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Winter 2006 Edition- January 2006 Volume 12

Ethics: Now You See Them, Now You Don’t
If you do a search on Google for the word “ethics”, it spits out 191,000,000 hits. Considering that we live in a time when breaches of ethics seem to be one of the main newsworthy items in the media, I guess it’s not so surprising. Daily we hear about padded expense accounts, misappropriation of funds, fraud, conspiracy…the list goes on. more...

Sustaining Key Employees in the War for Talent
According to Bill Bonnstetter and Bill Brooks the reasons include:
  • People are complex and bring more variables to the job than can be measured.
  • Identifying top performers is often a personality contest
  • Mastery of skills not needed for superior job performance might be included as requirements by biased people
  • Jobs today are more complex than in the past – more intangible – and lend themselves to less tangible evidence of performance. more...

    Ten Ways to Build Trust in the Workplace
    In order to earn the trust of your peers, subordinates and superiors there are a number of common factors that you have to apply and maintain. In order to gain their trust, you will have to prove that you can be consistent on a set of basic qualities and behaviours over a period of time. Here are ten ways to build and maintain trust in the workplace. more...

    The Nose Knows
    When you consider that most of us spend 80 to 90 percent of our time indoors, it suddenly becomes relevant to know that indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outside air. more...

    Marlene Naraine, RPR
    CIBC Mellon, Pickering ON more...

    Doug Ivey, RPR
    Diavik Diamond Mines Inc, Yellowknife NT more...

    Lynn Moore & Associates, Vancouver BC more...

    Ending Mandatory Retirement: How Will It Affect You?
    How our views on retirement have changed over the years! Our grandparents worked hard all their lives and then retired to their rocking chairs to dandle grandchildren on their knees. The baby boomers touted the advantages of “Freedom 55” – many took advantage, but are now re-thinking that thanks to the dual blessings of longer lives and better health. Generation X seems to have the fatalistic view of “Freedom 75”…if they are lucky (unless they lucked out in the tech boom!). more...

    Today’s Hottest Issues in Employment Law
    Richard Nixon, partner in the Labour and Employment Group with McCarthy Tétrault in Toronto, presented a timely and interesting session updating a workshop of over 50 people on employment law. Richard Nixon, partner in the Labour and Employment Group with McCarthy Tétrault in Toronto, presented a timely and interesting session updating a workshop of over 50 people on employment law. more...

    The Management of Temporary International Assignments
    The mobility of the typical Canadian workforce is on the rise. Whether it be a result of corporate expansion, acquisitions, or movement into other favourable economies, conducting business in the global arena is inevitable for many companies. With this growth, we are now experiencing an increase in the temporary utilization of specialized skills of existing employees across borders and around the globe. more...

    More Space? More Time? More Life?
    You should be greeted with serenity, calm and organization at your place of work. You should be able to put your hands on a necessary item within 10 seconds of entering your office. Your day needs to be well planned and interruptions promptly taken care of. Or perhaps you want to keep on walking right out that door rather than being confronted with chaos, clutter and confusion. If you can find the door, that is! more...

  • Submissions Please
    As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at


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