot of confusion about what Knowledge Management actually is and what it involves. Knowledge management is not an end in itself, but rather a means to achieving organizational and personal goals. Look at both your long-term goals and short to medium-term objectives: What are they? How might knowledge management help you to achieve them? What knowledge do you need in order to do your job or further your career aspirations? How can you acquire, create, use and share that knowledge to bring it about? more...
 Contract Workers and the Law As a Human Resources professional, I see that organizations are using more and more temporary workers hired through a third party. Are there laws or regulations that I should be familiar with, to ensure that our company is being duly diligent?
Seek Out Most Qualified Relocation Partners How have recent corporate financial scandals
and government rulings changed the face of relocation? more...
 Heather Coughlan, RPR, CMP- Miramichi, NB City of Miramichi more...
Wendy Miyagawa, RPR, RAS, CMP Somerset West Community Health Centre, Ottawa more...
Jane Mason, HR Consultant, Fraser Health Authority Fraser Health Authority, Vancouver more...
 New Privacy Legislation for Alberta A group of almost 55 attendees gathered in Calgary on October 22nd, for a very timely Fall Workshop. The session included a talk on "New Privacy Legislation for Alberta" by Laurie Robson, a partner with Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, and Isha Khan, a lawyer with the same firm. more...
 A Purpose Driven Life & the Meaning of Work What does it mean to have a purpose driven life and what does this have to do with the meaning of work? Good question! When you get up in the morning and go to work, do you ever ask yourself why you do it? Beyond a paycheck, why do you do what you do? Does your job fill some greater purpose in your life? Does it fulfill some particular life mission you have? Do you even care? Do people who have found their calling in life get more meaning from their work than people who work mainly to pay the bills? Do people who grew up during the war years of the 40's think differently about work than the so-called Gen-Xers?
Training Managers in Pay and Performance Systems Having undergone numerous evolutionary steps in the past several decades, today’s pay and performance systems find themselves juxtaposed between two possible owners: HR and line managers. In most organizations, HR owns the design of pay and performance programs, policies and procedures, while managers are charged with implementing these necessary drivers of organizational success. more...
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles,
questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other
material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact Kate Moore, RPR, Members Quarterly
Editor at