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Spring 2009 Edition- April 2009 Volume 25

Reaching Out
In our October 2008 issue of MQ, I wrote about grief in the workplace and about how the way in which employers handle it says a lot about them. I find myself musing about a similar theme today; as I write this, Ottawa is in the grip of a 48 day old transit strike. more...

The Challenges of Tomorrow
The first challenge for any organization is to achieve a standard of excellence in whatever market or sector they are engaged in. The second challenge is how to stay there. Companies and organizations who do not learn how to overcome that second challenge will find that their ability to stay on top will erode over time and ultimately the standards that they established, and their customer bases and market position will fall. more...

Beefing Up New and Pre-Existing Employment Contracts
Q: Given recent economic uncertainty in Canada and the U.S., a number of my clients have been calling me to find out how they can strengthen both their existing and new employment contracts to reduce potential liability in the event of a not-for-just-cause termination or downsizing. more...

Bob Chapman, CMP
City of Toronto, Toronto ON more...

Michelle Dulmadge, RPR
AltaGas Services Inc, Calgary AB more...

Shannon Feeney, CMP
Feeney & Associates, Victoria BC more...

Next Generation of HR
If we return to the critical talent issues facing organizations today, there are three major areas of focus where HR can make a real difference. While every organization has its own priorities of the day, it is hard to argue that these three are not universally critical to not only our clients, but to Canada’s economy as a whole. more...

Expense Padding: The Padding That Hurts
In the world of high profile, business-terminating frauds, expense account frauds are like Rodney Dangerfield - they don’t get a lot of respect. The 2007 survey by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners entitled “Detecting Occupational Fraud in Canada” indicated the median loss for expense reimbursement fraud was $18,000 but it represented 20% of the total cash disbursement frauds. more...

IPM – 25 Years and Still Going Strong
IPM (Institute of Professional Management) is now celebrating its 25th year in the management development and training industry. We express our sincere appreciation to all association members, subscribers, volunteer board members, presenters and participants who have helped our organization grow. more...

To Bond or Not to Bond
There is no doubt that in today’s world, businesses and organizations have to protect themselves against a wide range of threats to their information, property and resources. That doesn’t just mean putting up a wall to keep fraudsters and hackers out, it also means ensuring that the organization is protected against employee fraud. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editor: Kate Moore, RPR at


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