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Meet Canada's leading human resource and management experts! IPM, in conjunction with the Association of Professional Recruiters of Canada, the Canadian Management Professionals Association and the Canadian Association of Assessment Specialists, holds regular chapter events, workshops and conferences featuring recognized national industry expert speakers.

Feedback from event participants
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Interested in presenting at IPM Events?
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Feedback from past presenters
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Interested in presenting on a workplace management issue at IPM Events?

IPM offers professional development workshops and conferences in five locations across Canada.

We offer extensive exposure both in print and online. We market our events through direct mail, email, fax and online at www.workplace.ca. Although we cannot provide honorariums nor cover travel expenses, we attract Canada's leading experts and offer an excellent opportunity for seasoned presenters to meet our audience of senior HR and management professionals.

For audience demographics, see main Events page

If you are interested in presenting, here's what to do:

Email your bio, list of workplace management topics covered with session outlines/overviews, your photo and list of organizations with contact names to whom you have delivered these sessions to nat@workplace.ca. We keep these on file and will contact you as required.

Feedback from past presenters:

"I thank you so much for your invitation to participate in yesterday's conference. The audience was engaged, fun and participated well. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to the overall event and look forward to staying connected. The feedback was awesome and I thank you for all your hard work and diligence in connecting the dots and making the event possible."

Orlando Bowen,

"As a professional speaker, the relationship you have with event planners is essential to business success and providing the audience with the best possible experience and insights. I have had the pleasure of knowing Nathaly Pinchuk and IPM for close to ten years.

During this time, I have presented at a number of the IPM events and conferences across Canada. These events have been pivotal in advancing and scaling up my business. From each conference where I presented, it resulted in new clients and paid speaking opportunities. One event has now resulted in 6 speaking opportunities with one national client. I have also had articles featured in IPM Members Quarterly Newsletters which have helped provide content to the audience and promote my brand. The IPM events and conferences are consistently well organized, focused on the audience's learning needs and ones that people continue to attend.

I highly recommend Nathaly and her team!!"

Charmaine Hammond, President,
Hammond International Inc.

"I appreciate the opportunity you gave me to share a slice of what I do at your recent Halifax Conference. Your conferences are well organized and well run. It was a great pleasure and fun! I look forward to working with you in Toronto next year and I am happy to provide a variety of articles for your IPM Associations Members Quarterly Newsletters. "

Jacqueline Throop-Robinson, CEO
Spark Engagement

"First of all, many thanks for the invite to come and present. I thoroughly enjoyed the audience who were very kind and generous with their level of participation and interest!"

Patti Kuntz
Consultant, former Executive Director of the Human Resources Council (HRC)
Government of Canada

"It was great presenting to your audience at IPM's 2016 Ottawa Conference. The conference is always exceptionally well organized and we as presenters appreciate your efforts. As you already know, I've spoken with our Toronto partners and they are eager to work with you as well. Look forward to working with you again next year! "

Dan Palayew, LL.B.
Regional Leader of the Labour and Employment Group and Partner
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Ottawa

"I was delighted to open my email the morning after the Halifax Conference and discover a request to go deliver the Flourishing presentation at one of the delegate's organizations. I am glad that this new session was well received. It is always a pleasure working with you and your team at IPM."

Carla Anglehart
Vice-President Training and Development
Atlantic Leadership Development Institute

"What was the best thing about presenting at the IPM Conferences? It's a toss-up between working with Nathaly and her team and the high quality of the IPM association members and guests. Both made this a rich experience for me - and for all of us at Juice!"

Brady Wilson
Juice Inc.

"It was a pleasure to be a part of the IPM's 30th Anniversary Conferences this year. The series was well attended and truly professionally organized. My experience right across Canada was enhanced tremendously by hearing from many of attendees after speaking at the conferences. The feedback was informative and encouraging. Congratulations to you all for your commitment to business development and personal growth."

Marcel Bellefeuille, RPR
Professional Coaching Consultant

"I'd like to thank you so much for having me to speak at the Ottawa Conference. I very much enjoyed meeting you and the terrific audience. I look forward to our future discussion and collaborations."

Kelly McGahey
Senior Manager
Stakeholder Relations
Hire Immigrants Ottawa

"It was a pleasure presenting at your recent Ottawa and Toronto Conferences. Having worked with you and IPM across Canada for many years now, I congratulate you on your efforts. Your conferences are top notch and run exceptionally well. Feedback from the delegates has been excellent. I look forward to working with you again in the future."

Charmaine Hammond
Hammond International Inc.

"You must be very proud of the quality of people IPM has been able to attract to its events. I was certainly proud to have been given the opportunity to present. I am glad the session went well and look forward to working with you again in the future."

Michael Shaughnessy
Tribute Network Systems, Ottawa

"It was a great pleasure for Malcolm and I to be invited to present at the IPM's 2012 Toronto conference. The IPM is an excellent organization and this conference is one of the best on offer for professional human resources managers. The high degree of audience engagement with the presenters, and the insight drawn from these discussions, make the IPM conference an outstanding learning experience for everyone involved. This is the second year in a row that we have presented at this conference, and are so impressed we would be more than happy to return again."

Hendrik Nieuwland LL.B.
Malcolm MacKillop LL.B.
Shields O'Donnell MacKillop LLP

"I wanted to pass along my sincere thanks for the opportunity to present at two separate IPM events this year. The level of support and care that you exhibit for both the speakers and attendees is truly exemplary. You can feel it in every interaction. The format is also great and allows for wonderful interaction and dialogue throughout the day. It is a privilege to be a part of your network of events and I look forward to continuing to work together in the future."

Craig Dowden, Ph.D., Managing Director, SPB Organizational Psychology Inc.

"Thank you for the opportunity to speak at IPM's Spring Conference. I am glad that our session went well. It really was nice to finally meet you and your awesome team- they are so nice! You run a tight ship- I like that. Thank you again for the opportunity".

JJ Brun
JJ Communications Inc.

"IPM is a first class organization that puts on first class events. Attendees are engaged in an informal setting that promotes the sharing of ideas and experience. Two presenters dealing with the same topic but from different points of view provides attendees with an understanding and perspective not usually learned at other conferences. It is an innovative format. And one that works."

Dan Palayew, B.A, LL.B
Heenan Blaikie

"I have always enjoyed the IPM events, both as a speaker and as a participant. The events attract high quality leaders from diverse backgrounds and sectors, which always enhance my learning and my network. The themes are always topical and current. You leave with your brain engaged and you always take something back to the office."

Steve Ashton
Director, Organizational Effectiveness
Bell Aliant Regional Communications

"Thank you having given me the opportunity to present at your recent Toronto Conference. Your audience of HR and administrators from various industry sectors is a target market for us. Having contributed articles to your IPM Associations Members Quarterly Newsletter over the past year, it was beneficial to get more insight from members and subscribers at the conference. I was also impressed with the level of professionalism which was visible from initial contact last year to the actual event itself. You keep your speakers well-informed and involved, market and promote well, handle logistics effectively and run a first-class conference. I look forward to working with you and IPM again in the future."

Philip Gennis, LL.B, CIRP
Vice President, Financial Advisory Services
Grant Thornton Ltd

"I wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed working with IPM in putting on the presentations. Your events are well organized and, as a presenter, it is a pleasure to deal with you. I particularly appreciate your requirements for quality control to ensure that the participants receive the maximum amount of benefit from attendance and to ensure that they come back for more. Conducting the presentations has been beneficial for us as we have acquired several new clients (and had the opportunity to keep in touch with existing ones). We have shown an excellent return for the minimal time and effort required in putting on the presentations."

David Ray, B.A., LL.B.
Senior Practice Leader, Security & Investigations
Grant Thornton LLP

"Working with IPM is always a positive experience. The added bonus of having articles published in your newsletter enhanced our exposure right across Canada. We still work with clients whom we met at our first IPM workshop years ago, with new clients and leads coming on board at each event. Your attention to detail and your sense of commitment to both presenters and your audience makes working with your group a pleasure."

Joy Humphrey
Managing Partner
Excel Group Development


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IPM Management Training and Development Corporation dba IPM- Institute of Professional Management