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“Hottest Issues in Employment Law”
Full Day Conference – Toronto – June 2004

What are the latest issues pertaining to Privacy Legislation? Have you kept up to date on Human Rights and Notice Period requirements in Ontario? Are your employment contracts airtight? Richard J. Nixon informed and entertained an enthusiastic group in Toronto in June with a humourous style that jazzed up what can often be a very serious topic.

Mr. Nixon is a Partner with McCarthy Tétrault, LLP in Toronto. His practice focuses on labour and employment law, acting on behalf of management, and he regularly advises employers with respect to arbitrations, collective agreement negotiations, employee terminations, wrongful dismissal actions, employment standards claims, human rights complaints, occupational health and safety charges, Workplace Safety and Insurance Act matters and corporate transactions.

Mr. Nixon and his team addressed a number of topics that are very relevant to HR Professionals. He reviewed the Wallace decision for the group and laid out with specific examples the effect that landmark case has had on employers in how they determine reasonable notice for an employee whose employment is terminated. This decision has had far-reaching consequences and it is crucial to understand its impact.

Attendees were also given “practical suggestions from a defendant’s perspective on defending wrongful dismissal actions.” Many of us in the HR field have been faced with the difficult decision to dismiss an employee, and have evaluated the risks involved. This was a good follow-up to the Wallace piece and offered very specific advice on what to do in a dismissal situation.

The topic then changed to updates and review of minimum wage legislation and Emergency and Family Medical Leave under the Employment Standards Act, as well as proposed changes to the ESA. The very hot current topic of abolishing mandatory retirement was also discussed at length.

MQ Staff Writer


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