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Fall 2006 Edition- October 2006 Volume 15

Sunday Shopping
Some of you may be aware that Nova Scotia is the only province in Canada which does not offer Sunday shopping. This may come as a surprise to most of you but for those of us who live in Nova Scotia it has become a way of life. more...

A Retirement Dream
The Ontario Government is poised to join just about all other jurisdictions in Canada in announcing an end to mandatory retirement. Thanks, for nothing. If they could do something about raising the price of my Nortel stock it might bring a smile to my face and a few steps closer to retirement, but not this act of tomfoolery. more...

Providing Superior Service
Q: How can relocation professionals best capitalize on the concept of service? more...

Mary Stewart, CMP
Directors' Choice, Saint John, NB more...

Donna Hains, RPR
Donna L Hains & Associates, Victoria, BC more...

Linda E. Kellett
BDO Dunwoody, Toronto, ON more...

Employment Standards and Overtime Pay
On April 5, 2006 Mary Belliveau, Director of Labour Standards for the Nova Scotia Environment and Labour, presented information regarding Employment Standards and Overtime Pay to approximately 50 Human Resources professionals from the greater Halifax area. more...

Personal Financial Recovery
Personal financial hardship takes many forms: past-due notices on bills; borrowing between pay cheques; new borrowing to repay old debt; arrears of rent or mortgage payments; frequent reliance on overdraft protection; use of credit to meet monthly necessities; making minimum payments only on credit card accounts; borrowing from one credit card to make payments on another; lawsuits; more...

Everything You Wanted to Know About WHMIS
If you, like most working Canadians, are hearing a lot about WHMIS but aren't exactly sure what it's all about, the following Q&A might shed light on the beloved acronym. more...

The End of Mandatory Retirement in Ontario
As of December 12, 2006, mandatory retirement (with few exceptions) will be illegal in Ontario. By 2012, many boomers are also eligible to start retiring and conventional wisdom suggests that their exodus will likely lead to a shortage. While the end of mandatory retirement might help to address the shortage issue, not everyone agrees that it is wholly desirable. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at


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