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Winter 2009 Edition- January 2009 Volume 24

Candidate Care
Despite the dark days that we are currently experiencing in the economy, certain sectors continue to see great demand and competition for high quality people. Demographic changes to the workforce are becoming more and more pronounced as baby boomers reach retirement age and the war for talent rages on. more...

Identity Theft
Unsuspecting victims of identity theft can face five-digit balance statements from credit cards they never knew they had; income tax statements showing thousands of tax dollars in arrears for revenue that they never earned; or even charges for second or third household mortgages that they never took out. more...

One of the main objectives of a professional association is to provide members with the opportunity to become professionally recognized as a specialist within their field. Certain professions are regulated by government and they specify particular courses of study and development in order to become certified to practice within those professions. more...

Business Under the Weather
Q: As VP, HR of a company with 100 employees, I am experiencing difficulties following the recent retirement of our founding President and CEO, a well respected entrepreneur within the business community, who passed the leadership “baton” to his two less experienced sons. An “executive team” was created prior to his departure to facilitate the transition. This team of five has only two officers who are not family members, the VP of Finance & Admin and myself. In recent months, half of our sales team has left to join the competition. We also lost some major clients. Our employees are worried about their future with the firm. We see that our organization is in trouble and have problems communicating this to our new president. What needs to be done and how do we approach this with the new leaders? more...

Vacation Pay and Time Entitlements
Q: My employer has operations across Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia. Are annual vacation time and vacation pay entitlements the same across these provinces? more...

Deborah Moore, RPR
Bell Alliant, Halifax NS more...

Karen Hawes, RPR
Interior Savings Credit Union, Kelowna BC more...

Jaime Moore
Canadian Commercial Corp, Ottawa ON more...

Building the Next Generation of Human Resources
To paraphrase Charles Dickens, “it is the best of times, and it is the worst of times” for human resources. Never in history has there been such a demand for innovative approaches to the management of talent, and yet many argue that the profession has not stepped up to opportunity. more...

Restructuring a Firm in Financial Difficulty
I was approached recently by the Director of Finance of a manufacturing company with a workforce of 125 employees; 80 unionized and 45 non union. The company is facing financial challenges and the President has asked the Director to reduce the workforce by 30% so the business can survive in today’s economy. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editor: Kate Moore, RPR at


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