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Library Index
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Interview Index

Pat Werner, MBS Assistant Deputy Minister, HR
Gary Johncox, MacMillan Bloedel Limited's VP HR
Howard Levitt, Legal Counsel to Lang Michener
Stephen Gould, Amex Canada Inc.'s VP, HR
David Crisp, Hudson's Bay Company's Senior VP, HR
Karen Glover, Ernst & Young Partner
Les Dakens, H.J. Heinz Co.'s VP, HR
Hubert Saint-Onge, Clarica Life's Senior Vice-President
Janice Thomson, Alliance Atlantis' Senior VP, HR
Grace Palombo, Union Gas Ltd's VP, HR
Brian Mullen, Dofasco's Director of HR
Margaret Dacey, Cognos' VP of HR
Steven Jones, Siemens Canada's VP of Corporate Relations
Christian Proulx, BioChem Pharma's VP of HR
Georgina Wyman, Manulife's Senior VP, HR
Lynn Nicholson, Corel Corporation's Director, HR
Wayne McFarlane, PricewaterhouseCoopers' HR Leader
Keith Sinclair, JetForm's VP of HR
Dick Brown, Carleton University's Director of HR
Michele Mawhinney, Vancouver Int'l Airport's Director of HR
Frances Fiorillo, Canadian Airlines' VP, HR
Bannon Woods, VIA Rail's Director HR and Labour Relations
Allen Bell, TD Bank's Executive VP, HR
Myles Harrigan, Glaxo Wellcome's VP
Susan Layman, Hoffmann-La Roche's VP, HR
Gisèle Samson-Verreault, Newbridge's VP, HR
André Villeneuve, Canada Post's VP, HR
Donna Brazelton, FedEx's Managing HR Director
Michael Tinker, Bombardier's VP, HR
David Sudbury, Honda's VP of Finance and Administration
Gary Burkett, Bell Canada's VP of HR
Robin Rensby, Bank of Canada's Chief of HR
David Hamilton, Bradson's President and CEO
Kirk McIntyre, Maritime Life Assurance's Senior VP
John Cross, Hewlett-Packard's VP of HR
Charles Lee, Maclean Hunter's Director of HR
Peter Becke, Nortel's VP, HR
Peter Sanderson, UVic's HR Director
Emma Pavlov, the Toronto Hospital's VP of HR
Gay Mitchell, Royal Bank Financial Group's HR VP
Paul Côté, Via Rail's VP of Public Affairs & HR
Tony Marranca, 3M Canada's VP of HR

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