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Nathaly Pinchuk
Executive Director
As a past example, a few years ago we had a friendly discussion with Lori Danco, RPR, who told us about the exciting role she had at the University of Calgary-Qatar.
The challenges and benefits of an HR Officer in Qatar sparked enough interest to feature Lori in an interview for the Members Quarterly which not only focused on her but the University of Calgary as well.

The most recent example involves another valued member, Bruno Lindia, RPR, President of DMA Canada. It was brought to our attention that Bruno co-authored a book on leadership last year with former CFL coach Marcel Bellefeuille which was a great success. Bruno then engaged Marcel to help the recruiters at DMA with weekly coaching sessions. In order for Marcel
to learn more about the field,
he participated in IPM’s Professional Recruiter accreditation program which gave him the context to support the DMA Canada team. I realize that many of us have had coaching sessions at one time or another. There are now thousands of coaches out there. But how many can say that they’ve gained insights from a former CFL coach? We commend Bruno and his team at DMA Canada for innovation in this area. We’ll also be featuring Marcel Bellefeuille in an upcoming feature article to learn more about what he tells recruiters.

The members mentioned above and others whom we’ve quoted in the past did not waste much valuable time sharing information. It’s as simple as having a quick phone conversation or sending an email. It is essential for all of us to keep up with the times and think creatively to offer solutions at work. You certainly can’t get ahead if you don’t make yourself known and bring new ideas to your organization’s table.

You might now want to consider if there’s something you have to share that can help your organization or others to succeed. Let us know if you’ve got something of relevance. We’re only a phone call or email away!

Nathaly Pinchuk, RPR, CMP Executive Director IPM Institute of Professional Management


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