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Recognizing Those Who Make the Difference...

As IPM begins its 27th year in management training and development, membership in our four professional associations is at a record high. With over 2,400 members of the Association of Professional Recruiters of Canada, the Canadian Management Professionals Association, the Canadian Association of Assessment Specialists and the Canadian Professional Trainers Association, we are most grateful to our volunteer National Board, a group of eighteen dedicated professionals who have helped contribute to the success of their local and regional chapters.

Nathaly Pinchuk,
Executive Director
It’s interesting to note that with six active chapters in major centres across Canada, only three have more than one or two volunteers on board. These volunteers do an outstanding job, but they need help- YOUR help!

We need more dedicated volunteers in the regions. The average time commitment averages two hours per month. Beyond acting as “regional ambassadors”, our volunteers help us deliver the professional development opportunities needed as well as enhancing member services. We need members in the regions providing us with input and helping us spread the word. We at National Office cannot do this alone.

Can you spare a couple of hours a month and provide us with this much needed assistance? If so, we need to hear from you.

In the Maritimes (Halifax) and Northern Alberta (Edmonton) chapters, we have regional teams under the leadership of Brandi Babando, RPR (Halifax) and Jane McDonald, RPR, CMP (Edmonton). Even with four regional members on each board representing both public and private sectors, these groups would appreciate additional support.

A member who deserves to be recognized is Russell Wintersgill, CMP of AltaGas Utilities Inc. in Edmonton. Russell is a veteran member of IPM Associations, having completed his CMP program in Terrace, BC and joined the CMPA in 1998. Russ relocated to Edmonton in 1998 and later joined the Edmonton regional executive team, not only to assist IPM Associations, but also make a wider range of educational sessions available to his entire regional management team at AltaGas.

Our Southern Alberta (Calgary) Chapter has recently expanded from a one person board to three members on the team. The Ottawa, Toronto and BC Chapters still only have one or two people on board.

This issue features an article written by Jaime Moore, RPT, our Ottawa Regional Director, who attended her first IPM event as an assistant to the presenter at a workshop. As HR Advisor with Canadian Commercial Corporation and a busy parent, IPM is exceptionally grateful to Jaime for her solid contribution to the success of the Ottawa Chapter and her continuing enthusiasm and support.

IPM Associations is fortunate to have this small group of dedicated individuals, but every chapter needs more members to come on board.

We’ve consistently been told that this has been a rewarding experience, both personally and professionally, beyond the CHRP recertification points.

Now is the time to evaluate your commitments. If you have a few hours per month to spare and want to make a difference in your own community as well as benefit all members, consider volunteering with IPM Associations and contact me at

We at National Office will do as much as we can to make this a truly rewarding and enjoyable experience!


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Quarterly message from IPM's President, Brian Pascal.

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Articles of current topical interest.

IPM's National Board
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IPM Management Training and Development Corporation dba IPM- Institute of Professional Management