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Acquire the skills you need to recruit, manage and supervise in today's changing workplace. Attain credits and certificates towards professional accreditation and recognition that will help you grow and thrive in your career. Discover the latest legal tools and best practices that will equip you to manage effectively. Maximize your training dollars and learn at your own pace through our cost-effective Mixed Media USB, Text Based USB and online options.

Accreditation Programs
Professional Recruiter
Professional Manager
Professional Trainer

Professional Associations
For Recruiters
For Managers
For Trainers
For Assessors

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Important Program Information FAQ's

Client Feedback

Important Program Information FAQ's

Q: How can you order the programs?

You can order and pay for the programs directly online on the secure site at Payment options: VISA, MasterCard, Company Cheque, Money Order or Bank Draft. You must add the GST or HST where applicable.

NOTE: Personal cheques are NOT accepted. For all Text-Based and Mixed Media versions and workbook orders, a flat fee for shipping and handling of $26 plus GST/ HST must be added to the program cost.

Q: What is the difference between the different methods of study?

Online version: This version contains the core material to complete the program. Participants have only 90 days from date of purchase to access the program material online and the same 90 day time limit to complete the program, including writing the final self-study exam. This version cannot be printed. The online version is for personal use only and cannot be shared. There are no extensions given for extra time to access or complete the program.

Text Based USB Flash Drive or Text Based CD-ROM: This version contains the core material to complete the program on USB Flash Drive or CD-ROM which is yours to keep, so you will continue to have access to program material. Participants have one year from date of purchase to complete the program, including writing the final self-study exam. The Text Based versions are for personal use only and cannot be shared.

Mixed Media USB Flash Drive or Mixed Media CD-ROM: This version contains more information than the online or Text Based versions and is the preferred, most popular method of study. It also allows sharing with up to nine (9) other participants from the same organization. The initial kit contains the USB Flash Drive or CD-ROMs, one workbook and exam. Participants have one year from date of purchase to complete the program, including writing the self-study exam. The additional participants (maximum of 9) must purchase their own workbook and exam at the cost of $89 plus GST/HST and would share the Mixed Media USB Flash Drive or CD-ROMs. The additional participants can order workbooks and exams as required and have one year from their date of purchase to complete the program.

Q: Are there any prerequisites required before taking any of IPM's programs?

There are no education or work experience prerequisites required for any of the programs. Most participants have completed post-secondary education. Also, there are no work experience or education credits given in lieu of taking the accreditation and certificate programs. Participants must purchase and complete the respective program prior to taking the final exam.

Q: How long does it take to process the order?

Orders are normally processed within five business days of receipt of payment with order form. Materials are shipped Canada Post, Expedited Post.

Q: Are program orders cancellable or refundable once I've placed the order?

Program orders are non-cancellable and non-refundable once you have placed your orders. All the information pertaining to the programs, content, versions, pricing and completion details is available on our website. Once you place your order, there are no refunds or cancellations permitted.

Q: What is the average time for completion for each program?

Professional Recruiter: 18-20 hours
Professional Manager: 30-36 hours
Professional Trainer: 18-20 hours
Personal Excellence: 18-20 hours
Focus Management Series: 20-24 hours

Q: What other material is required to complete the programs?

Our programs are designed to provide participants with hands-on practical knowledge that can be applied immediately in their workplace in a timely and cost-effective manner. The programs contain the necessary information to complete the program. However, most participants appreciate additional material to help them better understand the information given. For the accreditation programs, we recommend that you join your respective association as an Associate Member when you purchase the program. As an Associate member, you have access to Workplace Today™, Canada's leading online journal of workplace issues, plans and strategies and the Workplace Library, which contain thousands of articles on the vast range of topics included in the programs. You would have to join the association when you submit your final exam. As an Associate Member, you have the advantage of the added bibliography and can then submit your final exam when done, provided you are a member in good standing. Upon successful completion, you are upgraded from associate member to full member status at no additional charge.

Q: Is there a deadline to complete the programs?

The Mixed Media and the Text Based USB Flash Drive and CD-ROM versions of all programs allow you one year from date of purchase to complete the program and submit final documents as stipulated below. The online versions allow only ninety days from date of purchase to complete.

Q: How do you write the exam?

Each program contains an open book exam for which hard copy responses (saved as Word document) are required in concise, note or bullet form. After you have completed the exam, you mail (via Canada Post) the exam responses, membership application to the respective association and first year's membership fees ($175 plus GST/ HST) to IPM to become eligible for your professional designation plus the host of other member benefits listed on the IPM Associations Membership page.

For the Personal Excellence and Focus Management Series programs, you would mail (via Canada Post) your exam responses typed in concise, note or bullet form to IPM to become eligible for the completion certificate.

Q: What is the pass grade for the exams?

As all exams are open book for these self-study versions, the minimum grade to pass is 75%.

Q: How do you order materials for colleagues who wish to share the Mixed Media versions of the programs?

The Mixed Media USB Flash Drive and CD-ROM versions of the Professional Recruiter, Professional Manager and Professional Trainer programs allow sharing with up to nine (9) additional participants from the same organization. All they have to do is order additional workbooks and exams at the cost of $89 per person plus GST/ HST. There is no deadline to order the additional workbooks, but use is limited to nine additional participants.

NOTE: For those participants purchasing extra workbooks at a later date, they have one year from their date of purchase to complete the program. All Text Based and online versions of IPM's programs are intended exclusively for individual use - no sharing is permitted.

Q: How long does it take to get results after candidates have submitted exams along with membership applications and fees?

Exams are reviewed within two weeks of receipt. Upon successful completion (pass), membership applications will be processed. Candidates will then be notified by email. Certificates will be sent accordingly. NOTE: As the professional designations are the intellectual property of IPM Associations, you must renew your membership annually to maintain the professional designations and other member benefits.

Q: If you want to take more than one program and join more than one association, is there a discount on membership fees?

IPM offers blended membership discounted fees for those who have completed more than one program. The fees for first designation/association membership are $175 per year. You would only pay $50 more per additional designation for the current membership term (plus GST/HST).

Q: Once you become a member, what do you have to do to maintain the designation?

To maintain the designations, all you have to do is renew your membership annually and on time. You do not have to take additional courses. You cannot use the professional designation or state that you have successfully completed the program without being a member in good current standing in the respective Associations. Renewal invoices are emailed 6 weeks prior to renewal date.