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Building our Networks

We all know about the importance of networking, but do we really take the time? This may not seem like a high priority at this point in time, especially with unprecedented workloads and personal commitments. Yet it is a key activity that should be undertaken well before the time that we may urgently need a network.

Nathaly Pinchuk,
Executive Director
In today’s economic climate, we are all “doing more with less”. Beyond taking on more tasks and responsibility at work, our personal commitments have also increased. The typical scenario is “I’m so busy at work, I can’t afford the time to network”. We hear this on a daily basis.

So, why focus on growing your network now?

Joining a professional association and getting out to events provides more contacts and more knowledge. Few can claim that they have the perfect network or enough knowledge and we always benefit from more. Though all may seem adequate for our current situation, this scenario can change in an instant with a volatile job market. What will we do then and where will we go?
It is a fact that members sometimes find themselves without employment or looking for new opportunities. IPM's four associations have over 2,400 senior human resource and management professionals. Have you connected with members in your area or province lately? IPM has a member directory available exclusively to members on a secure network. There's no need to make an emergency call for leads and assistance during difficult times. Get to know the members in your area or province before you really need them.

IPM has six active chapters across Canada and holds regional half day workshops and full day conferences across the country twice a year at extremely affordable prices. These events provide both educational opportunities which qualify for CHRP recertification points as well as networking opportunities. Our members have received not only referrals but also job offers all because they attended an event and have met the right people. Getting involved as a member and/or volunteer is the quickest way to build your personal network. It is certainly the right time to do so.

According to a recent Robert Half survey polling company CFO’s, 25% of their executive agreed that networking at conferences is good for business. Not only does it help you but it helps your employer.

We strongly suggest that you make the time for professional development and networking. It will work for you and your organization. Be sure to check out IPM’s Spring Events at www.workplace.ca . You can always catch up on your work later!


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