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Acquire the skills you need to recruit, manage and supervise in today's changing workplace. Attain credits and certificates towards professional accreditation and recognition that will help you grow and thrive in your career. Discover the latest legal tools and best practices that will equip you to manage effectively. Maximize your training dollars and learn at your own pace through our cost-effective Mixed Media USB, Text Based USB and online options.

Accreditation Programs
Professional Recruiter
Professional Manager
Professional Trainer

Professional Associations
For Recruiters
For Managers
For Trainers
For Assessors

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The Program

Promote positive employee relations
Attract and retain talent in a non-union environment
Employee relations/communications programs must continually be reviewed and updated when conditions change within the organization and when business situations warrant them. Once an organization has a team of good employees, keeping them in today's volatile job market means that they have to have other "attractions" than salary and benefits. When attempting to attract new employees, it is extremely important to have employee relations programs which promote your "culture" .

This management series consists of 6 individual skill courses designed to show your organization how to make your workplace operate more efficiently. Each of these 6 courses are certificate programs.

What You'll Learn

Discover the issues and concerns that affect employee relations

Learn what employees really want from their managers and supervisors

Find out how managers and supervisors impact employee perceptions about the company

Acquire the skills to develop employee communications programs that work

Identify the reasons why employees want to join a union

Acquire the skills to develop a comprehensive attitude survey and make recommendations for improvements

How to Buy

These stand-alone programs are available Online at $175 plus GST/HST each or all six (6) programs for $795 plus GST/HST. All program material and exam are provided online.

NOTE: Access to program material online and time limit to complete the program: Ninety (90) days from date of purchase. Average time for completion: 20 to 24 hours total (all six courses), including writing the open book exam.

Media: Online
Whole Focus Program
Negotiating Series
Employee Relations
Problem Solving
Customer Relations
Control Absenteeism
Policy Development

Important Info:
Self Study Option
This self study options contains the complete program material including the exam. Once you complete the program, submit the exam responses typed in hard copy, note or bullet form to IPM to become eligible for completion certificate.

NOTE: All orders processed within 5 business days of receipt of payment with order form.


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IPM Management Training and Development Corporation dba IPM- Institute of Professional Management