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Bring Civility Back to the Workplace

Have you ever experienced times when you’ve gone out of your way doing things for people and felt that your efforts did not yield any great results? Perhaps the expression “Give someone an inch and he’ll take a mile” comes to mind. This happens both in our personal lives and at work.

Most managers and administrators are not paid on an hourly basis nor are they paid on a commission basis. We are paid to do our jobs, perform tasks in a proper manner with clearly indicated objectives and achieve desired outcomes efficiently and effectively. Most of us deal with clients or customers in one form or another, even in HR.

It never ceases to amaze us that when someone spends extra time and effort on a specific task and provides “higher than expected” level of service or results, their efforts are not adequately acknowledged. It’s human nature to ask yourself why you bothered going above and beyond in the first place. You could have just done the same job that anyone else would do.

Nathaly Pinchuk,
Executive Director
We have to consider what our actions say about our organization. Is this the corporate impression you want to deliver to your customers, employees and service providers? What does this say about your image and brand?

It’s time for a wakeup call. Sending an email or leaving a voicemail of thanks is not enough. Everyone sends these for the simplest requests or responses. It’s time to stand out from the rest of the herd. Good news - you don’t have spend much time or money doing it! This will also serve to develop personal relationships which can always help both you and your employer in the future.

Bring civility back into our lives. Appreciation needs to be shown and is an incredible motivator. A number of organizations today may have a corporate policy on employees not being allowed to receive gifts during the holiday season, but there are many ways to show appreciation for excellent service without breaking the policy.

Here are some suggestions to consider:

For example, if a service provider has performed exceptionally well, send flowers or a small gift. If in the same city, arrange to meet them in person and take them out for lunch.

You can also send them a personal thank you card and perhaps include a gift card to Chapters. Take the time to acknowledge them to their supervisors by sending a letter of appreciation.

Give them a personal recommendation on LinkedIn. Make note of their name and the special attention and recommend them to others. Don’t wait until holiday season or year end to show your thanks.

You don’t have to spend a fortune in thanking people for their time and effort. By recognizing them, they will always remember you and they will go out of their way to help you again in the future.

I would strongly urge you to incorporate this into your organizational culture. A small deed goes a long way. Your people will be motivated without huge pay increases. Better yet, you’re sending a truly positive message about your organization to those on the outside. Make the effort you’ll be amazed with the results!

Nathaly Pinchuk, RPR, CMP Executive Director IPM Institute of Professional Management


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