New Privacy Legislation for Alberta
Every Organization Needs to Know - Calgary Fall Workshop
A group of almost 55 attendees gathered in Calgary on October 22nd, for a very timely Fall Workshop. The session included a talk on "New Privacy Legislation for Alberta" by Laurie Robson, a partner with Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, and Isha Khan, a lawyer with the same firm.
Almost every year legislation changes across the country and organizations must be up-to-date on those changes and understand the impact they have on the functioning of the organization and the way they do business.
Particularly, in today's job market where access to information and the internet are so wide spread, organizations need to ensure they are as educated on legislation and legal issues as their employees and clients are.
Both Ms. Robson and Ms. Khan gave a common sense approach to the changes in legislation, and the audience found the presentation was very informative, easily understood and sprinkled with humor.
Those who attended the workshop went away feeling some assurance that, if they were currently practicing confidentiality/privacy in the workplace, the changes in legislation would be a manageable change made over a period of time.