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HR’s Broad Shoulders

In putting together this issue of Members Quarterly and having just started a new job as an HR Generalist, I was struck by some of the topics raised and what they mean to us as HR professionals. The President’s Message talks about how workplaces today allow for a more holistic approach to managing staff and how beneficial to organizations and employees it can be to give consideration to work-life balance and how our personal lives affect us on the job. Our feature article talks about Workforce Management in Times of Transition, and David Ray provides us with some valuable information around workplace violence – how to identify those who might be at risk and some strategies for ensuring safety in the workplace. The nexus of all these topics is our role as HR professionals. When you think about it, the vastness of the areas we are expected to cover with our expertise is amazing, and it is growing by the day.

Kate Moore, RPR
MQ Editor
We no longer just hire, fire and fill out forms. Today’s HR professional needs to be able to think strategically and have a plan for how HR will support the goals of the organization. On a daily basis, we are called upon to resolve workplace conflict, which may involve two people or an entire group. Within this process, we need to be cognizant of the potential for harassment or even violence. We provide advice on performance management, training and development, organizational wellness, and health and safety. We are interviewing, negotiating, soothing, listening, innovating and sharing our knowledge. All the while, our eyes are on the bottom line and keeping a look out for potential problems and challenges on the horizon and our ear is to the ground for the scoop regarding what is really going on in the ranks. We rejoice with and help set the tone for new employees, and sometimes have the sad duty of laying off great people and watching them and those around them grieve.

While all of these myriad duties can be challenging and fulfilling, they can often take a personal toll, entrusted as we are with so many responsibilities that involve people’s feelings or frustrations. I think it’s important to remember to take care of ourselves – stop eating lunch at our desks and get out for a walk or a meal with friends. What we do is important and can have a major impact on our organization, and we do it best when we are at our best. Have a great summer, everyone!


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