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Spring 2008 Edition- April 2008 Volume 21

Ergonomically Correct Work Areas
Ergonomics is one of those terms that those of us in the HR profession, or indeed anyone in management, have been hearing a lot lately. Seminars, webinars, and articles are full of information about its importance and its impact. more...

Three Keys to Success at Work
It has been my experience that the people who are most successful at work are usually well organized, communicate effectively and monitor their own performance. They didn’t grow up with these skills; they learned them and practiced them until they became successful. If you not as successful as you would like to be in your career, it may be necessary to assess your performance in these three keys areas. more...

Pandemic Influenza
Q: Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot about Pandemic Influenza. Should my company be doing anything at this point? more...

Dealing with a Difficult Co-Worker
Q: I have a colleague who makes working here very difficult. She goes out of her way to be pleasant and helpful to our managers but can be very nasty and negative with me. I really enjoy my position and the company but because we work so closely together I am very unhappy. How can I stop her from ruining a good job? more...

Linda Shay, RPT
Halifax Regional Municipality, Halifax NS more...

Jane McDonald, RPR, CMP
CGI Group, Edmonton AB more...

Lynn Besse, RPR
TELUS Sourcing Solutions, Ancaster ON more...

The Hard Side of Human Resources
The soft side of people management will always be a major part of the human resource role, but many organizations are realizing that human resources have a major part to play in the financial side of business as well. This is a trend that began in the 80’s and 90’s as companies tried to deal with the dual challenges of managing growth and downsizing or reducing staff in some parts of their operations. more...

Making Diversity Work
There is growing recognition that workplace inequities have the potential to impose significant economic costs on employers and society in terms of untapped talent, reduced/lost competitiveness, productivity and profitability. In today’s globalized world, where competition for scarce human resources is and will continue to be intense, employers need to harness the talent of all workers in order to gain a competitive advantage. more...

Submissions Please
As this online newsletter is published quarterly, we need articles, questions and answers, People on the Move announcements and other material of interest to our fellow members. If you can contribute, please contact our Members Quarterly Editors: Kate Moore, RPR at or Shalini Richards, RPR, CMP at


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