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Meet Canada's leading human resource and management experts! IPM, in conjunction with the Association of Professional Recruiters of Canada, the Canadian Management Professionals Association and the Canadian Association of Assessment Specialists, holds regular chapter events, workshops and conferences featuring recognized national industry expert speakers.

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Edmonton Full Day Conference May 3, 2018

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law presented by Kirsten Hayne, LL.B., Associate, Brownlee LLP

Sign In Your Teams: Connect, Collaborate and Create with Ease presented by Jacqueline Throop-Robinson, CEO, Spark Engagement

Wrapping Up Internal Investigations: Secrets to Success presented by David Ray, J.D., Principal, Core Resolutions

Communications & Email Etiquette: Mastering the Skills presented by Julianna Cantwell, President, Juna Consulting Inc.

Click here for the printable PDF version

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law

Managing people today in a truly diverse and changing world has its challenges. The legal landscape for employers continues to evolve. This presentation will address tips and recent developments in the following areas:

Managing a Toxic Workplace:

No one should manage a toxic workplace – you should obliterate it. The reality is that we all have Respectful Workplace Policies and good intentions, but why are we still having so many challenges?

• Gain insights on how to get more progress out of the tools you have to create sustainable cultures.

• Examine the “bystander effect” and how to empower others to manage issues and conflicts in a way that fosters collaboration over opposition.

• Learn to establish healthy expectations of confidentiality and frankly consider whether your words align with your actions.

Social Media: What’s New?

• Discuss the blurred lines of personal and professional lives, particularly social media.

• In an era of “work-life integration”, explore different social media scenarios and how, if at all, you may respond as an employer. Examples reviewed include pre-employment screening, setting reasonable expectations with employees, using social media to develop your corporate and personal brand, evidence in workplace investigations and shutting down the internet trolls.

Click here for information on Kirsten Hayne

Sign In Your Teams: Connect, Collaborate and Create with Ease

Take your teams and leaders beyond the basics. Our focus is your success, whether you have a problem to solve or an idea to build.

In today's world, teams are much different than years ago. The traditional "team in a box" no longer serves organizations as well. More often individuals are interacting with people from within their own workplace, other organizations and communities. There is value and strength in being able to easily transition and adapt to each new interaction.

In this very interactive session, discover the Golden Rule of Collaboration at work, build on ideas with proven techniques, deal with people who create barriers and work with mistakes. Obtain practical tools and techniques for everyday use and work with others constructively. Learn how to take your team to the next level and how to apply these principles in both your professional and personal lives.

Click here for information on Jacqueline Throop-Robinson

Wrapping Up Internal Investigations: Secrets to Success

You’ve completed the fact gathering on an internal investigation and now it’s time to put the package together to present to the decision makers. Acquire the tools to ensure that your package will provide the answers in a thorough and comprehensive manner and will not just raise more questions.

Examine the use of root cause analysis in reviewing internal investigations to get to the source of what happened. Rather than just casting blame on the employee, it will provide a process for looking at the organizational and process issues that should be addressed so that there is less likelihood of the event happening again.

Gain insights on the ever-growing issue of handling evidence gathered from social media and computer data so that it can be properly collected and protected in a manner that will withstand scrutiny by a tribunal or the courts.

Discover some techniques to ensure that your final report depicts what happened in a simple, straightforward format that decision makers will understand. Review a sample investigation report format which you can use in your own organization.

Click here for information on David Ray

Communications & Email Etiquette: Mastering the Skills

Every day we communicate; we cannot NOT communicate with others. Are we actually communicating with purpose and being understood? Learn how to get your messages across clearly so you get the results you want, no matter what modes you use (email, phone or face-to-face).

Session highlights include:

• Determine which communication style you have been using

• Discuss the three modes of communication and their impact on meaning

• Choose the appropriate level of listening to apply to conversations at work

• Identify the best method to use for future communications

•Structure messages to ensure full communication has occurred

• Implement electronic communication best practices

Click here for information on Julianna Cantwell

Edmonton Full Day Conference May 4, 2017

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law: Seeing the Forest through the Trees presented by Jenelle Butler, LL.B., Associate, Brownlee LLP

Human Cloud, Gig Economy and the Future of Recruiting in Canada presented by Jeff Aplin, President, David Aplin Group

Alberta’s Economy: Have we reached the bottom yet? presented by Todd Hirsch, B.A., M.A., Chief Economist, ATB Financial

Changing Problem Behaviour without Discipline presented by George Raine, President, Montana Consulting Group

Click here for the printable PDF version

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law: Seeing the Forest through the Trees

This session will provide an overview of recent developments in three major areas that impact your business.

* Duty to Accommodate: Obtain the critical information required to keep up with employers’ ever-changing obligations and navigate these sometimes choppy waters with confidence.

* Medical Marijuana: Marijuana is, at least for the time being, an illegal drug. Issues in the workplace related to employees legally prescribed marijuana are on a sharp increase. What are your obligations, rights and proactive tools to deal with this issue?

* Accommodating Mental Stress: We would all agree that everyone suffers “stress” at some point in their working lives. When is stress medically recognized “mental stress” that requires accommodation? What do you need to know to deal effectively with this issue in your workplace? Learn how to minimize the risk of a “stress leave” interfering with legitimate employer actions and how to proactively handle such claims when they arise.

Click here for information on Jenelle Butler

Human Cloud, Gig Economy and the Future of Recruiting in Canada

Explore current trends in recruitment and how they are shaping the future of staffing and recruitment in Canada.

Throughout history, the nature of work periodically experiences transformational changes from assembly line workers in the early 20th century to the rise of the knowledge workers around 1990 and now to the gig economy and the human cloud. Understand how the nature of supply and demand of labour is changing in today’s digital economy.

The global staffing industry continues to grow however the pace of change to how the staffing industry is structured is accelerating. Examine the thinking behind some of the largest strategic moves in the staffing industry over the past year.

The recruiting industry is an agency business model however the digital age is quickly changing how candidates and employers connect.

Discuss how industries go from severe labour shortages to high unemployment. Review what you should be telling your children they should learn to be marketable in the economy of the future. Gain valuable insights on how technology is changing models of employment.

Look at the big picture of macro-economic trends affecting employment and link them to the question of what this all means and how it affects you.

Click here for information on Jeff Aplin

Alberta’s Economy: Have we reached the bottom yet?

Moving into 2017, the global economy remains tentative. The US continues to pick up steam, but troubles are brewing both in Europe and Asia. Canada’s economy is also struggling to gain traction and oil prices continue to bounce around at levels unsupportive of new investment in Alberta. All of this adds up to a still challenged economy.

As the province struggles through another year of recession, the question on many people’s minds is how long will this last? Have we seen the worst of it, and if so when can we expect recovery?

Click here for information on Todd Hirsch

Changing Problem Behaviour without Discipline

In this high energy presentation, human dynamics innovator George Raine will show you the proven Turnaround Interview® technique for coaching employees to break bad workplace habits without using or threatening discipline. This technique corrects minor but persistent problems like lateness, excessive breaks, missing deadlines, negative comments, improper use of work time and similar behaviours.

Already proven in manufacturing, high-tech, government, health care and educational settings, this progressive approach to dealing with sticky problems is producing dramatic results in about 90% of cases.

Learn how and why people naturally defend bad workplace habits and why they resist change. Discover how to use that knowledge to overcome the resistance and how to make the change stick. It may not be that easy at first. Review the proven techniques for controlling the flow of the conversation and for phrasing your questions to get the best chance of success. Rooted in a sound understanding of human nature, this new, high-impact approach to employee coaching will get you to rethink your instinctive approaches to these tough conversations with employees.

Click here for information on George Raine

Edmonton Full Day Conference April 28, 2016

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law presented by Colin Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP

The Work of Leaders: Connect to real-world demands presented by Murray Janewski, BComm, MBA, President, ACT One International Corp.

Communicating for Success and Results: Difficult Conversations presented by Charmaine Hammond, President, Hammond International Inc., Speaker, Consultant

Bring About What You Think About: Change Your Future Today! presented by Eddie Lemoine, International Speaker/Author and Employee Engagement Expert

Click here for a printable PDF.

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law

Managing people today in a truly diverse and changing world has its challenges. The legal landscape for employers continues to evolve. This presentation will address tips and recent developments in the following areas:

Demystifying “Constructive Dismissal”

In our current economy change is a constant presence. Changes that affect your employees raise the risk of constructive dismissal. What is constructive dismissal? What are the consequences and how can you avoid hidden traps and risk in this area when implementing changes within your organization?

Human Rights and the Duty to Accommodate: Employers have rights too!

Most managers and HR professionals understand that the area of Human Rights and the “Duty to Accommodate” is a virtual minefield of restrictions and risk for employers. However, what we often lose sight of are the practical proactive tools and employer rights that we do have in this area. Understand your employer rights and the risk management tools available to you in this ever changing arena.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

The Work of Leaders: Connect to real-world demands

Based on best practices,” The Work of Leaders” connects to real-world demands, generating powerful conversations that provide a clear path for action.

Obtain valuable insights into leadership best practices based on work done by Murray Janewski in partnership with John Wiley and Sons. Leadership will be defined as a one-to-many relationship as opposed to the one-to-one relationship that is unique to the field of management. Leadership focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a team toward desired outcomes. Discuss the findings of six years of research and input from over 300 people at over 150 organizations.

Using the framework of Vision, Alignment and Execution, The Work of Leaders encourages leaders to understand their own leadership behaviours and how those behaviours will impact their effectiveness in leading others.

While thought provoking, The Work of Leaders stimulates fresh conversations and perspectives regardless of the leader’s knowledge or experience. It’s an opportunity for leaders at all levels of learning to reflect on how they approach each step of their work. In addition, it encourages reflection and discussion about the team and the organization.

Participants will come away with both the insight and the actions to be able to grow as a leader and to grow their teams.

Click here for information on Murray Janewski

Communicating for Success and Results: Difficult Conversations

Communication is one of the most important elements of individual, team and business success, yet is one of the most common challenges we all face. This presentation provides you with practical and tactical skills and tools that you can implement immediately for positive results, less drama and long term success… the courageous dialogue.

In this interactive session, gain insights how to obtain better results in the difficult conversation, how to reduce your own anxiety and help to generate a positive and productive outcome for all parties involved.

Whether the situation involves providing feedback about sensitive issues, correcting performance or conveying bad news, this presentation will help you communicate for success and results up, down and across the organization.

Click here for information on Charmaine Hammond

Bring About What You Think About: Change Your Future Today!

Over the past decade, extensive investigation has been done in the study of changing your thoughts to change your life. Eddie Lemoine has researched this concept extensively and shares his insights with thousands of participants from every industry and walk of life.

Eddie’s research-based approach provides participants with immediate techniques they can use in their business and personal lives. This presentation is filled with valuable ideas interwoven with inspiring anecdotes and accented with humour and emotion.

In this high energy session, discuss the three key elements to change your future outcomes. Learn techniques to attract success, abundance, good health and successful relationships. The techniques presented will help implement lasting change.

Participants will discover how to improve business and personal relationships, create more of what they would like to have and less of what they would not, employ the power of emotions, break through feats to achieve higher levels of success, foresee pitfalls along the way and avoid them, achieving the outcome they desire.

Click here for information on Eddie Lemoine

Edmonton Full Day Conference April 30, 2015

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law presented by Colin Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP

Your Need to Know: Bulletproof Investigations presented by David Ray, Principal, Corporate Security Consulting Inc.

Lessons Learned about Leadership and Management: A Mayor’s Perspective presented by Mayor Nolan Crouse, City of St. Albert

Don’t Worry, Be Happy – How to Reach Maximum Engagement presented by Craig Dowden, Ph.D., President, Craig Dowden and Associates

Click here for a printable PDF.

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law

This session will provide an overview of developments in three major areas that impact your business.

“Family Ties that Bind”:

Several years ago Human Rights Commissions across the country commenced permitting human rights complaints based on the needs of an employee’s family members. This new and evolving ground has recently become the subject of much discussion, confusion, panic and case law. Discuss the employer’s duty to accommodate in this area, where the line is drawn and practical lessons for employers arising from recent cases.

“Foreign Workers – to be or not to be”:

Recent announced changes to the foreign worker rules and programs have caused legitimate concern for many employers given the ever increasing labour shortage. What do the changes mean for your workplace and foreign worker program?

“Ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure”:

Over the years, we have presented on various tremendously effective and important proactive tools that every employer should be aware of. Review the top tools and techniques for minimizing costly legal disputes with employees including Effective Hire letters and Discipline and Performance management.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Your Need to Know: Bulletproof Investigations

Recent court, arbitration and tribunal awards are changing the landscape of how we conduct internal investigations. Rules of fair play and natural justice are more stringent, defamation actions are more common and awards related to faulty or non-existent investigations are increasing substantially. Legislation related to workplace violence, bullying and psychological harassment have placed increased responsibility on employers on how they follow up on reports and the extended use of contractors raises questions about what the company does or does not have to investigate. Complex requirements for accommodation related to addiction and family status issues are also increasing the number of complaints within corporations or to human rights tribunals.

This session will explore these recent changes and the effect that they are having on how companies resource investigative capabilities. Discuss the options in using in house and external investigators and opportunities to ensure that investigations are properly staffed. Review the 10 qualities of good investigations and the steps to ensure that organizations reach those requirements. We will also address an approach to ensure that a proper plan is in place when the need to investigate arrives.

Obtain the tools to ensure that all investigations into discrimination, harassment, theft, fraud, statutory violations or other just cause issues are completed in a manner that will provide an outcome and report that will be accepted by courts, arbitration boards and tribunals.

Click here for information on David Ray

Lessons Learned about Leadership and Management: A Mayor’s Perspective

At times, long term visionary leadership and obtaining short term results are in conflict.

After 30 years as a Hockey Coach including the Alberta Junior Hockey League, 7 years as Mayor of the City of St. Albert and 35 years in the Forest Products Industry, Mayor Nolan Crouse realizes that leadership and management have some similarities but vast differences.

His management style is a blend of leadership toward the long term and management of the short term. He devoted much attention to detail in day to day operational management and the coaching of hockey. However, in order to adequately move forward on big picture matters as Mayor of the City of St. Albert, Mayor Crouse put into practice the important skill of visionary leadership. This same skill helped him as a corporate executive with Procter and Gamble, West Fraser Timber, Alberta Energy Ltd. and Sunchild Forest Products.

Gain valuable insights on what skills are required and obtain tips to help you become better at balancing long term visionary leadership while still obtaining short term results.

Click here for information on Mayor Nolan Crouse

Don’t Worry, Be Happy – How to Reach Maximum Engagement

Stress and burnout in the North American workplace are estimated to cost organizations hundreds of millions of dollars each year. Depression is projected to be the number 2 cause of disability-adjusted life years by the World Health Organization by 2020. With so much focus on the bottom line, the question now becomes, “Does happiness matter?”

The scientific research emphatically and unequivocally states “YES!” This interactive and engaging presentation will discuss the latest findings from the leadership and organizational sciences regarding the many advantages of happiness for our careers, our performance, our health and our bottom line. Using ‘hard data,’ it will make a strong business case that happiness is not just “nice to have”- it is a core component of motivating peak performance. It will also provide attendees with evidence-based strategies that they can bring back to their workplaces to leverage the power of feeling good.

This session will also highlight tangible and practical steps that individuals, teams and organizations can use to create a productive, healthy and vibrant workplace.

Click here for information on Craig Dowden

Edmonton Full Day Conference May 1, 2014

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law presented by Colin Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP

Time Management: The New Focus presented by Marcel Bellefeuille, RPR, Professional Coaching Consultant

Innovation: Applied Innovation for Real People presented by Rick Boersma, Co-Founder Floworks Training, Design & Innovation Expert, Juice Inc.

Journey to Engagement: Attract, Retain and Motivate a Winning Team presented by Eddie Lemoine, International Speaker/Author and Employee Engagement Expert

Click here for a printable PDF.

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law

This session will provide an overview of critical HR developments that impact your business. Back by popular demand, Colin Fetter will work through recent developments in these key areas:

• Over the Legal Limit- Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace

This is a rapidly evolving area with many recent important cases. What is your duty to accommodate? What are the key strategies to dealing effectively with this issue and protecting your employees and business while ensuring compliance with Human Rights? What are the key proactive steps to minimize this issue from arising and maximize your options as an employer in dealing with employee addicts effectively? Should you have a testing program? What tests are allowed and in what circumstances?

• Pigs Get Fat, Hogs Get Slaughtered- Post-Employment Restrictions and Obligations

A departing employee who takes your training, corporate knowledge, customers and even your staff with them can be an employer’s worst nightmare. Review several recent noteworthy cases in the area of non-compete clauses, post-employment obligations and restrictions. What are the employee’s automatic post-employment obligations? What contractual non-compete or non-solicit restrictions can be contractually imposed?

Learn the key options and tools for employers to protect their business and their workforce from unfair solicitation or competition from departing employees. Most importantly, learn which approach is best for your business and how much is too much. The Courts have been very clear in recent years that if your non-compete or non-solicitation language is too restrictive, the Court will throw out all contractual restrictions. The result is that these contractual restrictions may be worthless and unenforceable if not very carefully tailored to your business and industry.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Time Management: The New Focus

Most people actually use 60% or less of available work time. When over 38,000 people in 200 countries were queried about individual productivity, a Microsoft survey showed that even though they were physically at work five days a week, they were only productively using three days. Attlasian also reports that 60% or less of work time is actual productive time.

In this session, we will address the link between time management and productivity through the following discussion points:

• How are you allocating your time? How and why should you improve it?
• Attitudes are the key to time management and being productive. Discuss the main attributes of a “Championship Attitude”. Breaking away from the traditional thought processes creates unique ideas. This activity is fostered through a simple discipline tool.
• Process is important when applying different time management techniques. Discover unique ways to utilize your time that are targeted and efficient. By using new techniques, you will manage and produce at a different level.

Participants will acquire specific tools to assist them in managing their time in a new and meaningful way. A different look at motivation will improve personal and professional growth through basic measuring criteria. The implementation of a weekly scheduling tool will boost productivity levels not only in the workplace, but in all aspects of your life.

Click here for information on Marcel Bellefeuille

Innovation: Applied Innovation for Real People

More and more, the discipline of innovation is emerging as a new strategic priority across the public and private sectors. Why? Because innovation can create efficiencies, lower costs and increase profitability. Often enough, the challenge is not in coming up with ideas- it is about the ability of leaders to engage their workforce in a process that transforms how everyone approaches innovation.

An unstructured process such as asking people to sit in a boardroom, “think outside the box,” and wait for inspiration to happen is simply not conducive to innovative thinking. Research shows an “average” group using a structured process will produce 500% more ideas than a so-called “creative” group that uses traditional brainstorming methods.

In this interactive high-energy session, participants will be inspired to foster an innovative work environment of highly engaged employees. Learn about the principles that make innovation work for leaders, how using a structured approach can transform how you solve problems at work and obtain practical thinking tools to stimulate innovative thinking in your organization.

It is possible to create a culture brimming with breakthrough ideas and innovations! This session will certainly transform the “box” from which you currently view innovation.

Click here for information on Rick Boersma

Journey to Engagement: Attract, Retain and Motivate a Winning Team

Engaged employees are more productive yet statistics show they only make up 25-30% of the workforce. The remaining disengaged employees are costing you money by being half as productive as engaged employees. They also abuse time-off, sick leave, benefits and produce a negative work environment for others. Engaged employees will recommend your organization as a place to work and a place to do business, give higher levels of customer service and work better with their fellow employees.

In this upbeat session, you’ll obtain a proven process to attract, retain and engage your workforce. Discover new ways to attract and retain a winning team, understand the impact of aging demographics and five generations in the workforce and manage and communicate with multiple generations. You’ll learn to recognize your employees’ strengths as a team and work collectively to produce stronger output, understand age, gender and cultural diversity and their influence in the workplace and interpret future trends and their impact on the organization.

Gain valuable insights on how to implement the three steps in closing the engagement gap and truly become an employer of choice.

Click here for information on Eddie Lemoine

Edmonton Full Day Conference May 2, 2013

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law presented by Colin Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP

Moral Leadership: Doing What's Right for You and Your Organization presented by Craig Dowden, Ph.D., Managing Director, SPB Organizational Psychology Inc.

Bounce Forward: Charting Your Course to Resilience presented by Charmaine Hammond, BA, MBA, President, Hammond International Inc.

Crucial Accountability- What Managers Need to Know presented by Murray Low, Principal and Founder, LeadershipSmarts

Click here for a printable PDF.

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law

Managing people today in a truly diverse and changing world has its challenges. The legal landscape for employers continues to evolve. This presentation will address tips and recent developments in the following areas:

• What is “Just Cause” Anyways?

Why can you never terminate for just cause? We will provide clear practical guidelines for establishing the seemingly impossible standard for a just cause termination and assist you in identifying and implementing alternate strategies and practical solutions for dismissal.

• Harassment & Workplace Violence: Don’t Get Caught with your Pants Down!

Harassment and workplace violence complaints can be an employer’s worst nightmare. Is your organization prepared? Do you have a harassment and workplace violence policy? Review some key proactive practical strategies that should be implemented by every employer to prevent and responsibly respond to complaints of harassment or violence in the workplace.

• Privacy Update

New developments on privacy law as it relates to an employer’s right to view employee personal information and activity on work devices.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Moral Leadership: Doing What's Right for You and Your Organization

Leadership is one of the most frequently discussed topics in the world of business and receives considerable coverage in the popular and academic press. What are the most effective leadership attributes for both individuals and organizations?

The importance of this question is further accented by the groundbreaking work of the Gallup organization. Their surveys and studies have consistently shown that the number one reason people leave organizations is “poor leadership.” This trend, combined with the recent failures of our institutions and even countries, has created a fervent call for stronger leadership.

Review an evidence-based argument highlighting the critical importance of the “softer” side of leadership. Discover how humility, empathy, happiness and self-awareness/authenticity are key differentiators of peak performance organizations. Although this list may seem counterintuitive to widespread beliefs regarding desirable leadership attributes, a sizeable evidence base has grown showcasing its effectiveness. By drawing on classic and cutting edge research, this session will highlight how moral leadership is not only doing the right thing, but it is the right thing to do for the health of our organizations.

Click here for information on Craig Dowden

Bounce Forward: Charting Your Course to Resilience

Resilience is more than simply bouncing back after change, challenge crisis and adversity. It’s a process of choosing a new course, setting the sails and being the captain in your life (and business).

Now more than ever, the skill and character of resilience is an essential quality for workplaces, teams and business success. Many professionals are experiencing more to do, in less time and with fewer resources and with more changes…. And the expectation of better results! The current economic situation has created challenges and change, and in some cases, uncertainty and even immobility.

Resilience is a critical skill for individuals and businesses to “Bounce Forward” during change. This interactive workshop provides tips, strategies and tools to:

• Explore the seven essentials to the resilient business and team
• Engage in several resilience building, stress management and lifestyle management activities
• Complete a Resilience Action Plan
• Learn how to handle procrastination, workplace fatigue, juggling priorities, managing time and energy
• Explore strategies to ignite resilience both at work and in your personal lives.

This session will challenge participants to reach beyond their current grasp and to excel beyond their expectations.

Click here for information on Charmaine Hammond

Crucial Accountability- What Managers Need to Know

Organizations, teams and people regularly encounter performance gaps, missed expectations and bad or unsafe behaviour. Many organizations suffer from a cultural of collusion. Accountability conversations are avoided because they are thought to be uncomfortable or confrontational. Sometimes people don’t hold others accountable because they don’t want to be held accountable themselves. Fail to have that accountability conversation and the negative impact is predictable. Likewise, an accountability conversation held poorly also will have a predictably negative result.

In the excellent organization, everyone holds each other accountable and all team members apply gentle and consistent pressure for all to execute superbly.

This dynamic presentation will provide you with the skills and strategies to:

• Step up to poor performance, pick the right problem to work on and address underlying motivation/ability issues.
• Hold anyone accountable—no matter the other person’s power, position or temperament—and get positive results.
• Motivate without using power by clearly and concisely explaining natural consequences.
• Enable without taking over by creatively helping others avoid excuses and work-arounds, stay on track and resolve performance barriers.

Many organizations thrust people into leadership roles needing more effective tools and skills to address performance issues. When leaders too frequently use power to ‘motivate’, it is like the old adage that to a hammer, every problem appears to be a nail. This session will provide managers the skills to enhance accountability, improve performance, and ensure safety and superb execution.

Click here for information on Murray Low

Edmonton Half Day Workshop May 3, 2012

Generational Diversity: Legal Aspects in the Changing Face of the Workplace presented by Colin R. Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP

Why Do They Do That? Understand Behaviour, Improve Communication presented by Dan Ohler, Relationship Coach & Motivational Speaker, Thinkin’ Outside the Barn

Generational Diversity: Legal Aspects in the Changing Face of the Workplace

Is your organization’s human resources management practice “age-friendly”? For the first time, the demographics of the Canadian workplace now include four generations of employees, with each having different approaches to work and expectations in the workplace. Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, the Millennials- what is an employer to do?

In this lively and interactive session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the issues facing employers and practical tips on how to successfully manage a multigenerational workforce including:

Accommodating an aging workforce and employees with personal health problems and disabilities
Accommodating employees with increased family care responsibilities
Mandatory retirement and the latest updates on age discrimination case law
Legal options and approaches to ensuring smooth succession planning

Get vital information and bring your questions for our legal expert.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Why Do They Do That? Understand Behaviour, Improve Communication

Profit and loss, supply and demand – these are concepts that come naturally to today’s corporate leader. What makes your people tick? That’s a trickier business.

In a perfect world, you’d lead a positive, productive team that never argued or disagreed, kept secrets or advanced personal agendas. These things create confusion, distraction, productivity loss and hurt feelings. They prevent your team from reaching its full potential.

But these things inevitably happen, and even the most patient among us can’t help but wonder why do they do that?

This session will equip you with the tools to tackle head-on your biggest people challenges. You’ll understand that differences in behavioural styles can be a powerful tool, not a barrier to productivity. You’ll learn to motivate, resolve conflicts and find the strength that exists when you understand and celebrate the differences.

Specifically, you’ll learn how these tools can help you match behavioural styles to the right job. If you’re involved in recruiting, managing or training, you will definitely benefit from this presentation.

Click here for information on Dan Ohler

Edmonton Half Day Workshop October 20, 2011

Lead with Intent - Engaging Leadership presented by Joanne Beaton, Vice President, National Operations Support, TELUS Customer Solutions

Workplace Bullying, Fraud & Investigations: Recent Trends & Best Practices presented by David Elzinga, CA-IFA, CFE, Global Leader, Forensic Investigative Services, Grant Thornton LLP

Lead with Intent - Engaging Leadership

Joanne Beaton has established a legacy of building winning teams. With 25 years of leadership experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, she has engaged teams of 5 to 1,500 and received international recognition for transforming cultures and achieving business results.

In this interactive session, participants will discover real life examples and practical insights to help you Lead with Intent:
• Learn how to be you – Authentic Leadership
• Crystallize your intent – Be Present
• Close the loop – Strategy and Empathy at all levels
• Appreciation vs. Recognition – What’s the difference
• The Five A’s of Engagement - Their A-mazing results

Get inspired to become an engaging leader that makes a positive impact in the lives of others and in the workplace.

Click here for information on Joanne Beaton

Workplace Bullying, Fraud & Investigations: Recent Trends & Best Practices

Fraud and Workplace Bullying

The link between fraud and bullying may not be obvious, but it’s there! When fraud occurs over a long period of time, it’s almost inconceivable that someone in the organization didn’t know or have suspicions. Why didn’t that person come forward?

We will look at a number of real life fraud cases where there has been an element of bullying that either precipitated the fraud or allowed the fraud to go undetected. Learn how to develop and implement proper policies and procedures in dealing with bullying and fraud.

Fraud Investigation – Best Practices

We know that fraud occurs in the workplace. One component of a comprehensive fraud program is the investigation. Review a practical approach and best practices in conducting fraud investigations. The principles can be applied to other internal investigations including theft, harassment, conflict of interest, breach of IT policies or allegations of workplace violence.

Each fraud is different. Objectives, planning and approach to a fraud investigation can also vary significantly. Learn how to implement a basic framework for a fraud investigation before there is even a hint of fraud.

Emotional reactions to fraud, unsupported or unreasonable assumptions, lack of objectivity, weak investigative mindsets and failure to understand what lies beneath the numbers are a recipe for faulty conclusions and professional embarrassment. We’ll discuss how each of these slippery slopes can be easily avoided.

This presentation will provide all managers the necessary information in order to review or develop your present strategy, plans and procedures as well as understand potential problem areas in order to avoid needless litigation in the courts.

Click here for information on David Elzinga

Edmonton Half Day Workshop May 5, 2011

Employment Policies: Don’t Leave Home Without Them! presented by Colin R. Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP, Edmonton

Social Media 101: Playtime or Business Driver?
presented by
Gail Matheson, PhD, Vice President, Human Resources & Business Services, Edmonton Journal

Employment Policies: Don’t Leave Home Without Them!

Succinctly stated, employment policies assist employers in reducing exposure to risk in human resource management. These policies form a foundation for workplace management to create systems that are consistent, understandable, accessible and easy to administer. While employment policies ensure statutory compliance, they also set out guidelines and information regarding your minimum requirements and “best practices” in the workplace.

There are a number of essential workplace policies that are often overlooked, neglected or forgotten. In many cases, the presence of and compliance with a clear comprehensive policy can be your best defence against the risk of dispute, acrimony and litigation. On the other hand, the absence of such policies will be your worst enemy. This seminar will discuss several essential policies, why you need them and what they can do for your workplace including:

Workplace Violence and Working Alone: Hazard assessment and a policy covering these areas has been a statutory requirement in Alberta for some time now.

Privacy / Information: What are your policy obligations with respect to the collection, storage and use of personnel information?

Drugs and Alcohol: Unfortunately these issues do or will affect most workplaces at some time. A clear comprehensive policy covers everything from prescription medication to the duty to accommodate, to testing and potential termination.

Computer, Internet, Email, Blackberry Use: Can you monitor employee emails and internet use? Are your employees texting and emailing while driving, and if so, are you potentially liable? A thorough policy on these issues is your best proactive tool to control risk in this area.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Social Media 101: Playtime or Business Driver?

You keep your kids from spending too much time on the computer. You monitor whom they accept as friends on Facebook. Blogging sounds like something you would do in Ireland. You are vaguely familiar with Twitter but try to look savvy when someone mentions it. But now it’s a business issue?

For many employers, social media is primarily viewed as a problem – a reason to have policies about their use in the workplace. But businesses are rapidly realizing that social media is becoming a distinctive competency for marketing and branding. Over the past five years, an increasing number of people are using social media in both their personal and professional lives. While it may have started as a “playtime” trend, it is now a serious market brand and business influence. Social media is being used to increase and drive brand and business awareness, drive sales, get input into product development and build or strengthen brand loyalty.

These concepts are also being extended into the HR realm. Many HR practitioners are beginning to draft their social media policies, and are generally concerned with controlling risk and liability associated with social media use. However, social media can be a powerful recruitment branding tool. Simply focusing on issues like use of social media during work and what constitutes inappropriate disclosure of business issues may limit your business from harnessing a powerful business tool.

So, bring your Smartphones, laptops, and your desire to learn as we explore the basics of popular social media, the role of social media in marketing, considerations creating sustained social marketing ROI and the HR implications of social media.

Click here for information on Gail Matheson

Edmonton Half Day Workshop October 21, 2010

Retiring Boomers & Knowledge Transfer: Have You Been Asking The Right Questions? presented by Carmien Owen, Chief Business Architect, Collaboration Consulting Inc.

Understanding the Relationship between Personality and Performance
presented by Mike Moreau, Director of Client Development, Concord Consulting Corp

Retiring Boomers & Knowledge Transfer: Have You Been Asking The Right Questions?

As the Boomer generation prepares to retire, businesses that fail to successfully execute a knowledge transfer strategy are taking on significant risk. At the same time, many businesses have struggled with successfully delivering Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence solutions. If your business has failed to effectively solve the problems of Knowledge Management (or worse yet has not even attempted to understand its organizational knowledge), then resolving the needs of knowledge transfer between Boomers and other workers is bound for failure.

Much of the pain that has been felt around Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence initiatives can invariably be attributed to efforts or projects that treated the symptom and not the cause. In other words, if knowledge requires an understanding of what needs to be learned, then surely the work that is done is central to any effort to transfer knowledge. It is proposed that for an organization to unravel the Knowledge conundrum, the right questions must be asked to determine what workers do and what information is needed to make informed business decisions.

In this session, we will present the critical questions that must be asked to build a comprehensive understanding of organizational knowledge. We will consider the beliefs around what organizational knowledge appears to be, and actually is. And most importantly, we will review proven frameworks for determining the causal drivers of the Knowledge Transfer conundrum. The driving premise for this session is that any effort to manage organizational knowledge can only be successful if there is a proven and measured understanding of what is done in the business. In short, understanding what causes knowledge is paramount to being able to manage knowledge.

Click here for information on Carmien Owen

Understanding the Relationship between Personality and Performance

In every workplace, we observe individuals who are consistently above average performers- meeting and often exceeding expectations. Others are average performers and still others are those who on a good day, only perform at a below average level. More frustrating is the fact that these people may share the same education, training and experience as your top performers.

So why do we see such a significant difference in performance when the resumes are nearly identical?

Determining the “A” players from Receptionist to Design Engineer to Marketing Coordinator to CFO is both an art and a science. Most managers develop the “art” of interpreting resumes, understanding the kind of “relevant experience” necessary for their jobs, and pinpointing the required education or academic training.

The area of most failure is the ability to more accurately define what the “high performance” behaviours are for their key roles and then being able to evaluate those in candidates – internal or external. Far too often, tenure or education is rewarded with promotion and individuals are promoted to a place of incompetency.

In this session, we will explore the connection and science between personality and performance. We'll present a scientific model that you can deploy in your organization to significantly increase the amount of “A” players in every role. A handout will be provided summarizing the key points and models.

Click here for information on Mike Moreau

Edmonton Half Day Workshop May 6, 2010

Disability Management: When Does It Legally End? presented by Colin R. Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B. Partner, Brownlee LLP, Edmonton

Informational Interviews – Avoiding Guilt by Investigation and Other Pitfalls
presented by Justin Thoman, CA, President, Thoman Forensic Accounting, Edmonton

Disability Management: When Does It Legally End?

Today’s legal update focuses on the end of the illness and disability management process. So you have accommodated to the point of undue hardship- now what?

Employers continuously struggle with the fear of terminating an employee who has been on disability- can it really be done and how? Our legal expert will review strategies for resolution and establishing frustration of the contract or undue hardship. Participants will obtain key practical strategies and procedures, learn about timing the conclusion of employment to minimize risk and disability benefit implications.

We will present defence strategies for Human Rights complaints. We will also look at questions and lessons learned from recent Supreme Court of Canada cases.

As managers, we’ve all heard the horror stories. This informative session will deliver the vital information required to properly manage the most difficult part of disability management.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Informational Interviews – Avoiding Guilt by Investigation and Other Pitfalls

Most managers have encountered some level of difficulty in getting accurate information and responses during the interview process. We’re told to avoid confrontation, pay attention to body language, nervousness, the list goes on in our search for obtaining the necessary details quickly and efficiently.

This special presentation will provide skills in conducting fact finding workplace interviews by providing methods for getting organized for the interview, formulating questions, taking notes and providing a good closing. Participants will review new developments in interview practices including the five-step PEACE method now being used by police investigators in the UK and North America and demonstrate the benefits of its use for workplace interviews in assessing allegations or conducting investigations whether it be based on hard facts or an anonymous whistleblower.

We will also address privacy and other legal issues such as recording the interview and how to avoid defamation allegations. The program will also explore use of these new techniques in interviews to develop questions on technical skills and situation based questions in recruitment interviews and in performance evaluations.

Participants will obtain the most recent statistics and trends as well as a new approach to the interview process which can be implemented in organizations of all sizes.

Click here for information on Justin Thoman

Edmonton Half Day Workshop October 22, 2009

Today’s Critical Issues in Occupational Health & Safety: An Update presented by Trisha Gain, B.A., LL.B., Associate, McLennan Ross LLP

Managing Today’s Multigenerational Workforce: What's New?
presented by Gail Matheson, Ph.D., Principal, Stratius Consulting

Today’s Critical Issues in Occupational Health & Safety: An Update

Alberta's Occupational Health and Safety Act is an important piece of legislation that affects all those in the workforce. The Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Code has recently been updated to keep workplace health and safety rules current and relevant. Alberta employers have until July 1, 2009 to comply with the updates.

In this session, we will look at the amendments to the Code as well as discuss recent developments and trends in respect to health and safety in Alberta. We will look at a number of critical areas including ever-increasing fines, multiple employer work sites and contractor and subcontractor liability, to name a few. As legislation becomes increasingly stringent on individuals or corporations designated as the Prime Contractors, those Prime Contractors realize their due diligence is, in many ways, connected to the performance of their subcontractors.

We will also discuss recent cases of interest to all employers in Alberta. This workshop will also highlight the practical implications for organizations and managers, in order to help you understand the standards and avoid criminal charges in the event of an incident.

Click here for information on Trisha Gain

Managing Today’s Multigenerational Workforce: What's New?

For the first time in history, four generations are participating in the workforce. Each generation has been shaped by different cultural events that influence their values and behaviours. And, each generation responds differently to management styles. Many managers struggle to bridge the differences in their workforce. What can you do to engage a multigenerational workforce?

Even the best managers tend to become passionate about the issues of dealing with a multigenerational workforce. For the first time, we have access to market data that tells us what the values of different generations are, which should make it easier to address differences. This data can serve as a mechanism for developing targeted strategies that are more effective for recruitment and retention. The unexpected result has been myths, generalizations, and - in the worst case scenario – prejudice against members of different generations.

In this session, we will explore if the differences really do matter, and what the drivers for engagement are across all generations. Participants will obtain tips and strategies and look at recent trends in managing this diverse workforce.

Click here for information on Gail Matheson

Edmonton Half Day Workshop May 7, 2009

Top 10 Reasons to Call Your Employment Lawyers… Before You Think You Need Them presented by Colin R. Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B. Partner, Brownlee LLP, Edmonton

Workplace Investigations: An Update on Today’s Best Practices
presented by David Elzinga, CA-IFA, CFE, National Leader, Grant Thornton Forensic & Investigative Accounting Services

Top 10 Reasons to Call Your Employment Lawyers… Before You Think You Need Them

There are many often overlooked pitfalls and underutilized proactive measures that every employer should understand and use within a proactive employee management system.

This session will focus on several of these including:
- Employment Agreements/Contracts and the use of fixed terms, severance clauses, and probationary periods.
- When is a "contractor" really an employee?
- Effective Disciplinary Systems and Last Chance Agreements.
- The constantly evolving law on Drug and Alcohol Testing.

We will also include an update on the surprising number of Employment Cases from the Supreme Court of Canada this year.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Workplace Investigations: An Update on Today’s Best Practices

Most organizations have codes of conduct and various policies for employees to follow. Many of these organizations also have stated consequences should employees breach these policies. However, in most cases the breaches are not clear and/or are only allegations or suspicions and most organizations do not have stated processes for conducting the necessary internal investigations. Internal investigations may result from fraud, theft, harassment, conflict of interest, breach of IT policies, or allegations of workplace violence.

This session will review the best practices for undertaking an internal investigation including conducting an appropriate fact finding meeting with an accused employee. We will provide a model protocol to ensure that the investigation is properly conducted and will also address avoiding defamation actions as a result of the inquiry.

There will be discussion about the burden of proof required in assessing whether a workplace offence has been committed and the considerations that should be taken into account in assessing discipline. The session will also cover considerations in dealing with the police if the inquiry relates to a criminal offence. We will focus on addressing issues of fraud, theft and conflict of interest.

This presentation will provide HR and Administration Managers the necessary information in order to review or develop your present strategy, plans and procedures as well as understand potential problem areas in order to avoid needless litigation in the courts.

Click here for information on David Elzinga

Edmonton Half Day Workshop October 21, 2008

Workforce Management in Turbulent Times- Leading Successful Change (Panel) presented by Ed Davies, Vice President- Western Canada, DBM, David Towers, CA, CIRP, Principal Specialist Advisory Services, Grant Thornton LLP, and Steven Connors, B.A., LL.B., Partner, Brownlee LLP, Edmonton

Passing the Baton- How to Develop Your Leaders
presented by Charmaine Hammond, President, Hammond Mediation & Consulting Group Inc. and Michèle Luit, Principal, Workplace Solutions

Workforce Management in Turbulent Times- Leading Successful Change (Panel)

Most organizations have experienced major changes in the past to include mergers, acquisitions, corporate restructuring, bankruptcy and closure. All scenarios have consequences. How do you lead or manage a successful transition? Our panel of management, legal and financial experts will help you recognize obstacles, provide the tools and strategies to address them, develop a plan and learn about the critical issues to successfully manage the change. This informative session will conclude with an Ask the Expert segment with the audience.

No news travels faster through an organization than that of downsizing or mergers and most mistakes and setbacks during a major change stem from communication and people planning issues.

Ed Davies will provide insight on the five common and unnecessary mistakes that destroy employee trust, timing of how and when changes should be announced as well as what to do and say during that uncertainty stage before decisions are made. Participants will acquire information on no spin communications that build trust, key talent utilization, retention and productivity and tips on merging cultures.

David Towers will talk about risk management, corporate restructuring, receivership and bankruptcy. Participants will gain an understanding of the early warning signs of commercial financial distress. We will also include an update on the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP).

Steve Connors will provide the legal perspective on employment issues that arise during turbulent times including: Share vs. Asset transaction- resulting obligations and liabilities, post employment obligations, employees absent due to illness and disability, benefits and privacy issues.

Click here for information on Ed Davies

Click here for information on David Towers

Click here for information on Steven Connors

Passing the Baton- How to Develop Your Leaders

With today’s economy, fast paced employment world and staff attraction and retention issues, many employees are being promoted as a result of necessity, tenure and loyalty, rather than being developed to assume increased corporate responsibility.

Too often, these employees struggle with the transition from being “one of the guys” to “supervising the guys”! Most often the challenge is not so much adjusting to the tasks, as much as wading through the transition of managing the people and the change in relationships. When new leaders are not equipped to effectively transition, organizations are often faced with a double-edged sword – the potential loss of seasoned employees or dealing with requests from the newly promoted to resume their previous role.

This session will provide an overview of creating and developing a culture that supports employees in their climb of the corporate ladder, why everyone needs to know the rules of the game and what constitutes success.

Participants will gain insights about the challenges employees face during the transition from team member to leader: how to manage former colleagues and friends, create actionable results in the workplace, develop strategies to help the new leader over the bridge and through the barriers, validate and communicate the new role to team members and deal with friends or former friends.

Click here for information on Charmaine Hammond

Click here for information on Michèle Luit

Edmonton Half Day Workshop April 10, 2008

THE NEW REALITY: Hot Employment and Labour Issues in the Boom Times presented by Colin R. Fetter, B.Comm, LL.B. Partner, Brownlee LLP, Edmonton

Background Checks- Do you really know who your employees are? presented Justin Thoman, CA, Senior Manager, Forensic Accounting & Investigative Services, Grant Thornton LLP, Edmonton

THE NEW REALITY: Hot Employment and Labour Issues in the Boom Times

This session will focus on two key aspects to managing and succeeding in the boom times: recruitment, retention and return strategies and management of illness and disability claims. How do you keep productive employees at work for longer?

While the presentation has a legal background, participants will acquire practical proactive strategies for employers to deal with these issues in the extremely difficult economic and legal climate faced by Alberta employers. Obtain the most up to date legal tips, trends, recent judgments and ways to avoid litigation.

Highlights of the Recruitment and Retention segment include: how to identify and attract employees of choice, retain employees for the long haul, exiting employees and the battle to bring them back.

Highlights of the Managing Illness and Disability segment include: Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act, duty to accommodate, undue hardship, employment contracts, verifying medical and disability claims, return to work programs, attendance management programs and stress claims.

Click here for information on Colin Fetter

Background Checks- Do you really know who your employees are?

In today’s market, many employers don’t feel they have the luxury to do full or proper background checks on potential employees. The market is vulnerable and employers are competing to hire in the shortest time possible so quite often checks don’t get done at all. Professional investigators constantly deal with employees who have lied on their application material and end up under investigation for issues such as fraud or conflict of interest. Lies on resumes may include everything from qualifications, education, past employment history and even real names.

This session will explore the extent of the problem and some of the pitfalls and liability in failing to do proper background checks. Participants will be given some tools to set up procedures which meet the needs of the organization to properly check new employees and the duty to protect the personal information of the applicant. Participants will obtain a matrix which can be used by employers to ensure that the right checks are in place for the right position within an organization. Avoid unnecessary expenses and the “cookie cutter” approach. Improve your internal processes and make the right hiring decision from the start!

Click here for information on Justin Thoman

Edmonton Half Day Workshop October 25, 2007

High Risk Terminations- Take the Fear Out of Firing presented by David L. Ray, B.A., LL.B., CFE, Senior Practice Leader, Security & Investigations, Grant Thornton LLP, Calgary

Cross-Border Hiring- Getting Through the Maze presented by Wendy A. Danson, B.A., LL.B., MPM, Partner, McCuaig Desrochers LLP, Edmonton

High Risk Terminations- Take the Fear Out of Firing

Ever increasing levels of workplace violence cause concern when we consider terminating employees who are threatening or may be considered dangerous. Bullies and employees who utter veiled or direct threats are often treated with caution when their behaviour would normally get them terminated.

This session will provide tools to assess the risk of physical harm to staff when terminating an employee that may be prone to violence. Participants will be given a template to profile the person being terminated so that the organization can make a considered risk analysis and decide whether there may be repercussions from the termination.

Discover various measures to consider to reduce risk prior to termination, measures to consider in completing the termination and countermeasures to put in place following termination. No risk can be completely eliminated but you will acquire a step by step means of ensuring that the organization undertakes appropriate due diligence to ensure that the risks to the organization and staff are properly managed.

Click here for information on David Ray

Cross-Border Hiring- Getting Through the Maze

This session will explore the in’s and out’s of cross-border hiring. Highlights include selecting the right approach for skilled and unskilled workers, professionals, executives and key employees, managerial and specialized positions, intra-company transfers and permanent employees. You’ll obtain the latest information on the “GATS” work permit and drafting applications with the proper documentation. Other points to be discussed are: understanding the difference between a business visitor and a worker, current processing times and delays, using Labour Brokers as recruiters, roles of Alberta Provincial Nominee Program and NAFTA in bringing in foreign workers, “thinking outside the box” and retaining temporary foreign workers.

Click here for information on Wendy Danson

Edmonton Half Day Workshop March 29, 2007

Get a Handle on Harassment Investigations - Tips, Trips & Traps presented by David L. Ray, BA, LLB, CFE, Senior Practice Leader, Security & Investigations, Grant Thornton LLP, Calgary

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law presented by Vicki L. Giles, B. Comm, LL.B., Partner, McLennan Ross LLP, Edmonton

Get a Handle on Harassment Investigations - Tips, Trips & Traps
This harassment update will walk you through an actual workplace harassment investigation from allegation to discipline. Participants will be provided with a model for internal investigations which protects the rights of the employer, the employee and witnesses. Emphasis will be placed on resolving harassment complaints and conducting the investigation in a manner that will cause the least amount of disruption to the workplace.

There will be a discussion on the legal principles of harassment, the difference between workplace and legislative harassment and the duty of the employer to accommodate in cases of discrimination.

Participants will also be provided with options to plan the investigation, conduct interviews and report on findings. They will be provided with a sample outline for a harassment report and considerations in arriving at conclusions. There will also be a discussion of report recommendations available to the harassment investigator.

Click here for information on David Ray

Today’s Critical Issues in Employment Law
This session will highlight some of today’s hot topics in Employment and Labour Law.

We feature Dealing with Employee Health Information and Privacy Issues: balancing interests- employer’s right to manage the workplace vs. employee’s right to privacy, how privacy legislation has affected the employer’s right to information, who can access, accommodation of disabled employees, confirming medical reasons for absences, return to work following medical absence and using OH & S nurses to manage medical absences and disabilities.

Every manager needs to know about new developments in privacy legislation. Which ones are relevant to your organization? We will discuss PIPA (Alberta), PIPEDA (Federal) for private sector, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for public sector as well as the Health Information Act for health service providers.

Other topics to be covered will include an update on the duty to accommodate as well as discussion of some recent cases in Employment Law such as Honda vs. Keyes. We will also review the latest developments with reference to Wallace Damages.

Click here for information on Vicki Giles

Edmonton Half Day Workshop November 9, 2006


“Financial Fiends”: Effectively Dealing with Fraud in the Workplace

Alberta Human Rights- Today’s Critical Issues


Justin Thoman, CA, Senior Manager, Forensic Accounting & Investigative Services, Grant Thornton LLP, Edmonton

Audrey Dean, LL.B., Senior Legal Counsel, Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission, Edmonton

“Financial Fiends”: Effectively Dealing with Fraud in the Workplace

Public awareness of corporate wrong-doing and fraud has never been higher. How do you minimize the risk that fraud is occurring in your organization? What do you do when faced with the prospect that it has occurred? What are the responsibilities and obligations of an employer and how are they balanced with the rights of an employee who has been accused of and/or investigated for fraud or other wrong-doing?

This informative session will provide HR and administrative professionals with insight into the occurrence of fraud, strategies for its prevention and detection, and how to appropriately react to suspicions of fraud. Participants will understand how fraud could be occurring in their organization, recognize the indicators, develop strategies to prevent and detect it, and considerations when reacting to fraud.

Topics Covered:
• Fraud: what is it, who does it and why • Environments favorable to fraud • Indicators or “red flags” of fraud • Deterrents to fraud • Reacting to allegations of fraud in your organization • Balancing the rights of employers and employees

“Financial Fiends”: Effectively Dealing with Fraud in the Workplace

Justin Thoman is Senior Manager with Grant Thornton Forensic Accounting and Investigative Services. He graduated from the University of Alberta in 1994 with a Bachelor of Commerce with distinction. He articled with Grant Thornton LLP in Edmonton and obtained the CA designation in 1996. He completed his investigator training at the International Organized Crime Conference in 2001. Prior to joining Grant Thornton, he acted as in-house Forensic Accounting Representative for the Integrated Proceeds of Crime Unit of the RCMP.

He specializes in investigations and quantification of losses related to possible employee fraud and misappropriations and risk analysis. He has instructed various courses on fraud investigation, including courses offered to police agencies across Alberta and has also spoken to numerous corporate audiences on forensic accounting and fraud investigation.

Alberta Human Rights- Today’s Critical Issues

This Human Rights update will begin with an overview of the Alberta Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act and will cover mediation of human rights complaints and settlement.

We will explore recent complaints and cases made to the Commission about the workplace including: gender harassment, mental or physical disability, drug and alcohol testing, marital and family status, mandatory retirement or age discrimination complaints. We will also include the issue of managing and accommodating the disabled worker. When discrimination is found, what is the role of the employer with respect to accommodation? What limits are there with respect to the employer's duty to accommodate? What constitutes undue hardship today? What is the role of the employee with respect to accommodation?

We will also review the most recent Human Rights decisions on disability and Alberta decisions on concurrent jurisdictions, that is, suing in court as well as pursuing a Human Rights complaint.

Alberta Human Rights- Today’s Critical Issues

Audrey Dean has Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor and Masters of Social Work degrees and her Bachelor of Law degree. She is senior legal counsel with the Alberta Human Rights and Citizenship Commission and has been since 1992.

Prior to this Audrey worked in other government departments including Justice, Education and Family and Social Services. She has extensive experience in Administrative law and court experience. She is active in professional groups and volunteer associations. In 2004, Audrey received the Distinguished Service Award from the Law Society of Alberta and the Canadian Bar Association.

Edmonton Half Day Workshop March 29, 2006


Hot Updates in Employment Standards

Today's Critical Issues in Employment Law

Cindy Thompson, Education Coordinator, Employment Standards- Government of Alberta

Ayla Akgungor, LL.B., Associate, Field LLP, Edmonton

Hot Updates in Employment Standards
The Employment Standards Code was last reviewed in 1988. Since then, technological advances, globalization, increased competition, and changes to family and workforce demographics have altered Alberta’s workplaces. At present, there is a review of Alberta’s Employment Standards Code and Regulation.

This session will highlight the most important areas involved in the current review including: hours of work, hours of rest, overtime and overtime pay, general holidays and the new compassionate leave, to name a few.

Managers of all organizations should attend this informative session to discover the most recent developments as well as learn how to comply and avoid needless litigation costs.

Hot Updates in Employment Standards

Cindy Thompson is Education Program Coordinator, Workplace Partnerships, Alberta Human Resources and Employment. With over 25 years of experience behind her, she has become one of the province's leading experts in the field of Employment Standards. She has worked with all industry sectors assisting them to understand and interpret workplace legislation. Their program encourages employers and employees to work together to build strong and effective workplaces.

Cindy has presented to numerous organizations in both the public and private sectors in the past as well as IPM Associations' and is returning for an update, back by popular demand.

Today's Critical Issues in Employment Law
This session will explore the most recent developments in the courts pertaining to issues in Employment Law.

Highlights of this session will include:

Employee privacy in the workplace: What are an employee's rights to privacy in the workplace? Can employers use methods such as video surveillance, keystroke logging software or biometric scanning systems in the workplace? What are the competing considerations?

Reference letters: Do employers have any obligations to provide reference letters for terminated employees? In what circumstances? What does the letter need to say?
Wallace damages: What can employers do to protect themselves from claims of bad faith and unfair dealing? Recent cases involving claims for Wallace damages will be discussed.

All attendees will acquire the most current information, recent cases and judgments and ways to avoid litigation.

Today's Critical Issues in Employment Law

Ayla Akgungor has been an Associate with Field Law in Edmonton since 2001. She obtained her Bachelor of Commerce with Distinction from the University of Alberta in 1996 and her LL.B. in 2000. She was admitted to the Alberta Bar in 2001. Ayla maintains a practice focused primarily on labour, employment and administrative law.

She is a member of the Law Society of Alberta, present Co-Chair of the Canadian Bar Association Administrative Law Section and also a member of the Labour and Employment and Privacy Sections of the Canadian Bar Association. She is the Co-Editor of Remedies in Labour, Employment and Human Rights Law published by Carswell.

Edmonton Half Day Workshop November 1, 2005

Recruitment and Retention: Hot Updates

Recruiting Right Off Campus- Update for Employers

David Aplin, President, David Aplin Recruiting

Mike Henry, Associate Dean of the MacEwan School of Business

Recruitment and Retention: Hot Updates
Discover the latest trends in the current Human Resource Landscape and recent developments in Recruitment and Retention.

We already know that disengagement level is extremely high. We experience the demographic explosion. Today's workplace is much less homogeneous than in the past. Critical issues pulled from these trends will be discussed in some depth.

Acquisition and retention are the biggest issues facing organizations today. In this session, we will explore 30 tried and true Best Practices to solve the acquisition and retention problem.

Recruitment and Retention: Hot Updates

David Aplin has managed David Aplin Recruiting, a Technical/Professional recruiting company with offices across Canada and a total staff of over 60 since 1975. Before forming David Aplin Recruiting, Dave held senior positions in a number of firms including Eaton’s, 3M, CN and Neonex. He has lived and worked in Toronto, Montreal, London, Edmonton and Minneapolis/St. Paul. Dave has a B.A.Sc. from the University of Toronto (Industrial Engineering) and an M.B.A. from York University (Finance and Marketing). Dave is also Former Chair of the Advisory Board and Sponsorship Chair for the 1999 CIPS National Conference.

Recruiting Right Off Campus- Update for Employers
‘I can’t get a job because I don’t have experience, but I can’t get experience if I don’t have a job’. It’s the age-old story that every student faces as they enter the world of work.

But what about the employer? We all need to do the best we can for ourselves, and hiring an employee with a measure of experience tends to increase your chances of success. You’d like to hire a new graduate, but hesitate as the time and energy it may take to find that incredible employee could outweigh the benefits. MacEwan works to make the transition from student to employee an easy one, with numerous options, shared by many colleges, to assist both with the employer and the student in finding success.

Discover the diverse options open to you as a potential employer to get involved with your local educational institution as a source of incredible new talent. From taking on a student in a work placement scenario to participating in an advising capacity to a program in your industry – the opportunities are incredible, but often not well known.

Recruiting Right Off Campus- Update for Employers

Mike Henry has been with MacEwan since 2000, teaching primarily in the areas of organizational behaviour, Canadian business and leadership. He is the current President of the Management Education Co-ordinating Council of Alberta and is also a member of the MacEwan College Research Council and the MacEwan Institute for Research on Family and Youth. His research interests are focused on how organizations influence public policy and on knowledge management in entrepreneurial and family businesses.

Mike has published numerous articles and presentations. He also keeps busy as a current partner in Abells Henry Public Affairs, a consulting practice focusing on stakeholder relations, government affairs, strategic positioning and public consultation.

Prior to joining MacEwan, his career spanned the private, public and non-profit health sectors, and included a term as MLA representing Edmonton Centre. Mike received his MBA at the University of Alberta, a Bachelor of Social Science at the University of Ottawa, and a Bachelor of Arts from Brock University. He has also studied at the University of Southern Queensland.

Edmonton Half Day Workshop November 1, 2005

Building High Performance Organizations

Darel Baker, B.P.E., C.F.P., Principal, Keldar Leadership Solutions

Building High Performance Organizations
Why do some organizations experience fantastic success while others have mediocre performance at best? Is it the industry, timing, location, products, services or something else? Every industry has leaders and they sometimes appear in locations that you would not expect.

This session will explore how organizations move from Chaos to High Performance and the differences in Traditional vs. High Performance organizations. Using the experiences of the group, we will look at how organizational structure, culture and communication patterns all contribute to the performance level of the organization.

A brief review of how Traditional Organizations differ from High Performance organizations leads us right into a discussion on how the Good will get in the way of the Great, in people and in organizations.

After our break we will examine the human qualities of great organizations and what makes people want to be part of them. This great “chicken and egg” dilemma will have us debating whether you get the great people first or have the great organization first!

Understanding some key areas to look at within our own organizations and those we are working with will allow change to happen quicker. Attending a half day session will not change the world! What it might do is give you ideas required to start identifying individuals and parts of your organization that are operating in Chaos. With that understanding you can start working towards High Performance!

Building High Performance Organizations

Darel Baker has over 20 years in the workforce in the areas of construction, health and fitness, Community College, Municipal Government, Non-Profit sector and most recently Financial Services. Darel brings a well rounded background to the Leadership arena. Darel has had the opportunity to work with an incredibly diverse range of personalities and talents. Successful recruiting, hiring and training have been a key to success throughout his career.

Darel has led management teams and other high performing teams with a number of companies and organizations. Roles include Chairing Community Fundraisers, Director for various Boards and Committees, Golf Course/Recreation Complex General Manager and Regional Director for one of Canada’s leading financial institutions.

Darel's firm, Keldar Leadership Solutions’ Core Purpose is “Empowering People to Achieve More in their Personal and Professional Lives”.

Edmonton Half Day Workshop Oct 20, 2004

Topic: Occupational Health & Safety in Alberta- New Updates

Employment Standards in Alberta- Today's Hottest Issues

Speaker: David Myrol, LL.B- Partner, McLennon Ross LLP, Edmonton

Cindy Thompson, Education Program Coordinator, Alberta Human Resources and Employment, Edmonton

Occupational Health & Safety in Alberta- New Updates
This session will include the latest developments in Occupational Health and Safety in Alberta. We will review of recent legislative changes, including the OHS Code and Criminal Code. There will also be a review of some of the important recent Alberta OHS cases. This workshop will also highlight the practical implications for organizations and managers, in order to help you understand the standards and avoid criminal negligence charges.

David Myrol is the chair of McLennan Ross’s OHS Practice Group and a partner in the firm. After graduating with an honours BA in philosophy from the University of Alberta in 1988, he went on to earn his law degree from the same school in 1991. He was admitted to the Alberta Bar in 1992. After working as a civil litigator and criminal defence lawyer, Dave became a Crown Prosecutor, a position he held for nearly nine years. During that time, he became the first full-time OHS Prosecutor in the province and worked on many precedent-setting OHS cases.

In addition, Dave helped develop provincial policy and procedure governing OHS investigations, and planned and delivered training for Alberta OHS Officers.

An accomplished public speaker, Dave has made countless presentations on the subject of OHS to professional associations around Alberta. Since 1996, he has been a regular lecturer at the Alberta Bar Admission Course.

Employment Standards in Alberta- Today's Hottest Issues
Everyone is familiar with Employment Standards, but do you know which issues lead to the most problems and litigation costs?

A good understanding of Alberta’s minimum standards for pay entitlements leads to improved employer/employee relations. It also helps employers to establish appropriate company policy and avoid policies that may require time-consuming (and costly) corrections later.

This informative session will cover the highlights of recent developments and changes in ESA. Wages are often the largest expense in a business. Topics to be discussed will include: Payment of Earnings, Minimum Wage, Payroll Records, Statement of Earnings and Deductions, Hours of work and rest, Overtime, Vacation and Holiday pay, Termination of Employment, Maternity and Parental Leave as well as Self-Employed/ Subcontractor relationships.

Every manager, regardless of industry sector and size of organization, will benefit from this most informative half day program!

Cindy Thompson is Education Program Coordinator, Workplace Partnerships, Alberta Human Resources and Employment. With over 25 years of experience behind her, she has become one of the province's leading experts in the field of Employment Standards. She has worked with all industry sectors assisting them to understand and interpret workplace legislation. Their program encourages employers and employees to work together to build strong and effective workplaces.

Edmonton Half Day Workshop February 11, 2004

Topic: Managing for Success: The Value of Values

Speaker: Joy M. Humphrey, Managing Partner, Excel Group Development Alberta, Calgary

What does a "wrong fit" employee or "turnover" cost your organization in terms of actual costs and productivity loss? What does team conflict or "mis-managed employees" cost your organization in terms of loss or decline of productivity/ performance? What is the cost of not knowing? These issues affect every organization. What can you do to overcome them?

To maximize performance, it is essential that leaders have a sound understanding of the motivators that fuel behaviour. This session will help you to understand and appreciate the motivators (values) that fuel behaviour and will give you insights into the uniqueness of your team. When knowledge of values is applied some of the typical outcomes include: reduced conflict and stress, increased productivity, improved communication and better morale. Knowledge of an individual’s attitudes helps to tell us WHY they do things. A review of an individual’s experiences, references, education and training help to tell us WHAT they can do. Behavioural assessments help to tell us HOW a person behaves and performs in the work environment. The PIAV report measures the relative prominence of six basic interests or attitudes (a way of valuing life).

This interactive workshop will feature the Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values Profile. For all participants registered before May 3, 2004 we will include a complimentary individual PIAV profile with feedback results (worth $100.00). As an added bonus, we will provide a free DISC Behavioural Profile to the first thirty (30) participants registered for this event.

The PIAV profile is based on a scientific, accepted model of what motivates people or the ‘Why’ of our actions. It is adapted from Eduard Spranger’s “Types of Men”. Spranger identified six attitudes or world-views. These attitudes are a type of window through which we view the world and seek fulfillment in our lives. If we are participating in a discussion, activity, or career that is in line with our attitudes, we will value the experience. Conversely, if we are in a conversation, activity or career that is against our dominant attitudes, we will be indifferent or even negative toward the experience, possibly causing stress.

Once you know the attitudes or values that drive the actions, you will gain a better understanding of conflict. You will also understand and appreciate your relationship with other individuals and members of your team. Every manager will benefit by participating in this dynamic workshop!

Edmonton Chapter Meeting: October 8, 2003

Topic: New Privacy Legislation for Alberta- What Every Organization Needs to Know

Speaker: Ian L. Wachowicz, Partner, Parlee McLaws LLP, Edmonton

Ian Wachowicz obtained his Law Degree from the University of Alberta in 1996 and was called to the Alberta Bar in 1997. Since then, he has practiced exclusively in the area of civil litigation. His fields of expertise at Parlee McLaws LLP include privacy issues, construction law, creditor's rights, administrative law, municipal law and insurance litigation. Ian has appeared before the Alberta Court of Appeal, the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court-Trial Division.

There are numerous new developments with the legislative system in Alberta regarding private sector policy. The federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) will apply to Alberta if the province does not pass its own privacy act. The province is currently in the process of doing so.

This most informative session will cover the acts and who they apply to. The 10 main principles of the Federal Act will be discussed to include accountability, identification, consent, limiting collection, limiting use, security, access and challenge- how this affects the workplace and the way your organization conducts business. You will also obtain information pertaining to any differences between the Federal Act and the draft provincial legislation.

Edmonton Chapter Meeting: October 8, 2003

Topic: Strategic Recruitment in Today's Workplace

Speaker: Richard Stoppler, President, Executrade, Edmonton

Richard Stoppler has been President, Owner and General Manager of Executrade for over 27 years. A special achievement for Rich in 2000 was Executrade's winning of the Torch Award for Business Ethics (Better Business Bureau-Central & Northern Alberta). Rich has received the national Leadership Award from ACSESS and holds the CHRP and CPC designations.Rich is a dynamic presenter whose creative mind is constantly seeking out new ways to "raise the bar", challenging his employees as well as his competitors.

In today's economy, much has changed in the way we recruit as well as supply and demand. What are the strategies related to filling the request for position? How do you train your managers and supervisors in order to standardize the request? How can you customize interview questions and the interview process? How should you "merchandise" the candidates to the department heads and supervisors?

Answers to these issues and more will be explored in this most informative session. You will also obtain the latest updates on timelines, advertising, selling your organization to applicants as well as effective questioning and listening.

This session will show you how to turn recruiting into a most positive and rewarding experience instead of agony and anxiety with your managers and supervisors. An excellent presentation not to be missed!

Edmonton Chapter Meeting: October 8, 2003

Topic: Human Resources- A Necessary Evil or Valued Partner?

Speaker: Jim Sanderson, CHRP, Vice President, Human Resources, Mistahia Health Region, Northwestern Alberta

Jim Sanderson Prior to becoming Vice President, HR for the Mistahia Health Region based in Grande Prairie, Jim was actively involved as President of James A. Sanderson and Associates Inc., a western Canadian based consulting company. He is a recognized national expert in quantitative human performance measurement, assessment methodologies and human asset management training. He has over 30 years' business and management experience in all aspects of human resources in the private, public and non-profit sectors. Jim served two consecutive terms as President of the Human Resources Institute of Alberta (HRIA) and sat on the Board of the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA).

What is the strategic perception of the HR profession? Often executives and managers within organizations feel they are not getting the value they need from their HR departments. Many traditional practices were designed to run the HR department, not the business at hand. Some executives now question the relevance of continuing to have an HR department as they plan for an ever changing future.

Separating fad from fiction and reality, this presentation will examine the emerging role of human resources practices in modern organizations. This will include a snapshot of where the profession has come from, the nature of challenges it faces today, and some recipes for success in the future.

Never content to maintain the status quo, this speaker will challenge all those interested to move to the forefront, seize control over their own destiny, and make a meaningful difference to the organization they serve. Every manager and administrator will benefit from this most dynamic presentation!

Edmonton Chapter Meeting: January 29, 2003

Topic: Did You Know? -A Personal Information Legal Update

Speaker: Michelle Simpson, B.A., LL.B., Partner, Trevoy Simpson LLP, Edmonton

Michelle Simpson, B.A., LL.B. was called to the Alberta Bar in 1982. Michelle is an active member of the Edmonton Bar Association, the Canadian Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the International Bar Association. Michelle's area of expertise includes practice management, the new privacy legislation, offshore aspects of doing business internationally and other international legal issues. Although Michelle's practice history has been with larger firms, she now enjoys practicing law in a small firm setting having set up her own in conjunction with her business partner Andrew J. Trevoy since 1998. Michelle's clients include large institutional clients, publicly traded corporations as well as owner-managed businesses. Michelle is an accomplished speaker and has been the featured presenter at numerous national and international conferences.

Any "personal information" about an identifiable person (be it that of your employees or your customers) that is moving across the Alberta boundary must be protected in the manner set out in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act ("PIPED"). Did you know, for example, that a member of your staff may now have the right to see minutes of even your most private management meetings if they contain "personal information" about that staff member? If you were thinking of not keeping minutes of these meetings, think again. What does this Act entail? What impact does it have on routine activities in the workplace? How does this affect your role as a senior manager? Do you realize that you now have a duty to accurately record the "personal information" your business collects? You'll definitely want to hear more about this new legislation so don't miss this event!

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